The toll of the anti-vaccination movement, in one devastating graphic

I rarely get sick and I mean RARELY. Maybe a cold every couple years. BUT my family does and we've gone years where we get the flu shot and years that we don't. I haven't really seen any big dif, but some fan members claim that when vaccinated, if they did get the flu the duration of it and the symptoms were lessened. I'm not convinced. I did vaccinate my kids, but man now there seem to be so many MORE vaccines for your baby. That's a load of crap to be shooting into such a little body. I lean towards vaccinating for the biggies, but things like Chicken pox? Better to have them and be immune for life rather than get a vaccine as a baby then have to remember as an adult to booster every so often.
Uninformed does not equal idiocy. I don't think I can say the same about a single picture response to someone posting up a common misconception..

You never answered my question. Why do you care? Is it trivia, is it just so you can mock people, or do you have and cattle in the herd?

There have been other threads where CS is vehemently against vaccinations, he believes they harm people, very valid picture for him imo

Look at the picture in the OP, that's why I care. Not getting vaccinated is selfish beyond belief
There have been other threads where CS is vehemently against vaccinations, he believes they harm people, very valid picture for him imo

Look at the picture in the OP, that's why I care. Not getting vaccinated is selfish beyond belief

So, a general care and concern post? I'm just curious about your motivations. Personally, I don't think it's selfish; I think it's selfish of most people to get immunizations. Our species won't survive, if we keep dropping our defenses to possible microscopic assaults. I understand more will die, without vaccines, and some vaccines are required because the herd's already lost it's collective immunity, I can't advocate for our intentionally destroying our own species survival and claim that to NOT get the ultimate demise to our species is selfish.

Personally, I come from a family that survived blankets and the black plague. We're at very low risk for infection. It's just as selfish to ask me and mine to get poked and suffer the pain of vaccinations, just because others are genetically less prepared for reality.
No vaccines for me, not even a flu shot. Closed system. Feck big pharm and feck the NWO. Oh, and feck' Barry, Bucky and Cheezytoes.

i have that effect of getting into the skulls of racist retards and living there rent free.

Ahh the good old days of Polio. Nostalgia or ignorance?

Those that don't agree with vaccine use have forgotten (or never learned) history.
OMG i love you dyna that is hilarious. feel somewhat bad for the chick, seems like bs but super funny
  • "If Johnny Fuckwit sends little typhoid Mary and measles Marvin to school" also chiiiilarious​

The rapid growth of corruption is the main reason to why a lot of people are now skeptical/paranoid about vaccinations.

Biological warfare?
ya know actually i was in the army for 4 years, got all vaccinations regularly. I have never been sick so often in my life. Since finishing my enlistment i have had no vaccinations and have been sick once in 3 years........ makes you wonder
ya know actually i was in the army for 4 years, got all vaccinations regularly. I have never been sick so often in my life. Since finishing my enlistment i have had no vaccinations and have been sick once in 3 years........ makes you wonder

I haven't been to the doctor since I was 18. I cant remember the last time I got sick. Usually if I catch a bug, it goes right through me. I believe that a good diet and exercise goes a long way....
ya know actually i was in the army for 4 years, got all vaccinations regularly. I have never been sick so often in my life. Since finishing my enlistment i have had no vaccinations and have been sick once in 3 years........ makes you wonder

Do you still live in a barracks in close quarter with a hundred other men? If not, move to the local YMCA and see what happens.
i had my own apartment for 2 years of that, tho i do not spend much time around people these days but that could account for some of it i suppose
Still, I've never had a flu shot. I don't fear the flu as much as diphtheria, measles, German measles, polio or tb. Yeah, I know about 1919, but that mostly was fatal for 20 year olds. So I do have some innate distrust of the process. Ya picks yer battles. Somewhat unsettling is the trend of employers requiring employees to get flu shots. Mostly restricted to health care, but I could see the trend growing. I don't like that at all.
Ahh the good old days of Polio. Nostalgia or ignorance?

Those that don't agree with vaccine use have forgotten (or never learned) history.

Personally I'm a big fan of smallpox. Fortunately, that one was declared eradicated in 1979 through the widespread use of vaccine. We can eradicate the rest of the diseases we have vaccines for but only if it is taken by everyone who is able to.

The rapid growth of corruption is the main reason to why a lot of people are now skeptical/paranoid about vaccinations.

Biological warfare?

A couple of points. I've read enough of farmer's hat's posts so that I really really hate to suggest that he is not totally incorrect here. The US has (very unwisely) used vaccination programs to ferret out suspected terrorists in Afghanistan, Pakistan and likely more countries. Not only has this undermined the effectiveness of the vaccination program in an area of the world at greatest risk, but it has endangered the lives of non-Homeland Security doctors doing real public health work. I am aware of at least one doctor being murdered despite no connection to US intel and one that did.

I consider this morally reprehensible and utterly - idiotically - counter productive.

Reason number 17 on my list of why I do not work for the US Dept of State. Though, to be fair, reason one is probably 'the State Department wants nothing to do with me.

I don't know if this was what he meant. Probably not. But from the perspective of the rest of the world, he's not too far from wrong.