Well-Known Member
Jhey guy's bloody hell....... I was trppin balls outside....
And i took some pics before i took them, so ill post the 3 pillshehehee i rang up my freidn that gave em to me to test... and he was like dude : DID U TAKE 3 ?
I was like yeah.... He was like dude.. NO ONLY 1 or 2, good liuck ^^ hahaha ... i was like thnx.....
Crazy shit ^^ oh and i was watching simpsons and i swear he was talking to me ^^
rofl !!!!!!!!!!
Oh and my teeth. well i was gridning for about 2 hours ^^ loooooooooool.... didnt go to sleep till 5 am slept till 4:20 pmnice time to smoke my first joint
hahahaa so im off to take a shower and get some more pills for this eveningI really enjoy'd them
might be a good idea to let your seritonin replenish b4 you roll again mate... i to love the mdma it is my all tiem fave drug apart from a little crystal every now and then... but thats another story...
eat some bananas and take some 5-htp tabs
roll again next week your brain will thank you for it..