Well-Known Member
newly appointated dictator, Dick Tater.(cue Demanufacture)
newly appointated dictator, Dick Tater.(cue Demanufacture)
How many guys?
if I ruled the USA
1) Remove the provision "cruel and unusual" from the constitution; I believe by definition: punishment is both cruel and unusual
2) Kill affirmative action (feeding someone by starving someone else); make it illegal to post name, race or education below HS on a job application (so Dejuan Washington, or Jose Gonzales or Cody Bronkowski can't be identified ethnically, sexually or otherwise) ...
make face to face interviews illegal (for many/most jobs; not all) then actually harshly PUNISH the businesses that discriminate
3) Make politicians, corporate bosses and their right wing mouth pieces actually live in the states, counties they dump their pollutants in; make CEO's drink the water 10ft down river from those factories, et
4) Kill ALL gun laws; the more guns the better; planes, trains, cars, schools, theaters' least the kooks, terrorist, and crook will wonder: will I get shot if I rob this guy? How many movie goers in this theater have a gun?, will I get shot 1st if I hiijack this plane
5) Drug test anyone receiving government money, in fact pay them according to the grades their kids get in school...sorta a sliding scale (kids however get free meals and clothes)
6) Make prisoners work/pay their way outta prison, in fact they gotta reiceve a degree or GED to leave...use ALL prisoners for road work, et
7) legalize weed
We cannot have dictator in the USA. It would no longer be the USA, you idiot. The USA is a self protected, Constituted, Federation of States.
And we will kill anyone that tries to Dictate.
Obfuscate, Evaporate, Re-abrogate.
A hypothetical question has to have a basis in reality.
In the law debate, discussion, whatever, a hypothetical question is different from a pure flight of fantasy is it not?
if I ruled the USA
1) Remove the provision "cruel and unusual" from the constitution; I believe by definition: punishment is both cruel and unusual
2) Kill affirmative action (feeding someone by starving someone else); make it illegal to post name, race or education below HS on a job application (so Dejuan Washington, or Jose Gonzales or Cody Bronkowski can't be identified ethnically, sexually or otherwise) ...
make face to face interviews illegal (for many/most jobs; not all) then actually harshly PUNISH the businesses that discriminate
3) Make politicians, corporate bosses and their right wing mouth pieces actually live in the states, counties they dump their pollutants in; make CEO's drink the water 10ft down river from those factories, et
4) Kill ALL gun laws; the more guns the better; planes, trains, cars, schools, theaters' least the kooks, terrorist, and crook will wonder: will I get shot if I rob this guy? How many movie goers in this theater have a gun?, will I get shot 1st if I hiijack this plane
5) Drug test anyone receiving government money, in fact pay them according to the grades their kids get in school...sorta a sliding scale (kids however get free meals and clothes)
6) Make prisoners work/pay their way outta prison, in fact they gotta reiceve a degree or GED to leave...use ALL prisoners for road work, et
7) legalize weed
All moochers on society will be either deported or shot. It pisses me off that I get up everyday and go to work so the God damn government can give my money away to pieces of shit that contribute nothing.
How do you define "moocher" and how would you find them in society?
Get a rope!
Actually...that is quite a good list.
How about you? What would you do if you were Dictator?