USCB Radical feminist porn professor goes nuts

I never assumed you were anything other than misinformed...

So you are OK with people being executed who are innocent with the death penalty, how did they earn being put to death for not committing a crime... and do you believe that a women shouldn't have the right to abort a pregnancy if rape is the cause?

could you clarify your stance on those matters please

i am Ok with criminals being executed.

innocent men being executed is a meaningless hypothetical.

anti-death penalty activists insist is MUST have happened, but cannot cite a case of an innocent man being executed.

nobody is executed "for not committing a crime", the best you could argue is that somebody MAY have been wrongly convicted, yet examples of this happening in a death penalty case remain elusive.

your argument is just a shabby appeal to emotion, and pointless "What If" sophistry.
i am Ok with criminals being executed.

innocent men being executed is a meaningless hypothetical.

anti-death penalty activists insist is MUST have happened, but cannot cite a case of an innocent man being executed.

nobody is executed "for not committing a crime", the best you could argue is that somebody MAY have been wrongly convicted, yet examples of this happening in a death penalty case remain elusive.

your argument is just a shabby appeal to emotion, and pointless "What If" sophistry.

I'm fairly certain there are post mortem DNA based exculpations in existence; also, i hate to be mistaken as an anti-death penalty activist. My stance is that the death penalty is too easy. I'd also seek an alteration to the 8th amendment to make clear and explicit a rubric for determining the satisfaction of "cruel and unusual;"
I'm fairly certain there are post mortem DNA based exculpations in existence; also, i hate to be mistaken as an anti-death penalty activist. My stance is that the death penalty is too easy. I'd also seek an alteration to the 8th amendment to make clear and explicit a rubric for determining the satisfaction of "cruel and unusual;"


Nary a one since the death penalty was reinstated.

"The Innocence Project" and several other lefty groups have a major boner for a wrongfully executed man, but they haven't been able to produce one.
You frequently use the word dribble in your post. Do you mean drivel?

If not, what do you mean?

I used it in the slang sense
When a person who can't stop talking and what they are talking about is non sense or bullshit they are is refered to as "dribbling".

"Tom was dribbling so I knocked him the fuck out!"

Why do you give a shit are you a typical liberal trying to distract?

Nary a one since the death penalty was reinstated.

"The Innocence Project" and several other lefty groups have a major boner for a wrongfully executed man, but they haven't been able to produce one.

Indeed? I know the Innocence project bases most of its determinations on a preponderance of circumstantial evidence, thereby substantially weakening their cases; however, I must admit I was unaware that there are absolutely zero cases of wrongful execution. I will recuse myself from commentary beyond the philosophical and presupposive, until such a time as hard data are available to verify cases of wrongful execution. Thank you for your correction Dr. Kynes.
Prosecute her, and allow her to repay her debt to society in a useful way: by cleaning litter from the side of the road while wearing an orange jumpsuit.

i've never seen a libertarian love seeing people got to prison (especially for their political views) as much as you do.
If prison was limited to violent offenders (you know those that are a danger to society) we would have plenty of room for them.
I watched the video and the professor pushed the girl away from the elevator. Can't see anything else.

i couldn't even see that, for all i know the girl grabbed the pregnant professor forward. the professor wouldn't even touch westboro lite's foot so that the elevator door would close.
this is a distortion. is the life of the fetus of more value than the life of the woman who will have to bear and nurse said child? the raped woman has then to raise a child who must, by the fact of his/her conception, instigate and iterate a psychological distress more ungodly and terrorizing than anything most people ever have to experience. you suggest something that fails to account for the psyche* of the woman, thereby constituting a slightly misogynistic position.

*psyche, here, is being used to refer not only to the psychological state of the woman in question, but also the traditional concept,
from the greek, denoting the metaphysical concept we would most closely name mind/soul.
Nonsense, plenty of women give their children up for state and foster care, this giving that person the opportunity to experience life and reach it's potential.

No one would be forcing the woman to raise the child, though she should if able.

The balancing here is this...

The right of the (putative) person to exist vs a few months of inconvenience for the woman.

Now, her life being in jeopardy, morally she is capable of choosing abortion and not doing the wrong thing. This is the only scenario where a woman choosing abortion is not committing a reprehensible act.

Just because she did not chose the sex that resulted in pregnancy does not reduce the moral value of the baby growing inside. It's right to exist, grow, love, live is greater than her right to not get fat.
Indeed? I know the Innocence project bases most of its determinations on a preponderance of circumstantial evidence, thereby substantially weakening their cases; however, I must admit I was unaware that there are absolutely zero cases of wrongful execution. I will recuse myself from commentary beyond the philosophical and presupposive, until such a time as hard data are available to verify cases of wrongful execution. Thank you for your correction Dr. Kynes.

whoa now bro, im not hurling brickbats or demanding you STFU, i'm just stating that nobody has been able to produce the left's much sought imaginary "innocent execution", so their appeals to emotion and sophistry are just useless flatulence.


is the best they have been able to conjure up, which, as you mentioned is based on circumstantial "evidence" and a weak case for "innocence".

the short version of the left's best case for "innocent execution":

on a cold night, a 2 time felon is found shirtless and shoeless hiding under a truck near the scene of the robbery/murder with $2 in his wallet and a wad of small bills totaling $149 in his pocket. two witnesses ID the 2 time loser as the perp. he has no alibi.

convicted, sentenced, and executed according to law, with an appeal to the supreme court which was rejected.

