USCB Radical feminist porn professor goes nuts

i am Ok with criminals being executed.

innocent men being executed is a meaningless hypothetical.

anti-death penalty activists insist is MUST have happened, but cannot cite a case of an innocent man being executed.

nobody is executed "for not committing a crime", the best you could argue is that somebody MAY have been wrongly convicted, yet examples of this happening in a death penalty case remain elusive.

your argument is just a shabby appeal to emotion, and pointless "What If" sophistry.

I'm a vegan and an atheistic buddhist, that's not my reason for being against capital punishment. If you kill when there's another way, it puts your "chi" out of balance. But sometimes there's no other choice when your animal fight or flight takes over.
here's a non-"climbing in through the windows in the dark" version of events

In February 1983, Wanda Lopez, was stabbed to death during her night shift at the gas station where she worked. After a brief manhunt, police found De Luna hiding under a pick-up truck. Recently released from prison, he was violating his parole by drinking in public. De Luna immediately told police that he was innocent and he offered the name of the person who he saw at the gas station. Police ignored the fact that he did not have a drop of blood on him even though the crime scene was covered in blood. De Luna was arrested too soon after the crime to clean himself up. The single eyewitness to the crime, Kevin Baker, confirmed to police that De Luna was the murderer after police told him he was the right guy.
At trial De Luna named Carlos Hernandez as the man he saw inside the gas station, across the street from the bar where De Luna had been drinking. Hernandez and DeLuna were strikingly similar in appearance but, unlike DeLuna, Hernandez had a long history of knife attacks similar to the convenience store killing and repeatedly told friends and relatives that he had committed the murder. Friends confirmed that he was romantically linked to Lopez as well. De Luna’s lawyers knew of Hernandez’s criminal past but never thoroughly investigated his previous crimes. On December 7, 1989, Texas executed 27-year old Carlos De Luna.

actually thats the bullshit version of the facts at issue.

2 witnesses fingered deluna as the perp, Deluna's own statements to the cops were full of lies, and he made a lot of crazy statements about his Evil Twin.

in summary, his conviction has not been overturned, he has not been demonstrated "innocent", and your argument is, as usual full of crap.

at best, these claims (which were not presented by his defense, so are mere speculation) MIGHT have raised some doubt, and COULD have swayed the jury to find him guilty of a lesser charge, but barring any exculpatory evidence, these assertions are worthless.

typical Buckpost.

full ad hominem flavour, zero substance
actually thats the bullshit version of the facts at issue.

2 witnesses fingered deluna as the perp, Deluna's own statements to the cops were full of lies, and he made a lot of crazy statements about his Evil Twin.

in summary, his conviction has not been overturned, he has not been demonstrated "innocent", and your argument is, as usual full of crap.

at best, these claims (which were not presented by his defense, so are mere speculation) MIGHT have raised some doubt, and COULD have swayed the jury to find him guilty of a lesser charge, but barring any exculpatory evidence, these assertions are worthless.

typical Buckpost.

full ad hominem flavour, zero substance

i'm in a generous mood today, so despite your long history of getting important and obvious facts completely wrong, i'll concede this one to you out of pure charity.

you've still got nine more to go that i also posted, so get to it.
I'm a vegan and an atheistic buddhist, that's not my reason for being against capital punishment. If you kill when there's another way, it puts your "chi" out of balance. But sometimes there's no other choice when your animal fight or flight takes over.

since the rest of the world doesnt share your religious views, they are hardly convincing.

if you want to end the death penalty based on your superstitions, get out there and sell your story to the public.

i dont like your chances.
i'm in a generous mood today, so despite your long history of getting important and obvious facts completely wrong, i'll concede this one to you out of pure charity.

you've still got nine more to go that i also posted, so get to it.

your acquiescence to fact is irrelevant.

Deluna is the only case of "innocent execution" that has been presented, and it is shaky, speculative and full of Spock's Beard, and Patty Duke Show nonsense.

if you assert that there are more cases, i doubt any of them are any better than the case for Deluna's innocence.

if you feel so confident, make the positive assertion that some executed felon was innocent, dont just demand 9 more examples of bullshit cases from me.
your acquiescence to fact is irrelevant.

