More Than 500 Economists Sign Letter Against Minimum Wage Hike

kynes...I bet you are the type of guy who gets his food spat into unknowingly whilst going out to eat.

wonder why? I'm sure you act just as much of a douche irl.

those idiot minimum wage workers anyway ;)

another classic shitpost.

you addressed no opposing position, made no argument, and contributed NOTHING to the discussion.

i suppose your solution to every problem, real or imagined is more ad hominem attacks, and irrelevant comments.

liberalism and fail are directly co-related.
so your response to china's slave labour is to drive labour costs here in the US even higher?

when labour costs rise, any business which can do so, moves production to a lower cost labour market. as labour costs climb higher, more and more production will be moved to places where costs are lower.

the same holds true with regulatory and environmental costs.

china doesnt just run a slave labour racket, their regulatory costs are very low, and eco-regulations are non-existent.

lets just raise the minimum wage to $1000/hour, increase the regulatory burden, slap on draconian environmental standards which can never be satisfied, and raise taxes on profits to astronomical heights.

that will surely halt the inflation problem.

Wow, what a leap. Is that what I meant? No, my point is sometimes the Boss eats it when things change, they don't automatically shit on their employees when things tighten a bit.
Kynes: the master of presenting FACTS lol

all you ever do is spread hyperbole and innuendo. And when asked to present more you start with personal attacks.

I was merely surmising how a night out with kynes would be.

Enjoy your steak ;)
about 5:50 in, here's one of your boys.


are you aware that The Daily Show is a comedy entertainment program?


yep. it's kinda like that.
Kynes: the master of presenting FACTS lol

all you ever do is spread hyperbole and innuendo. And when asked to present more you start with personal attacks.

I was merely surmising how a night out with kynes would be.

Enjoy your steak ;)

and the shitposting continues.
are you aware that The Daily Show is a comedy entertainment program?

yep. it's kinda like that.

Oh, so the Fox news boy was trying to be funny, that's what you think?

It's been proven a few times that Jon Stewart delivers MORE news than ALL of the Fox opinion shows that pretend to deliver the news.

But there are enough threads about that.
Wow, what a leap. Is that what I meant? No, my point is sometimes the Boss eats it when things change, they don't automatically shit on their employees when things tighten a bit.

google "Fiduciary Responsibility"

failure to drive profits by any measure deemed "reasonable" can result in criminal charges. taking a loss when the profit margin could be maintained or increased by moving production to china will get a CEO sued or thrown in prison.

if moving production to china makes for higher profit margins, then production moves to china.
Oh, so the Fox news boy was trying to be funny, that's what you think?

It's been proven a few times that Jon Stewart delivers MORE news than ALL of the Fox opinion shows that pretend to deliver the news.

keep harping on the evils of fox news, while claiming Comedy Central is a better source for unbiased information.

that totally makes you sound Not Crazy.

keep harping on the evils of fox news, while claiming Comedy Central is a better source for unbiased information.

that totally makes you sound Not Crazy.


insert "factual". that's the joke..we're not laughing with you, we're laughing at you.

i'm with snaps, joe, budley and travis:wink:

awesome posts, men!:clap:

PS kynes, are you one of those guys who ALWAYS orders a "seltzer" with your meal? if so, that steak DOES get spat on..sorry to have to break it to you this way..but i've waited on my share of tables:lol:
perhaps it is YOU who is biased.

since you dont own a business, you are insulated from the reality of costs and profits.

how can you claim the right to dictate how much i pay my employees, or as an employee, how much i must be paid?

this is a matter that should be settled between the prospective employer and the applicant.

actually, snaps does run a business and, unlike you, is not a minimum wage worker (i doubt he's middle aged, overweight, and living with his mother either).
67% of climate scientist DONT assert that "Anthropogenic Climate Change" is real.

that's actually not true, you are lying once again.

67% of scientists made no statement one way or the other. less than 1% said the causes are unknown, less than 2% said it is not human caused, and all the rest say it is caused by human activities.

not sure why you feel the need to repeatedly lie, your momma in the room next door probably doesn't like it when you lie.

everyone with a brain realizes that increasing the cost of a product will increase the price of that product.

want to run the numbers (yet again) so you can see how wages come out slightly ahead of costs?

or do you need to go rub momma's feet before running off to your stocking job at target?
another classic shitpost.

you addressed no opposing position, made no argument, and contributed NOTHING to the discussion.

i suppose your solution to every problem, real or imagined is more ad hominem attacks, and irrelevant comments.

liberalism and fail are directly co-related.

at least he doesn't have to lie, like you do.

