AN or Humbolt Nutrients?

blue planet nutrients. or dyna gro. botanicare is really good too. Save your money and go with one of those.
Advanced Nutrients are expensive but worth it, from what I've seen here. I've heard some good things about HN.

Anyone have some pictures of grows with any of these two?

I actually use both in combination. I use advanced primarily but humboldts honey es, hum bolt, and flavorful are really good products, I use them in aact teas with an carboload, organicare seaplex...u get the picture. point being they are both good but advanced has the edge for me. check my journal u can see both in action
I actually use both in combination. I use advanced primarily but humboldts honey es, hum bolt, and flavorful are really good products, I use them in aact teas with an carboload, organicare seaplex...u get the picture. point being they are both good but advanced has the edge for me. check my journal u can see both in action

I can't find your journal man lol I really wanna see them
What do you use?

I recommend Dyna grow or jacks classic for soil and peters professional 2 part hydro
for hydroponics- cheaper, better, no cartoons, just legitimate professional quality stuff
flora nova would be a good one for a newbie as well but costs more -it is very concentrated like the others I mentioned but leaves a brown film in hydro. _ I hate paying for nutes that are 95% water

Keep it simple the hype is just hype
dont by into a million fancy bottles!
Hell yeah thats why i like blue planet. Quarts are like 12 and gallons are 20 or 22 i think. Really nice stuff and their additives arent necessary theyre just there if you want to try some new shit and see if it does anything. They offer a humic/fulvic if you want. They have a cal-mag if youre using RO, as well as a few others that last for EVER because you use so little of them. I have a quart of humic thats not even 1/4 of the way gone and ive had it for over a year or 2. Dont think it goes bad either. They have a 2 part synth, a 3 part synth, and a 3 part organic. Ive used the 3 part synth and 3 part organic and had amazing results with all. Cant beat it for the price IMHO

Their organic line is nice for those who like organics. SUPER potent. Burned the fuck out of my plants the first time i used it. Turned my plant yellow from top to bottom. It was fine with regular water for like 2 weeks after that. This was also on a plant that was over a month old that i was mothering out to take clones from. From then on i kept it nice and slow. Perfect green all through flower til i tossed em in the dark.

That strain wasnt a heavy feeder so ones after it could handle the recommended dosage haha.

Dyna is nice but throws your ph off alot so youll be needing ph+/- but thats no big deal. You can even email them and ask for a few sample bottles and theyll send em out to you within a week or 2. I did it then went and bought some more when i was done. Only problem was i saw that i was showing slight deficiencies with some strains. Especially when i switched to LED. IDK if its true but ive heard growing under LEDs requires a slightly different feeding ratio and it would kind of make sense because the things that the specific wavelengths of light are hitting use certain nutrients. Ive heard calcium is used by one of the chlorophyll alot and the other ones use specific nutrients especially.

It would make sense because the clones i just transplanted are not even a week old in the veg tent and are begging for nutes like no others! I usually go a solid 2 weeks with my clones before even consider feeding them 1/4 strength. Same with the seedlings i started.
I did see a video on YouTube and it was Dyna Gro vs Advanced Nutrients. The Dyna Gro plant looked much better and it was frostier than the Advanced Nutrients one. The Advanced nutrient plant did look a little heavier though, just by a tiny little bit. But that Dyna Gro one looked so frosty.
I did see a video on YouTube and it was Dyna Gro vs Advanced Nutrients. The Dyna Gro plant looked much better and it was frostier than the Advanced Nutrients one. The Advanced nutrient plant did look a little heavier though, just by a tiny little bit. But that Dyna Gro one looked so frosty.

