4th Official Party Cup Grow off Update Thread


Well-Known Member
Here you go Chron, homemade 40w xte, 12/12 fs 16oz party cup, started mid Jan. I wish I could enter and show everyone how it's done. Lol
that will work jussst fine.. :)

By 40w XTE...is that one of those modules?

Your rules...may as well post updates with the rest of us.... :)


Well-Known Member
that will work jussst fine.. :)

By 40w XTE...is that one of those modules?

Your rules...may as well post updates with the rest of us.... :)
10 x 5w xte chips run at 1.2A. Runs at about 39w. Also has a 70mm pc for cooling so the heatsink temp runs at 36deg C.

The seed is a Mr Nice Guy Early Queen.

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Well-Known Member
Im not gonna talk down bout these ladies and try take pity points like anyone else, erhem!! Psu!

They look GREAT! look at those....stems, and those........ petioles!

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Last one is the runt of the group- c'monnn gimme a TinyBomb!

Naw, once things do get going Ill try and take a picture everyday then upload them all per update, I forgot who had done this last year but I loved watching things chug along..

I dont necc know when.. or when not to water, so thats why I am so happy they are even standing.. pretty little tga bitches and your midget leaves... The mix is feeling VERY dry up top, and all "hardened together?"

Helpful advice? Should I squeeze the edges to loosen the soil in case it is compacting?

My last watering was my first ever, "SST..."......scotch's. stupid. tea.

1/3 of 1/3 Cup Kelp
1/3 of 1/3 Cup Alfalfa
handful currently cooking soil mix
Some ZHO
Ooooo... two shotglasses of Molasses (guesstimate.)

All in about a gallon and a half, and wasnt dilluted before I fed it... SO. we'll see how that goes.

I did go ahead and get some Ace of Spades going, through them in the same chamber, help cut consumption, as the PCCs till they sex, my other "active" area is running 20/4 with some SLH and Fruity Chronic Juice

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Be safe everyone!


Well-Known Member
I'll do an update tomorrow or sun. Mine are not doing to well. I just had a white fly invasion. Sprayed everything down with a soap/ neem / alcohol mix. The soap and been doesn't do shit to white flies on their own. So leaves on cups are droopy. I'm waiting for the hydro shop to get ladybugs in stock.


Well-Known Member
Hyroot. Squish the white flies by hand, do the best not to disturb them while lifting up the leaves looking on the underside and squish the ones you see. They suck fluid from the phloem of the plant which can also attract aphids. That is something you most def do not want! as a single aphid can transmit disease and viruses.

I have come to learn when it comes to IPM that the best preventative measures are before something happens. Meaning usually parasitoids and predators work best when you have their population built up over time and before an infestation even starts. The chances of them completely riding or reducing an infestation after it happens and applying them after they are already their is not as good as if you already had them as preventative measures.

Also I highly rec. ordering lady beetle larvae as they as more prolific at eating pest than adult lady beetles. Plus when they hit their pupae stage they will turn into lady beetles and keep feeding after going through all their instar stages. But the larvae are more prolific eaters on pest, and cannot fly away. If you can get them go with them.

Remember that the soap and alcohol will kill any microbes in your soil or on your plant that could help protect it making it even more susceptible to disease and issues with pests. I would also brew a fungal tea and do a foilar spray, it tends to help coat the leaves and protect the surface, fungi are also known to attach and kill pests themselves.


Well-Known Member
Also do not wait for the hydro shop go to a nursery as they usually will have them on hand. OR order them which is usually the best.


Well-Known Member
^^^^^ The nurseries here do not carry any beneficial bugs. They told me to get them online. They hydro shop said Sunday or Monday they will be in stock. I know all about white flies spreading disease. I also have good strong genetics. So there is no damage. I was using Dr .bronners lavender and peppermint soap (organic) and 91 % ISO and neem meal. Diluted. I just sprayed leaves. Then topdressed with castings and watered with a compost tea. I believe its the neem that made them droopy by clogging stomatas


Well-Known Member
Sounds good. Still no matter how strong genetics are they are susceptible. I'd really look into lady beetle larvae if you can order them. Good luck I wish you the best of luck in ridding them. Reminds me I need order some Dr.bonners shampoo lol


Well-Known Member
Sounds good. Still no matter how strong genetics are they are susceptible. I'd really look into lady beetle larvae if you can order them. Good luck I wish you the best of luck in ridding them. Reminds me I need order some Dr.bonners shampoo lol
if you have. sprouts market or mothers market in your area they carry all Dr. Bronners products. Everything is around $10 each.


Well-Known Member
gotcha jimjim, how did you come to host the comp did you win the last one?

And thanks hyroot, i havent seen those stores around here so maybe have to order will see. I'll look around.


Well-Known Member
Think I'm gonna have to drop out cause of other complications. I did get a new led though so next comp look out for my dwc under these 2 300 watt 9 band lights. Broke my phone too so any updates I would have I can't post and my last chack was barely enough for rent so ill do my next one in q better place. I will have to keep watch to get a better idea of indoor growing


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear that mikek420 I wish you the best of luck, and hope to see you as a contender in the next comp.
Happy growing good sir!!!