and i know he's not overweight and living with his momma.
keep harping on the evils of fox news, while claiming Comedy Central is a better source for unbiased information.

that totally makes you sound Not Crazy.


studies show that daily show viewers are far better informed than fox news viewers. want a link to the univerrsity studies that prove this over and over again?
insert "factual". that's the joke..we're not laughing with you, we're laughing at you.

comedy central's daily show is a comedy entertainment program. they play every story for laughs, which requires the insertion of non-factual components, and absurdity.

often political discourse is absurd, but jon stewart always adds exaggeration, reductio ad absurdum, or outright fabrication to his "stories" to cause Lulz. when he does it, it's comedy, when MSNBC Fox, ABC CBS NBC CNN RT or Bloomberg does it, it's propaganda.
learn the difference.

i'm with snaps, joe and travis:wink:
awesome posts, men!:clap:

travis made arguments, and addressed the opposing assertions. snaps and joe simply offered more shitposts.

PS kynes, are you one of those guys who ALWAYS orders a "seltzer" with your meal? if so, that steak DOES get spat on..sorry to have to break it to you this way..but i've waited on my share of tables:lol:

why would ordering a "seltzer" trigger food spitting? are you lefties really that irrational?
comedy central's daily show is a comedy entertainment program. they play every story for laughs, which requires the insertion of non-factual components, and absurdity.

often political discourse is absurd, but jon stewart always adds exaggeration, reductio ad absurdum, or outright fabrication to his "stories" to cause Lulz. when he does it, it's comedy, when MSNBC Fox, ABC CBS NBC CNN RT or Bloomberg does it, it's propaganda.
learn the difference.

travis made arguments, and addressed the opposing assertions. snaps and joe simply offered more shitposts.

why would ordering a "seltzer" trigger food spitting? are you lefties really that irrational?

yet multiple university studies all show the same thing: daily show viewers are STILL more informed than fox news viewers like yourself.

and they start spitting once they see the fedora, not the seltzer order.
keep harping on the evils of fox news, while claiming Comedy Central is a better source for unbiased information.

that totally makes you sound Not Crazy.
Hey, it's their own words, you just don't like the messenger.

Never said fox was evil, I'm just simply stating that this has been gone over and I believe we know the facts regarding these sources.

google "Fiduciary Responsibility"

failure to drive profits by any measure deemed "reasonable" can result in criminal charges. taking a loss when the profit margin could be maintained or increased by moving production to china will get a CEO sued or thrown in prison.

if moving production to china makes for higher profit margins, then production moves to china.

I understand in your world everything is owned by a corporation, in the real world Mom and Pops populate our landscape and the owners of these businesses have to look their employees in the eye when they're cutting their wages or laying them off. Their "Fiduciary Responsibility" is to their employees, their families and the community that supports them.

I mean how the fuck do you look someone in the eye that's losing a job that cost you less a month than your car payment? Fuck that! I have to live with myself and will take a hit or do with less before I shit on what many people consider their greatest asset, their employees.
I understand in your world everything is owned by a corporation, in the real world Mom and Pops populate our landscape and the owners of these businesses have to look their employees in the eye when they're cutting their wages or laying them off. Their "Fiduciary Responsibility" is to their employees, their families and the community that supports them.

I mean how the fuck do you look someone in the eye that's losing a job that cost you less a month than your car payment? Fuck that! I have to live with myself and will take a hit or do with less before I shit on what many people consider their greatest asset, their employees.

you have to understand something about kynes, he has never had a job where he was a valued employee.

about 12 years ago, as a 30 something, he was working at walmart. he has since worked his way up to target. ya think he gets shown any respect at either position?

he bases his worldview off of this "employees as commodities" type of establishments, and has never started a business himself and found out how important it is to have a good employee rather than a min wage labor mule like himself.
comedy central's daily show is a comedy entertainment program. they play every story for laughs, which requires the insertion of non-factual components, and absurdity.

often political discourse is absurd, but jon stewart always adds exaggeration, reductio ad absurdum, or outright fabrication to his "stories" to cause Lulz. when he does it, it's comedy, when MSNBC Fox, ABC CBS NBC CNN RT or Bloomberg does it, it's propaganda.
learn the difference.

Yes, I prefer to get my biased information from the source that has proven to be more accurate.
ALL of the news programming on television in entertainment. It exist only for the purpose of selling advertising. Jon only needs to sell 32 minutes a week, Fox has to sell 16 minutes an hour.

The problem here is that Facts tend to have what you percieve as a Liberal bias, when they are simply facts.
Yes, I prefer to get my biased information from the source that has proven to be more accurate.

The problem here is that Facts tend to have what you percieve as a Liberal bias, when they are simply facts.
