The 'What are you smoking' and chat for micro growers thread!

Wow!! Out of your trim?

I've never smoked anything than weed and hash!!
I'm looking into it when I finish this grow though!! Fo' sure!

Cheers mate!

Oil is where it's at mate had some dabs last night sent me too sleep lovely! And I find bongs don't make me feel fucked up if I just have a few hits and space em out... Each too there own hey!

I did roll a spliff last week out of blackberry kush, ketema hash and some sour diesel wax and let me tell u it was gorgeous! And expensive.... Lol once a month maybe!
About the bong, errthing I say is from personal experience, doesn't mean that it works the same way for everyone else!

Wow, you put a lot of stuff in there, mate!!
I bet it's too expensive!!

Well, Hanky, right now it's the bong but I got a nice little one hit pipe that's similar to a chillum. The bong really sits me down though so I only hit it when I'm chillin. I like the one hitter for that on the go buzz.
Oil is where it's at mate had some dabs last night sent me too sleep lovely! And I find bongs don't make me feel fucked up if I just have a few hits and space em out... Each too there own hey!

I did roll a spliff last week out of blackberry kush, ketema hash and some sour diesel wax and let me tell u it was gorgeous! And expensive.... Lol once a month maybe!

i agree, the oil has a very robust flavor,somewhat harsh but packs a punch. after all most hash oil is 75 to 90% thc from what i hear depending on strain and extraction method. but i love it, a gram of hash oil lasted me 3 weeks in my vaporizer, and i was high all day long every day. lol
I've only ever smoked weed. Never even seen hash in person and oils and dabs are beyond my pay grade.

make it with ethanol [food grade is best, even 151 will work, just takes more time to evaporate] .....i wouldn't survive without it. I keep all my scraps then freeze my ethanol then my scraps for about 4 hours. Combine it in a jar for 30 seconds of shaking....and 5 minutes of rest. Strain with a cheese-cloth and a mason lid rim, not the lid. I usually pour into a clear glass cooking dish..sit out in the sun.
Do all of this outside.

I let it sit out longer to dry and it eventually becomes hash. If you put it in a jar at first it will stay oil in most cases.
This isn't blasting, but for me this is hands down the fastest way to make hash or oil and it all comes from stem, leaves, seeds, roots [yes, they do have terpinoids aka thc, cbd, cbc etc.etc] never any of my buds. .]

I believe this is a safe, healthy alternative to water made hash and blasting or bho.......this is still harnessing the terpinoids that we all seek that are non-toxic and non-narcotic. BHO i have a huge problem with, because of propane and the bad rap it gives ethanol...

Even drinking alcohol of this purity would benefit from being outside, however, rubbing your socks together is not enough to ignite; like it is with butane indoors. Hence why all these house's and chit blowing up. Grade A retards. Butane boils @ or below room temperature, butane is mixed with propane. BHO should have been DOA.............. long ago imho.......
make it with ethanol [food grade is best, even 151 will work, just takes more time to evaporate] .....i wouldn't survive without it. I keep all my scraps then freeze my ethanol then my scraps for about 4 hours. Combine it in a jar for 30 seconds of shaking....and 5 minutes of rest. Strain with a cheese-cloth and a mason lid rim, not the lid. I usually pour into a clear glass cooking dish..sit out in the sun.
Do all of this outside.

I let it sit out longer to dry and it eventually becomes hash. If you put it in a jar at first it will stay oil in most cases.
This isn't blasting, but for me this is hands down the fastest way to make hash or oil and it all comes from stem, leaves, seeds, roots [yes, they do have terpinoids aka thc, cbd, cbc etc.etc] never any of my buds. .]

I believe this is a safe, healthy alternative to water made hash and blasting or bho.......this is still harnessing the terpinoids that we all seek that are non-toxic and non-narcotic. BHO i have a huge problem with, because of propane and the bad rap it gives ethanol...

Even drinking alcohol of this purity would benefit from being outside, however, rubbing your socks together is not enough to ignite; like it is with butane indoors. Hence why all these house's and chit blowing up. Grade A retards. Butane boils @ or below room temperature, butane is mixed with propane. BHO should have been DOA.............. long ago imho.......
i used 151 everclear the first time i did it, and 91% iso the second time, which came out better, but where do you get food grade ethanol?
I ain't smokin nuthin now. I'm gonna make some Green Dragon from the trim of these 2 bagseeds though. Got the hook up on some 150 proof Bannana something or other.
I'm picking up 3 grams of unknown bud from a local dealer later, will post up a pic I hope it's good!
Meh some stuff I grabbed today, smokes good! Can anyone recommend me a vaporiser? On the cheap side?


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Looks good!!

I got VaporMax II, it's a vape pen. 55 bucks off eBay.
If you can't smoke outside though, I wouldn't reccomend a pen, but on the other hand, vape pens is the only proper vaporiser that you can find on the cheap side!
Try to raise money for something like a DaVinci vapor!
I'm trying to save some money!

I won't lie I'm stoned on dat bagseed sativa. The wife had a long day at work and has a lot on her mind. She asked if we had any dry and I threw a bongs worth of popcorn in the oven. Yeah, it's nice but I'm looking foward to the proper smoke so I can write a report.

kind of a crappy pic but this is some irene kush, its the one hitter quitter. dankest bud around. i wish you guys could smell this, i get a contact buzz just from a whiff of it lol
Meh some stuff I grabbed today, smokes good! Can anyone recommend me a vaporiser? On the cheap side?
you can modify a ecig into a vape pen, i get the 25 dollar ones that take the e juice, pull out the wicks and stuff the hash oil into the end.some cartridges unscrew and some dont, the ones that unscrew are better for modding.
Here's a tester that I took from an immature lower branch the other day. This is HSO's Chemdawg. The high packs quite a punch :blsmoke:


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