Deluna is the only case of "innocent execution" that has been presented, and it is shaky, speculative and full of Spock's Beard, and Patty Duke Show nonsense.

if you assert that there are more cases, i doubt any of them are any better than the case for Deluna's innocence.

if you feel so confident, make the positive assertion that some executed felon was innocent, dont just demand 9 more examples of bullshit cases from me.

not acquiescing to your non-facts, i'm simply supposing you are right for the sake of argument.

remember, you're the one who asserts that an innocent man has NEVER been executed, despite the mountain of evidence to the contrary.

it is now your job to move that mountain, not my job to prove it exists.

just a reminder of kynes' complete inability to separate fantasy from fact:

never arrested, never booked, he was QUESTIONED by the cops to ascertain that he was in fact not a burglar, the questioning took a moment longer than he thought appropriate so he threw a tantrum. even then he was not arrested, not booked, and not charged with anything, despite being a petulant whiney bitch to the cops who were simply investigating some guy crawling through his window in the dark.


henry louis gates was indeed arrested in his own home after presenting ID and never crawled through a window in the dark, he went through his door in the light of day.
not acquiescing to your non-facts, i'm simply supposing you are right for the sake of argument.

remember, you're the one who asserts that an innocent man has NEVER been executed, despite the mountain of evidence to the contrary.

it is now your job to move that mountain, not my job to prove it exists.

NOPE. thats not how it works.

Nobody has ever proved an "innocent execution" in the US, since the death penalty was re-instituted.

this is a fact.

such a proven case would result in a MASSIVE civil judgement for his or her relatives, and the left would cream their panties in glee.

if you wish to assert that there ARE such cases, present them.

i do not have to prove that theres no such thing as trolls, unicorns and strippers with a heart of gold, if you want to make such an absurd assertion, then it's YOUR job to prove it dipshit.

just a reminder of kynes' complete inability to separate fantasy from fact:

henry louis gates was indeed arrested in his own home after presenting ID and never crawled through a window in the dark, he went through his door in the light of day.

and i already conceded that i was mistaken in that very thread, but hey, thats irrelevant right.

it's the seriousness of the charge that makes your un-related ad hominem so pertinent.

Deluna has NOT been posthumously acquitted through the Doppleganger Defense, so your argument is specious.
since the rest of the world doesnt share your religious views, they are hardly convincing.

if you want to end the death penalty based on your superstitions, get out there and sell your story to the public.

i dont like your chances.

Ad Populam isn't logical.

The Buddhist stance is internal and towards self actualization, and doesn't emphasize on the other like you do. That would make your beliefs superstitious.

But since you brought up numbers. If everyone in the world did share my "religious" views, there'd be very little to almost non-existant crime, murder or wars. I fail to understand why that's so bad. Another thing, there are over 380 million Buddhists, more than the population of the US, yet we dominate, or try to dominate the world. A Shingon Buddhist type world, wouldn't be such a bad thing. The people back then were wrong to keep Shingon such a private practice. They thought it would become corrupted by the evils, but what good is something if others are trying to wipe you out?

Islam attempted to exterminate Buddhists for no reason, except they were scared of us. Maybe we should've adopted more of a kill them all attitude towards Islamics. If someone has a hate boner to eradicate your kind, you have every right and duty to exterminate them before they do you. To just defend yourself in that case, is only asking for trouble.
NOPE. thats not how it works.

Nobody has ever proved an "innocent execution" in the US, since the death penalty was re-instituted.

this is a fact.

such a proven case would result in a MASSIVE civil judgement for his or her relatives, and the left would cream their panties in glee.

if you wish to assert that there ARE such cases, present them.

i do not have to prove that theres no such thing as trolls, unicorns and strippers with a heart of gold, if you want to make such an absurd assertion, then it's YOUR job to prove it dipshit.

and i already conceded that i was mistaken in that very thread, but hey, thats irrelevant right.

it's the seriousness of the charge that makes your un-related ad hominem so pertinent.

