Brats 1st closet grow


Active Member
Hello, Im brand new at this, and all comments/suggestions are welcome!
Im doing this the cheapest way possible, its for personal use only..i'd be happy with one female plant at a time until i get the hang of this.

6/29-I started from some seeds from a decent bag and germinated them using paper towels.

6/30-little sprouts! I stuck them in solo cups with a mix of 5 parts miracle grow soil to 1 part perlite and hung a little $10 grow light from walmart.

7/2-sprouted out of soil. Watered to keep soil moist, no fertilizer.

7/7-they were growing really tall (weak light) so i put 2 shop lights up with a total of 4 daylight fluor. lights. (4 ft, 3050 lumens each, 40 watts each). I took them out of the cups and put them in pots with MG soil after I saturated the soil with water and a very small amount of mg fert (24*8*16).

Ive tried to get them as close to the light as thinking they might not be close enough...?

They're in my closet with a little fan blowing so they arent weak. As far as CO2, Im talking dirty to them..:mrgreen: I still need to get a thermometer in there.

After some research, I decided I'll keep light on them 24 hrs and plan on keeping it that way until they are about 6 weeks old or when i know the sex, then switch to 18/6. Ill start leaf fertilizing at that time.

Im not going to start fertilizing until maybe another 2 weeks from now, then do it every 3rd day.

When they get about 12-18" tall Im going to induce flowering with 12/12, and slow down fert schedule. (Not sure how often I should fert?) The last 3 weeks Im going to water them with a mix of water and molasses.

Im really concerned about smell and plan on researching that part next. I live in a condo.

Anyway, thats where I am right now...

Any comments and suggestions are VERY welcome...and if you wanna laugh at my ghetto ass set up thats cool, b/c after looking at it, I laughed too..:mrgreen:
Please feel free to correct me and my plan if you see something wrong with what I plan on doing.




Active Member
heres how tall they are right concerned the weak light they had for a week made them too tall so i planted them a little deeper when i put them in the big pots.
I took these with my phone so the quality isnt too great.



Well-Known Member
keep them lights as low as u can without burning them, I started my grow around the same time, 1st time hydro.....check it


Well-Known Member
Nice start brat! If you could afford it, I would get more light. You can get a 400 watt hps on ebay for $150. That would definately increase your yield.


Active Member
Nice start brat! If you could afford it, I would get more light. You can get a 400 watt hps on ebay for $150. That would definately increase your yield.
Thanks for the advice...I think I will be looking into some hps


Active Member
wow, the prices arent as high as I thought
thanks for the link and thanks for dropping in to my journal :blsmoke:


Active Member
not much change, but im excited and cant stop checking my babies!

one of them has a little leaf curling, ill watch it for discoloration, etc.
i have to stop myself from watering them again, why do we have the urge to over-care for them LOL?



Well-Known Member
Hello, Im brand new at this, and all comments/suggestions are welcome!
Im doing this the cheapest way possible, its for personal use only..i'd be happy with one female plant at a time until i get the hang of this.

6/29-I started from some seeds from a decent bag and germinated them using paper towels.

6/30-little sprouts! I stuck them in solo cups with a mix of 5 parts miracle grow soil to 1 part perlite and hung a little $10 grow light from walmart.

7/2-sprouted out of soil. Watered to keep soil moist, no fertilizer.

7/7-they were growing really tall (weak light) so i put 2 shop lights up with a total of 4 daylight fluor. lights. (4 ft, 3050 lumens each, 40 watts each). I took them out of the cups and put them in pots with MG soil after I saturated the soil with water and a very small amount of mg fert (24*8*16).

Ive tried to get them as close to the light as thinking they might not be close enough...?

They're in my closet with a little fan blowing so they arent weak. As far as CO2, Im talking dirty to them..:mrgreen: I still need to get a thermometer in there.

After some research, I decided I'll keep light on them 24 hrs and plan on keeping it that way until they are about 6 weeks old or when i know the sex, then switch to 18/6. Ill start leaf fertilizing at that time.

Im not going to start fertilizing until maybe another 2 weeks from now, then do it every 3rd day.

When they get about 12-18" tall Im going to induce flowering with 12/12, and slow down fert schedule. (Not sure how often I should fert?) The last 3 weeks Im going to water them with a mix of water and molasses.

Im really concerned about smell and plan on researching that part next. I live in a condo.

Anyway, thats where I am right now...

Any comments and suggestions are VERY welcome...and if you wanna laugh at my ghetto ass set up thats cool, b/c after looking at it, I laughed too..:mrgreen:
Please feel free to correct me and my plan if you see something wrong with what I plan on doing.


"7/7 very small amount of mg fert"

I would hold off a couple weeks or more before adding nutes to the mg soil