If You're Afraid Your Home is Haunted, I Can Help.....

I wouldn't tempt the spirits like that. It's always the skeptics that get it the worst. Besides, if you've never thought your house was haunted then you don't smoke nearly enough ganja :weed:
Another option is, if you think your house is haunted move to a house that was built more recently as old houses make noises, just like we do ;)
If you're afraid that your home is haunted, I can help.

It's not.

Grow up.

Consider yourself helped.
lol you havent been in the right house. my house when i was in PA.... i was dating a chick with a 2 year old, whod talk and wave to nothing all the time, like full out conversations. before we moved in there he never was like that. youd hear footsteps.. i had a rocking chair thatd just sit and rock. no widows open. .. had a room in the basement, the house was on a hillside so basement part that had windows and doors faced the river.. pretty nice. cept this happened 3 times.. from a good friend, my aunt, and my brother... i got like 3-4am calls saying someone was smoking a cig outside on my little patio area. everytime i went down ready to find a ripper or a thief. never was anyone there
lol you havent been in the right house. my house when i was in PA.... i was dating a chick with a 2 year old, whod talk and wave to nothing all the time, like full out conversations. before we moved in there he never was like that. youd hear footsteps.. i had a rocking chair thatd just sit and rock. no widows open. .. had a room in the basement, the house was on a hillside so basement part that had windows and doors faced the river.. pretty nice. cept this happened 3 times.. from a good friend, my aunt, and my brother... i got like 3-4am calls saying someone was smoking a cig outside on my little patio area. everytime i went down ready to find a ripper or a thief. never was anyone there
That's creepy dude!