Deluna has NOT been posthumously acquitted through the Doppleganger Defense, so your argument is specious.

goddamn, how stupid can you be?

so what you want me to believe is that the dozens of death row inmates who have been exonerated (i'm not quite sure you understand what that word means, but i will use it anyway) were the only wrongly accused innocent people sentenced to death, and that every single person who was actually executed was indeed guilty?

got any fucking bridges while you're at it?
goddamn, how stupid can you be?

so what you want me to believe is that the dozens of death row inmates who have been exonerated (i'm not quite sure you understand what that word means, but i will use it anyway) were the only wrongly accused innocent people sentenced to death, and that every single person who was actually executed was indeed guilty?

got any fucking bridges while you're at it?

so, when translated from Shitpost to english, the above reads as follows:

"I, Bucky the Munificent cant find a single example of an executed convict who was posthumously found innocent, so I shall make a sweeping declaration that there simply MUST be at least one, though I cannot find it."

"With much handwaving and hocus pocus I, Bucky The Munificent shall now distract from my inability to support my claims with hyperbole."

next stop, talking about your dick for 8-10 posts, then declaring victory.
so, when translated from Shitpost to english, the above reads as follows:

"I, Bucky the Munificent cant find a single example of an executed convict who was posthumously found innocent, so I shall make a sweeping declaration that there simply MUST be at least one, though I cannot find it."

"With much handwaving and hocus pocus I, Bucky The Munificent shall now distract from my inability to support my claims with hyperbole."

next stop, talking about your dick for 8-10 posts, then declaring victory.

it's a mathematical inevitability. there have dozens sentenced to death row who have been later exonerated, and those are only the ones that we know of. for every one exonerated from death row, there are several more behind without the funds, wit, personal hygiene, mental sanity or living witnesses to exculpate themselves.

mathematical impossibility of your assertion excluded, i will reiterate that i already gave you NINE other cases to write off in your signature fashion. this should be a fun writing assignment for you, since you claim that ALL these stories are bullshit. if you need a more challenging assignment, i'm sure i can find about 100 more.

meh, who am i kidding? math and numbers are bullshit and the justice system is infallible. all evidence to the contrary is simply buckpost. stop ad homming me.
so, when translated from Shitpost to english, the above reads as follows:

"I, Bucky the Munificent cant find a single example of an executed convict who was posthumously found innocent, so I shall make a sweeping declaration that there simply MUST be at least one, though I cannot find it."

"With much handwaving and hocus pocus I, Bucky The Munificent shall now distract from my inability to support my claims with hyperbole."

next stop, talking about your dick for 8-10 posts, then declaring victory.

um, george stinney for one:

[SIZE=1.5] [/SIZE]

[TD="colspan: 3"][/TD]

[TD="width: 34%, bgcolor: #000000"]
[TD="width: 33%, bgcolor: #000000"]
[TD="width: 33%, bgcolor: #000000"][/TD]
[SIZE=1.5] [/SIZE] [SIZE=1.5]
[SIZE=1.5] [/SIZE][SIZE=1.5] [/SIZE][SIZE=1.5] [/SIZE]

[TD="width: 100%"] [/TD]

[TD="width: 100%"] Classification: Homicide [/TD]

[TD="width: 100%"] Characteristics: Juvenile (14) - T [SIZE=1.5] [SIZE=1.5]he[/SIZE] youngest person executed in the United States in the 20th century [/SIZE][/TD]

[TD="width: 100%"] Number of victims: 2 [/TD]

[TD="width: 100%"] Date of murders: March 24, 1944 [/TD]

[TD="width: 100%"] [SIZE=1.5] Date of arrest: Next day[/SIZE] [/TD]

[TD="width: 100%"] Date of birth: October 21, 1929 [/TD]

[TD="width: 100%"] Victims profile: Betty June Binnicker, 11, and Mary Emma Thames, 8 [/TD]

[TD="width: 100%"] Method of murder: Beating with a 15 inch railroad spike [/TD]

[TD="width: 100%"] Location: Clarendon County, South Carolina, USA [/TD]

