Active Member
I am going to start working near Acton, Ca and am calling out the best butane whizzes out there to come challange my reputation. Bring your best extract, the same plant matter that is used to create your extract (not reblasted, but virgin stuff) so that you can see the yield difference. If you decide to take my challange to see how much better CO² is better than butane, then P.M. me so we can arrange an appointment. Don't P.M. me unless you post and have rep. Here is the list of materials
Everclear Bottle
Dry Ice
Tank of Carbon Dioxide 5, 10, or 20lbs
I won't be answering questions unless the tutorial is a planned option. The reason I am doing this is to have some verified locals post about the resulting product I obtain way whooping ass on what you guys share as common knowledge is really blind leading blind. Please don't post any shit talking unless you have tried the product and think its crap. If you decide to talk shit, I will simply ignore you and not ever acknowledege anything you say from that point on. I'm so serious and tired of all these lames talking as if their bho couldn't possibly be beat to just bring it. Stop talking out your ass' and just bring it.
Everclear Bottle
Dry Ice
Tank of Carbon Dioxide 5, 10, or 20lbs
I won't be answering questions unless the tutorial is a planned option. The reason I am doing this is to have some verified locals post about the resulting product I obtain way whooping ass on what you guys share as common knowledge is really blind leading blind. Please don't post any shit talking unless you have tried the product and think its crap. If you decide to talk shit, I will simply ignore you and not ever acknowledege anything you say from that point on. I'm so serious and tired of all these lames talking as if their bho couldn't possibly be beat to just bring it. Stop talking out your ass' and just bring it.