If you were dictator of the USA

How many guys?

No guys in my life sexual, you tiny little homophobes. It taken very little until you show your real fear of girls does it? HA Haaaa,

No, what I meant was, there is no such thing as Nice Girls and I lost count of the Twisters, long ago.

So how that aroused your fear that we all think you are gay, I don't know. But, it is part of my hypothetical.

"If PAD was not such a closet ___________?" Just hypothetically.,,,,for now. Butt, again. Who leads with the Fear?

Not I. Just you and Beef, lately.
No guys in my life sexual

Sure you haven't..

It could just be the way today is going, but this thread makes me think of the Cowardly Lion singing his version of , "If I were kiiiiiiiiiing of the foooooorrreeeessttt!"

Okay carry on.
if I ruled the USA

1) Remove the provision "cruel and unusual" from the constitution; I believe by definition: punishment is both cruel and unusual

2) Kill affirmative action (feeding someone by starving someone else); make it illegal to post name, race or education below HS on a job application (so Dejuan Washington, or Jose Gonzales or Cody Bronkowski can't be identified ethnically, sexually or otherwise) ...
make face to face interviews illegal (for many/most jobs; not all) then actually harshly PUNISH the businesses that discriminate

3) Make politicians, corporate bosses and their right wing mouth pieces actually live in the states, counties they dump their pollutants in; make CEO's drink the water 10ft down river from those factories, et

4) Kill ALL gun laws; the more guns the better; planes, trains, cars, schools, theaters' wherever....at least the kooks, terrorist, and crook will wonder: will I get shot if I rob this guy? How many movie goers in this theater have a gun?, will I get shot 1st if I hiijack this plane

5) Drug test anyone receiving government money, in fact pay them according to the grades their kids get in school...sorta a sliding scale (kids however get free meals and clothes)

6) Make prisoners work/pay their way outta prison, in fact they gotta reiceve a degree or GED to leave...use ALL prisoners for road work, et

7) legalize weed
if I ruled the USA

1) Remove the provision "cruel and unusual" from the constitution; I believe by definition: punishment is both cruel and unusual

2) Kill affirmative action (feeding someone by starving someone else); make it illegal to post name, race or education below HS on a job application (so Dejuan Washington, or Jose Gonzales or Cody Bronkowski can't be identified ethnically, sexually or otherwise) ...
make face to face interviews illegal (for many/most jobs; not all) then actually harshly PUNISH the businesses that discriminate

3) Make politicians, corporate bosses and their right wing mouth pieces actually live in the states, counties they dump their pollutants in; make CEO's drink the water 10ft down river from those factories, et

4) Kill ALL gun laws; the more guns the better; planes, trains, cars, schools, theaters' wherever....at least the kooks, terrorist, and crook will wonder: will I get shot if I rob this guy? How many movie goers in this theater have a gun?, will I get shot 1st if I hiijack this plane

5) Drug test anyone receiving government money, in fact pay them according to the grades their kids get in school...sorta a sliding scale (kids however get free meals and clothes)

6) Make prisoners work/pay their way outta prison, in fact they gotta reiceve a degree or GED to leave...use ALL prisoners for road work, et

7) legalize weed

We cannot have dictator in the USA. It would no longer be the USA, you idiot. The USA is a self protected, Constituted, Federation of States.
And we will kill anyone that tries to Dictate.

Obfuscate, Evaporate, Re-abrogate.

A hypothetical question has to have a basis in reality.
In the law debate, discussion, whatever, a hypothetical question is different from a pure flight of fantasy is it not?

Doer pointed out some facts, and raised an interesting point. Pada had some gnarly retorts. I believe there's something to learn in here. rep all around. ★★★★★
if I ruled the USA

1) Remove the provision "cruel and unusual" from the constitution; I believe by definition: punishment is both cruel and unusual

2) Kill affirmative action (feeding someone by starving someone else); make it illegal to post name, race or education below HS on a job application (so Dejuan Washington, or Jose Gonzales or Cody Bronkowski can't be identified ethnically, sexually or otherwise) ...
make face to face interviews illegal (for many/most jobs; not all) then actually harshly PUNISH the businesses that discriminate

3) Make politicians, corporate bosses and their right wing mouth pieces actually live in the states, counties they dump their pollutants in; make CEO's drink the water 10ft down river from those factories, et