[TD="width: 100%"] Status: Executed by electrocution on June 16, 1944 [/TD]

[TD="width: 100%"][/TD]

[TD="width: 100%"][/TD]

[SIZE=1.5][SIZE=1.5][SIZE=1.5]George Junius Stinney Jr. (born October 21, 1929, died June 16, 1944) was, at age 14, the youngest person executed in the United States in the 20th century.
The case
Stinney, who was black, was arrested for murdering two white girls, Betty June Binnicker, age 11, and Mary Emma Thames, age 8, in Alcolu, located in Clarendon County, South Carolina, on March 23, 1944.
The girls had disappeared while out riding their bicycle looking for flowers. As they passed the Stinney property, they asked young George Stinney and his sister, Katherine, if they knew where to find "maypops", a type of flower. When the girls did not return, search parties were organized, with hundreds of volunteers, and their bodies were found the next morning in a ditch filled with muddy water. Both had suffered severe head wounds.
Stinney was arrested a few hours later and was interrogated by several white officers in a locked room with no witnesses aside from the officers; within an hour, a deputy announced that Stinney had confessed to the crime.
According to the confession, Stinney (90 lbs, 5'1") wanted to "have sex with" 11 year old Betty June Binnicker and could not do so until her companion, Mary Emma Thames, age 8, was removed from the scene; thus he decided to kill Mary Emma. When he went to kill Mary Emma, both girls "fought back" and he thus decided to kill Betty June, as well, with a 15 inch railroad spike that was found in the same ditch a distance from the bodies.
According to the accounts of deputies, Stinney apparently had been successful in killing both at once, causing major blunt trauma to their heads, shattering the skulls of each into at least 4-5 pieces. The next day, Stinney was charged with first-degree murder.
Jones describes the town's mood as grief, transformed in the span of a few hours into seething anger, with the murders raising racially and politically charged tension. Townsmen threatened to storm the local jail to lynch Stinney, but prior to this, he had been removed to Charleston by law enforcement. Stinney's father was fired from his job at the local lumber mill and the Stinney family left town during the night in fear for their lives.
The trial took place on April 24 at the Clarendon County Courthouse. Jury selection began at 10 am, ending just after noon, and the trial commenced at 2:30 pm. Stinney's court appointed lawyer was 30-year-old Charles Plowden, who had political aspirations. Plowden did not cross-examine witnesses, his defense was reported to consist of the claim that Stinney was too young to be held responsible for the crimes. However the law in South Carolina at the time regarded anyone over the age of 14 as an adult.
Closing arguments concluded at 4:30 pm, the jury retired just before 5 pm and deliberated for 10 minutes, returning a guilty verdict with no recommendation for mercy. Stinney was sentenced to death in the electric chair. When asked about appeals, Plowden replied that there would be no appeal, as the Stinney family had no money to pay for a continuation. When asked about the trial, Lorraine Binnicker Bailey, the sister of Betty June Binnicker, one of the murdered children, stated:
"Everybody knew that he done it, even before they had the trial they knew that he done it. But, I don't think that they had too much of a trial".
Local churches, the N.A.A.C.P., and unions pleaded with Governor Olin D. Johnston to stop the execution and commute the sentence to life imprisonment, citing Stinney's age as a mitigating factor. There was substantial controversy about the pending execution, with one citizen writing to Johnston, stating, "Child execution is only for Hitler". Still, there were supporters of Stinney's execution; another letter to Johnston stated: "Sure glad to hear of your decision regarding the nigger Stinney." Johnston did nothing, thereby allowing the execution to proceed.
The execution was carried out at the South Carolina State Penitentiary in Columbia, South Carolina on the morning of June 16, 1944, less than three months after the crime.
At 7:30 a.m. Stinney walked to the execution chamber, a bible under his arm. There were difficulties strapping the boy who at 5-1 feet and just over 90 lbs was comparably small for his age, to the electric chair. In addition, the face mask used in executions did not fit properly.
As a result, according to witnesses, it slid of his face during the execution, exposing his face to the witnesses. Stinney was pronounced dead less than four minutes after the execution began.
Until today, the Stinney case has been regarded as controversial because it has not really satisfactorily been solved and because the investigations and judicial process showed severe shortcomings.
In this context, 1988, the case gave rise to the novel "Carolina Skeletons" by David Stout. 1991, it became the base for the film "Carolina Skeletons" (also "The End of Silence") directed by John Erman, featuring Kenny Blank (who changed his name to Kenn Michael later) as Linus Bragg, the 14 year old protagonist that is meant for George Stinney Jr.
It was later found that a beam with which the two girls had been killed weighed over twenty pounds. It was ruled that George wasn't able to lift the beam, let alone swing it hard enough to kill the two girls.