His vids were inspired by the journal in my signature. You can indeed grow killer meds with plants foods that don't rape your wallet.
I did see a video on YouTube and it was Dyna Gro vs Advanced Nutrients. The Dyna Gro plant looked much better and it was frostier than the Advanced Nutrients one. The Advanced nutrient plant did look a little heavier though, just by a tiny little bit. But that Dyna Gro one looked so frosty.

not everyone is an expert at using advanced nutrients. there is no exact science of application of fertilizers. Only the plant and plant itself, tells you how she is doing and what she needs. Dosages on fertilizers are a guideline. I grow with advanced nutrients, heavy 16, Humboldt, and the list goes on. I know whose and what products are good and whats full of bs or crap. Dyna Gro will indeed grow a plant, but advanced nutrients and some others that will out perform the dyna when used properly according to what the plant needs.
and of course homebrewer is gonna give his 2 cents but he really does not know how to apply fertilizer according to a plants needs. Its more of a schedule to his style of growing imho. If u are growing in soil, your main secret weapon is compost tea, not crappy fertilizers. My compost tea supplies all nutrition to my huge plants and they get base fertilizer maybe once every two weeks and even that is organic
imho user homebrewer has an agenda to "bash" on users of advanced nutrients and will not give you a fair perspective on things. Yes, most of us know his position with dyna gro and that's great lol. point being there are some really knowledgeable growers on here that can really teach you some good habits. and there are some that could just as easily poison you with bad habits and information. It will be up to you to ultimately decide on whats best for your garden. wish you the best of luck :)
not everyone is an expert at using advanced nutrients. there is no exact science of application of fertilizers. Only the plant and plant itself, tells you how she is doing and what she needs. Dosages on fertilizers are a guideline. I grow with advanced nutrients, heavy 16, Humboldt, and the list goes on. I know whose and what products are good and whats full of bs or crap. Dyna Gro will indeed grow a plant, but advanced nutrients and some others that will out perform the dyna when used properly according to what the plant needs.

Any halfway educated person in this hobby knows it's all about the ratios and the guaranteed analysis. Salts are salts and you folks pushing the expensive snake oils just happen to pay a lot more for them than we do.

and of course homebrewer is gonna give his 2 cents but he really does not know how to apply fertilizer according to a plants needs. Its more of a schedule to his style of growing imho. If u are growing in soil, your main secret weapon is compost tea, not crappy fertilizers. My compost tea supplies all nutrition to my huge plants and they get base fertilizer maybe once every two weeks and even that is organic

I appreciate the laugh.

imho user homebrewer has an agenda to "bash" on users of advanced nutrients and will not give you a fair perspective on things. Yes, most of us know his position with dyna gro and that's great lol. point being there are some really knowledgeable growers on here that can really teach you some good habits. and there are some that could just as easily poison you with bad habits and information. It will be up to you to ultimately decide on whats best for your garden. wish you the best of luck :)

I'll bash anyone pushing hype when the results always, always fall short. Got results to back up your point? So do I so lets see 'em ;).
I did see a video on YouTube and it was Dyna Gro vs Advanced Nutrients. The Dyna Gro plant looked much better and it was frostier than the Advanced Nutrients one. The Advanced nutrient plant did look a little heavier though, just by a tiny little bit. But that Dyna Gro one looked so frosty.

just remember advanced (like many) is specifically designed to suck the money from young newbies
who dont understand plant nutrition
just remember advanced (like many) is specifically designed to suck the money from young newbies
who dont understand plant nutrition

agreed. newbs will buy many things, its what they do lol...newbs are gonna mess up with advanced or gh cause they r newbs lol. I would tell a noob to use dyna,fox,gh,hell a lot of things. they have to mess up to learn, we all have done it and it makes us better gardeners
Advanced Nutrients are expensive but worth it, from what I've seen here. I've heard some good things about HN.

Anyone have some pictures of grows with any of these two?

sorry for the arguing mess bro, not really my style. just the nerve of some people being closed minded. But if you go soil, keep natural and use beneficial compost teas. Use them for a foliar feeding regimen as well. You can grow really healthy fat plants that taste great and smoke good by using good techniques. You can still use some synthetics and boosters but, there is a certain time and place for those in a crop cycle. If you look around rollitup, there are some amazing growers here that are very skilled in gardening. whether they use advanced nutrients, Humboldt, general hydro or general organics, botanicare...etc You will need to be specific about your room and style of growing to get specific help. You can PM me anytime if you have any more questions