Obama caught in lie-deportation numbers lowest since Nixon

We appreciate your opinion ( including the usual pathetic attempt at distraction)and recognize that even though you can not dispute the truth your
blind allegiance is admirable to some . We welcome the indoctrinated, and you have been selected for an upcoming Obama video as well.

is it produced by the same white supremacy funded group you linked to in the OP?


nice try, toolwoman.
is it produced by the same white supremacy funded group you linked to in the OP?


nice try, toolwoman.

Thank you for your opinion. Myself and the justices of the supreme court disagree.
If you feel more comfortable stick with the Obama DHS appointee or the DHS. They
provide sound evidence that Obama lied and deportations are at record low
even with record resources.
Thank you for your opinion.

since you are gonna copy and paste the exact same reply, i may as well do the same to stay on your level:

it's not my opinion, it is fact.

in fact, here is prominent racist john stanton saying so himself: I also helped raise a grant in 1985 for the Center for Immigration Studies


he goes on in that same rant to talk about how he took money from the white supremacists at the pioneer fund.

so no, it's not my opinion. it's a fact.

sorry, toolwoman.