cameron todd willingham looks like a candidate for wrongful execution. 1993 arson case in texas.
Kynes, my prior post was sincere, so i don't understand your response to it.
the point i was attempting to highlight in here was that the ucsb professor's scholarship is irrelevant to the "case" being made against her for "assault." If you think a college education, particularly a liberal arts education, is well suited for the procurement of work, then you misunderstand the concept of education en toto.
If you are of the opinion that the state should only fund "programs of study" that are profitable, then you do not believe in public education nor the greater goal of knowledge production. What you believe in is taxpayer funded training programs. certifications granted by an immense bureaucracy that declare an individual's capacity to do a single job. and the society that places all value in terms of the bottom line on a balance sheet is one that will be as worthwhile and historically permanent as the paper fiat money it reveres above all else.
cameron todd willingham looks like a candidate for wrongful execution. 1993 arson case in texas.
Kynes, my prior post was sincere, so i don't understand your response to it.
the point i was attempting to highlight in here was that the ucsb professor's scholarship is irrelevant to the "case" being made against her for "assault." If you think a college education, particularly a liberal arts education, is well suited for the procurement of work, then you misunderstand the concept of education en toto.
If you are of the opinion that the state should only fund "programs of study" that are profitable, then you do not believe in public education nor the greater goal of knowledge production. What you believe in is taxpayer funded training programs. certifications granted by an immense bureaucracy that declare an individual's capacity to do a single job. and the society that places all value in terms of the bottom line on a balance sheet is one that will be as worthwhile and historically permanent as the paper fiat money it reveres above all else.

so, when translated from Shitpost to english, the above reads as follows:

"I, Bucky the Munificent cant find a single example of an executed convict who was posthumously found innocent, so I shall make a sweeping declaration that there simply MUST be at least one, though I cannot find it."

"With much handwaving and hocus pocus I, Bucky The Munificent shall now distract from my inability to support my claims with hyperbole."

next stop, talking about your dick for 8-10 posts, then declaring victory.

you know kynes, it's amazing what you can do with google:
i am Ok with criminals being executed.

innocent men being executed is a meaningless hypothetical.

anti-death penalty activists insist is MUST have happened, but cannot cite a case of an innocent man being executed.

nobody is executed "for not committing a crime", the best you could argue is that somebody MAY have been wrongly convicted, yet examples of this happening in a death penalty case remain elusive.

your argument is just a shabby appeal to emotion, and pointless "What If" sophistry.

Yes men have been excecuted in the US and found later to be innocent... if you are too lazy to educated yourself then dont expect a hand out from me...

its not so much a "what if" as it has happened....perhaps you pretend it hasnt happened as you dont have an answer for the proposed question .

how is the view with your head in the sand
you should be nicer to uncle ben, he know all about plants in texas and topping plants in texas:lol:

if i had to take a guess based on which members call me "uncle dumb fuck" and which members spew about "libturds", i'd have to say that blacksun got the boot.

Yes men have been excecuted in the US and found later to be innocent... if you are too lazy to educated yourself then dont expect a hand out from me...

its not so much a "what if" as it has happened....perhaps you pretend it hasnt happened as you dont have an answer for the proposed question .

how is the view with your head in the sand

IF an "innocent Execution" has occured in the US since the re-institution of the death penalty, i cant find one.

if you are to lazy to "educated" yourself by providing an example which proves me wrong, then dont expect me to simply accept your statement as fact.

if is has happened, then demonstrate it.