Designing a 15000sqft facility....please help


Well, wondering what you think about the idea of vegging and flowering in the same room and therefore having many divided up rooms vs having a large vegging room and a few flowering room. BTW this will be a hydroponic top feed operation.


Salary of a master grower really depends on how much of a "master" they are. Do they have proven success and knowledge? Have they won awards? Do they have a degree as well as experience? Their is a lot of differences from grower to grower. I would think that they spread can be anywhere between approx. 40k-100k per year

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
my take on drip feed systems is that they are a pita. Due to drippers getting clogged up and stuff.

do you have plant count restrictions for your op?


Well-Known Member
but then training/pruning mothers....lotta work....I know.

edit: you couldn't pay me enough to take that job
Me neither but if you have money you lack incentive.

Really I could run that veg/clone dept with three employees and that's with ability to loose one.

I could run the trimming dept with three people and a trimpro.

I could run 300 flowering tables with a crew of 5 or 6.

I would have a harvest / cleanup / reload crew of three.