Well-Known Member
Do you not understand what a hypothetical question is?
A hypothetical question is something you don't know about.. It has to have a basis in reality.
So, if frogs had wings would they bump their butt? If aliens liked crayfish, do they like it spicy?
In the law debate, discussion, whatever, a hypothetical question is different from a pure flight of fantasy is it not?
From the Business Dictionary online:
hypothetical question

A question based on certain proven or assumed facts, and formulated to arrive at a generalized answer applicable in most such situations in the absence of dependable data.
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Here is the proper usage of this treason idea of yours.
--------The Secretary of Defense refused to discuss the hypothetical with the reporters.
And those are not about alien crayfish or Mr Secretary, you were the Dictator......?
It is sedition, plain and simple. A wet dream is all.
I think what you mean is:
If Pad was the boss of girls, wouldn't he get laid more?
We can talk about that.