4) Kill ALL gun laws; the more guns the better; planes, trains, cars, schools, theaters' wherever....at least the kooks, terrorist, and crook will wonder: will I get shot if I rob this guy? How many movie goers in this theater have a gun?, will I get shot 1st if I hiijack this plane

5) Drug test anyone receiving government money, in fact pay them according to the grades their kids get in school...sorta a sliding scale (kids however get free meals and clothes)

6) Make prisoners work/pay their way outta prison, in fact they gotta reiceve a degree or GED to leave...use ALL prisoners for road work, et

7) legalize weed

Good thing you are not in charge. Good thing we kill those that try it.
National minimum wage
Man the border, no one gets in unless they get in legaly
ban lobbyists
public funding of campaigns only
Corporations can spend NO money on political issues
CEOs and presidents of Corporations can be held personaly liable for the actions of the corporations they run
Single payer health care
all drugs legal, BUT NO drug can be advertised - Not one, not coffee, not alcohol, not nicotine
Those in public office can be held accountable for their actions while in public office, the moment they no longer hold that office
Tell a lie in the media - you get fined, your company gets fined as well
If someone is actually in the process of taking your guns away, you get to say something about it, otherwise, if you talk about "gun rights", you pay a fine
If you want an abortion and can prove you don't have enough money, one will be provided to you
If you want a gun and can prove you don't have enough money, one will be provided to you.
No tax loopholes, no corporate or farm subsidies
No astroturf organization allowed
labels on all GMO products
All walls on all meat processing plants are to be made of glass
all laws that cost the national treasury more than 100 million dollars a year are to have 5 or 10 year sunset clauses
no one may inherit more than two million dollars - in 2014 dollars, to be adjusted each year
money that is not actively involved in producing something, employing people or in R and D is taxed at a rate no less than 50 percent.
graduated welfare - if you work full time but are still under the poverty level, you get the difference
Any CEO or president's income that is above 500 times the amount of the company's poorest employee will be taxed at a flat 80 percent
All moochers on society will be either deported or shot. It pisses me off that I get up everyday and go to work so the God damn government can give my money away to pieces of shit that contribute nothing.
All moochers on society will be either deported or shot. It pisses me off that I get up everyday and go to work so the God damn government can give my money away to pieces of shit that contribute nothing.

How do you define "moocher" and how would you find them in society?
How do you define "moocher" and how would you find them in society?

No job, no income, no insurance, behind on child support, and you're outta here, Loser! If only I was dictator we would have Elysium! lol Oh yeah, anybody that ever bought a Pontiac Aztec, you're phuckin' gone too.
-Defined equal rights for all people

-National education K-12 & trade schools, national secondary education to the top 10% of students, reduced education for everyone else with no interest government loans available to anyone who applies, no exceptions. Also, I would hire a team 10 of the top educators in the world (Education Cabinet) and have them come up with a more efficient national program of learning with emphasis on math, science, english, world history, and art. Make teaching a prestigious public occupation by increasing wages and requirements to become a teacher

-Immediate ban on all for profit education institutions like Devry, ITT Tech, University of Phoenix Online, etc.

-National healthcare

-Nationalized food/water service

-Nationalized basic housing effectively eliminating homelessness in America

-Immediate withdrawal of every American soldier abroad and development of an impenetrable national defense system

-Tax all organized religions

-Immediate end to the war on drugs and release of all non violent first time drug offenders in the system

-Immediate review of all US aid going to foreign countries and appropriate cuts

-Non interventionist foreign policy unless in cases of human rights abuses or invasions of other sovereign nations

-Universal basic income for all American citizens based on cost of living

-Immediate ban on all for profit private prisons

-Immediate ban on lobbying

-Overrule citizens united and ban corporations from donating money to government campaigns

-Mandatory sex education for all students throughout elementary school

-Abolish the death penalty

-Give NASA 10% of the federal budget (was at a high of 4.41% in 1966)

-Eliminate the federal reserve

-Hire a team of top military advisors (Military Cabinet) and have them cut the military down to a reasonable while still effective size

-Mandatory HD cameras and microphones on every police officer on duty

-Mandatory minimum wage based on cost of living

-Nationalized gyms in every city in America

-Life sentences for any public official who accepts a bribe

-Tax code based on income