The Claims Of Innocence:

Deluna claims he had an Identical Stranger who looked just like him.

Deluna claims his Doppleganger murdered the victim, and he saw Bizzaro Deluna do it (but did nothing)

After witnessing his (presumably goatee wearing) Evil Twin do the robbery/murder, Deluna, fearing he might be blamed, stripped off his shirt and shoes, fled into the night and hid under a truck.

He later claimed he was out drinking with his Doppleganger at the bar across the street from the gas staion where the robbery/murder went down, but he didnt have nothin to do with his Evil Twin's deeds.
sounds legit.
Now, her life being in jeopardy, morally she is capable of choosing abortion and not doing the wrong thing. This is the only scenario where a woman choosing abortion is not committing a reprehensible act.

you left out if the fetus was you, aborting that fetus would be a morally good act.
whoa now bro, im not hurling brickbats or demanding you STFU, i'm just stating that nobody has been able to produce the left's much sought imaginary "innocent execution", so their appeals to emotion and sophistry are just useless flatulence.


is the best they have been able to conjure up, which, as you mentioned is based on circumstantial "evidence" and a weak case for "innocence".

the short version of the left's best case for "innocent execution":

on a cold night, a 2 time felon is found shirtless and shoeless hiding under a truck near the scene of the robbery/murder with $2 in his wallet and a wad of small bills totaling $149 in his pocket. two witnesses ID the 2 time loser as the perp. he has no alibi.

convicted, sentenced, and executed according to law, with an appeal to the supreme court which was rejected.

The Claims Of Innocence:

Deluna claims he had an Identical Stranger who looked just like him.

Deluna claims his Doppleganger murdered the victim, and he saw Bizzaro Deluna do it (but did nothing)

After witnessing his (presumably goatee wearing) Evil Twin do the robbery/murder, Deluna, fearing he might be blamed, stripped off his shirt and shoes, fled into the night and hid under a truck.

He later claimed he was out drinking with his Doppleganger at the bar across the street from the gas staion where the robbery/murder went down, but he didnt have nothin to do with his Evil Twin's deeds.

sounds legit.

did he also climb in through the windows in the dark?

kinda hard to walk away from a blood drenched murder scene without a speck of blood on ya, and probably not a good idea to tell cops what you saw when you're out drinking while on probation.

your summary is about as lopsided and retarded as you are, and you still have nine more cases to revise history on. but don't worry, i have plenty more beyond those nine.
here's a non-"climbing in through the windows in the dark" version of events

In February 1983, Wanda Lopez, was stabbed to death during her night shift at the gas station where she worked. After a brief manhunt, police found De Luna hiding under a pick-up truck. Recently released from prison, he was violating his parole by drinking in public. De Luna immediately told police that he was innocent and he offered the name of the person who he saw at the gas station. Police ignored the fact that he did not have a drop of blood on him even though the crime scene was covered in blood. De Luna was arrested too soon after the crime to clean himself up. The single eyewitness to the crime, Kevin Baker, confirmed to police that De Luna was the murderer after police told him he was the right guy.
At trial De Luna named Carlos Hernandez as the man he saw inside the gas station, across the street from the bar where De Luna had been drinking. Hernandez and DeLuna were strikingly similar in appearance but, unlike DeLuna, Hernandez had a long history of knife attacks similar to the convenience store killing and repeatedly told friends and relatives that he had committed the murder. Friends confirmed that he was romantically linked to Lopez as well. De Luna’s lawyers knew of Hernandez’s criminal past but never thoroughly investigated his previous crimes. On December 7, 1989, Texas executed 27-year old Carlos De Luna.
Buckies typical childish behavior that's both pathetic and typical of a progressive/communist with no
argument of substance.

aren't you trying to say i was molested in another thread right now?

are you exempt from your own standards of behavior, toolwoman?
I would never say you were molested unless you told me so.
My best recollection is I simply asked and you mentioned someone else was molested and said you were too. If I misunderstood your words
somehow it was an error but it sure seemed clear
I would never say you were molested unless you told me so.
My best recollection is I simply asked and you mentioned someone else was molested and said you were too. If I misunderstood your words
somehow it was an error but it sure seemed clear

when did i say i was molested? care to cite that?

do you even know what cite means?

something tells me you excel at misunderstanding even the most basic of english sentences.