fdd's starting early ----- Outdoor '08


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
oh sorry. Redirect my comment at Jamrock.

That stuff looks like the polyacrylamide polymer crystals used in outdoor soil, and specifies it is for moisture loving plants. The other interesting thing has to do with its size. If you take polymer crystals and put a tsp into a cup and add water, they'll expand to fill a cup. I wonder if those guys have the same properties. I imagine they must to contain the water. It could be problematic in large volumes.


Too many brownies
damn the spam!

Fdd how are the revegged plants doing? Im hoping they will eventually hit a nice big growth spurt soon.
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Well-Known Member
Well here is a fresh new page for some FDD's outdoor 08 grow comments and pictures!!

anything new for us?


Well-Known Member
he we go. there are 3 of them that went funky that i kept. they have FINALLY started to fully veg. i think they would be twice this size if i would have pulled them and started over. i have a few of the same strain that i got a month or so ago that look great.

IMG_7913.jpg IMG_7915.jpg IMG_7921.jpg IMG_7914.jpg

this is what it should look like ....... IMG_7918.jpg

nepali grizzly

Well-Known Member
Nice work FDD, looks fuckin awesome man. Must be a lot of work keeping those girls happy. How tall are they now and how far away are those babies spaced? Looks like some have made it past the 6 ft mark. Also how tall do you estimate they'll be come harvest?


Well-Known Member
Nice work FDD, looks fuckin awesome man. Must be a lot of work keeping those girls happy. How tall are they now and how far away are those babies spaced? Looks like some have made it past the 6 ft mark. Also how tall do you estimate they'll be come harvest?

they are just around 6 foot. a few are taller a few are shorter. i have no idea how tall they will get. they are overgrowing each other.

IMG_7928.jpg IMG_7922.jpg IMG_7924.jpg IMG_7926.jpg