Riu busted?



[h=3]says:[/h]ON FEB 6, 2014

There are a couple of very obnoxious members like uncle buck

clearly a review from beenthere one day after he got banned.

lol, that one, and the one that's obviously from kevin murphy i'd think.. i just googled his site he mentions, and it looks like it's gone now.. don't know how old that post was as i didn't look at the date, but damn, that didn't last too long imo..
hey uncle buck, you want to get a kick, type in uncle into google, and the top 20 results are hits ilke, why is uncle buck one staring threads, why is uncle buck an asshole, why is uncle buck crying racist, again, shit like that.. i really lol'ed the other day when it popped up on me when i was searching some other uncle..

Why is uncle buck one staring threads.lol
Why is uncle buck one staring threads.lol

i never really even noticed the rating system for the longest time, and even now, i don't gaf about the ratings of the threads as i still never look, unless of course i'm trying to be a dick and rate someone one star.. :D
Anorexic weed and a crack pipe smh !
Lmao... really? You obviously can' tell the difference between a Bubbler and a Crack Pipe. This weed is MUCH better than local mid-grade horseshit. We did a decent job this run - considering the lone 67w CFL. You're entitled to your own (however misguided) opinion.
Lmao... really? You obviously can' tell the difference between a Bubbler and a Crack Pipe. This weed is MUCH better than local mid-grade horseshit. We did a decent job this run - considering the lone 67w CFL. You're entitled to your own (however misguided) opinion.

I think your weed looks just fine. Good job. However there is the matter of you making this thread and freaking people out. Say 10 hail marys and post pictures of your girl's tits and you should be right again with God.
i never really even noticed the rating system for the longest time, and even now, i don't gaf about the ratings of the threads as i still never look, unless of course i'm trying to be a dick and rate someone one star.. :D

Who does, all the ratings and rep nonsence is no indicator of post quality. Must say though the simple shit makes me laugh. Used to love it when someone would start a terrible thread for the umpteenth time and the first post would just be buck with... "1 starred" now it's a Google autofill. Da fuck man....shit's too funny.lol
well i made a mistake by agreeing with pingworm about a gun control topic then made the mistake by saying the word faggot in a sentence. so now apparently im not only a homophobe but i have tendencies toward men as well lol and even after apologizing he still wont stop its extremely annoying. the word fag is a very common word i did not mean to offend the gay community by saying it.
Who does, all the ratings and rep nonsence is no indicator of post quality. Must say though the simple shit makes me laugh. Used to love it when someone would start a terrible thread for the umpteenth time and the first post would just be buck with... "1 starred" now it's a Google autofill. Da fuck man....shit's too funny.lol

lol, yeah, i think someone was looking for topping help, so i put in the word uncle to find uncle ben's topping technique thread, and uncle buck popped up as soon as i hit in uncle, thought it was funny..
you know what the ironic thing is finshaggy spends his life trying to get up his google pennies, and here we got buck just being buck leading the way..
Doesn't your god hate fags too?
