True enough but there are usually plea deals if they dont go to trial.
but OTOH, statistics show the minorities themselves ain't helping their image either....
care to cite that?
In this section of the forum if you post facts or otherwise against black people you are automatically labeled a racist.I can just cite UB earlier in this thread (reluctantly)...fact is 70% of blacks are born outside of marriage....this factoid has everything to do with cultural deficiencies and is self correcting, esp. if given enough social taboos and pressures
beyond that, you could list over a dozen statistics blacks and other minorities lag behind whites and Asians (to a large extent)....
...being honest with reality isn't necessarily racist or detrimental if placed in the right context and perspective
I can just cite UB earlier in this thread (reluctantly)...fact is 70% of blacks are born outside of marriage....this factoid has everything to do with cultural deficiencies and is self correcting, esp. if given enough social taboos and pressures
beyond that, you could list over a dozen statistics blacks and other minorities lag behind whites and Asians (to a large extent)....
...being honest with reality isn't necessarily racist or detrimental if placed in the right context and perspective
yet, I'm labeled a racist.
that's kinda what happens when you cite and adamantly defend white supremacy groups.
Um, no.
You're not the judge on what is racist and what is not
I guess the same thing you can seem to grasp from this:you cited jared taylor's group, which is an admittedly white separatist group, and you defend them endlessly.
what don't you get about this?
my citing was intentional whether you want to believe it or not.
I guess the same thing you can seem to grasp from this:
don't tell me what you could cite, actually cite me the stats that support your claim that "minorities ain't helping their [own] image either".
it shouldn't be that hard for you to cite the numbers that you claim exist.
Why; the fact blacks lag behind whites in a LOT of categories is self evident...
just because you demand I go run off and find statistics to satisfy some argument or need of yours when we all know something like this to be blatantly obvious is a waste of my time...
saying negatives or pointing facts out does not mean I'm racist or have some Fox media slanted agenda ....
what is racist or bigoted is skipping over the cause/effect that put blacks and minorities in their current position (and yeah unfortunately currently a lot of minority issues are self perpetuating)
so you intentionally cited and defended jared taylor's white separatist group?
I cited the color of crime and defended the research pulled from the FBI.
This really isn't that hard to grasp. I mean seriously.
i'm not sure what your buddies in thievery have to do with racism in any way. care to explain?
ah, so you're an unrepentant thief to boot.
yes it does, thief.
or should i say, unrepentant thief.