obama at 91.4% to win

I can't believe you are so stubborn.
What I wrote still stands.
I said that the percentages value the chance of winning based on electoral votes.
That means the "odds of winning" or whatever other synonym you choose to use.

I have made it clear and Samwell has made it clear.

I did not misunderstand anything.
I was talking about the chance of winning which was the subject matter from the get go.
We weren't talking about electoral votes, the damn THREAD name is about the CHANCE/ODDS of Obama winning the election.

I can't see how you can honestly sit here and type your bullshit when you are being so ignorant you can't even look at the threads name (AND THEREFORE SUBJECT MATTER).

Is that spelled out for you well enough?

The SUBJECT MATTER of this thread is Obamas CHANCE/ODDS of winning.

You are fucking delusional man.

Your assertion is so shit.
When I said "Rmoney has 8.4%" I was speaking the previous sentence structure in which I was talking about CHANCE.
The "Rmoney has 8.4%" could also have been structured as: "Rmoney has 8.4% chance".
It is implied in the damn sentence. Are you completely inept at reading or what is the problem here?

You are showing yourself to be a massive arse. You are making a fucking fool of yourself.

You are trying to say that I was talking about HAVING electoral votes when I was actually talking about CHANCE of winning in a fucking thread named: Obama 91.4% win - About Obamas chance of winning measured in percentages.

I mean wtf man. What the hell are you on about?!

I don't know why you are talking about an oddsmaker either.
These are predictions made by Nate Silver, a leading statistician who was near perfectly correct on his predictions last election.
He is not a bookie.

heres a nifty option to prevent miscommunication.
Use complete sentences.
a shorter sentence is also helpful in avoiding failure to communicate.

your lengthy dissertations defending a statement which WAS crafted, either through ignorance or malevolence, in such a manner as to convince the slow-witted that "obama is dominating the election, so your romney vote is a waste of time" does nothing more than show your agenda.

but then youre the one with the expertise in "immediate history".

your pretense that i do not understand the cited statistician's job description is laughable. statisticians ARE bookmakers. Bookmakers ARE statisticians, or at least the successful ones are. they both calculate the odds and try to sell their projections to the suckers.

declaring he was "near perfectly correct on his predictions last election" is what we call damning with faint praise. the "last election" to which you refer is obviously NOT the 2010 election, you clearly mean 2008. only a dolt would have been surprised by the O-man's victory in the 2008 election/rapture. i dont care if he (the cited bookie) successfully called the last 10 presidential elections 3 months before the vote each time. he would still be an odds-maker. you may not know this but here in the english speaking world, odds-makers are called Bookies.
heres a nifty option to prevent miscommunication.
Use complete sentences.
a shorter sentence is also helpful in avoiding failure to communicate.

It was a complete sentence.
The subject of the thread and what I wrote was clear.
Nobody else but you have misunderstood it.

your lengthy dissertations defending a statement which WAS crafted, either through ignorance or malevolence, in such a manner as to convince the slow-witted that "obama is dominating the election, so your romney vote is a waste of time" does nothing more than show your agenda.

but then youre the one with the expertise in "immediate history".

You misunderstood the statement.
It was perfectly clear to anyone with half a brain.

It was written in a thread where the subject was the chance of Obama winning and I wrote about chance.
This cannot be twisted however much you try to.

It's insanely stupid to suggest I was trying to convince people that Obama had won 90% of the electoral vote when the very link in the OPs post shows that Rmoney probably will receive around 225 electoral votes to Obamas 313.
It was a complete sentence.
The subject of the thread and what I wrote was clear.
Nobody else but you have misunderstood it.

NLSX also read it that way. so it's not just me.

You misunderstood the statement.
It was perfectly clear to anyone with half a brain.

perhaps people with half a brain were the Target Market for your statement, in which case, mission accomplished.

It was written in a thread where the subject was the chance of Obama winning and I wrote about chance.
This cannot be twisted however much you try to.

It's insanely stupid to suggest I was trying to convince people that Obama had won 90% of the electoral vote when the very link in the OPs post shows that Rmoney probably will receive around 225 electoral votes to Obamas 313.

IF the cited polls are correct (which they are most likely NOT)
IF the conclusions of the odds makers are correct (ditto)
and IF all the states and districts vote as expected
then possibly the odds-maker will be correct.

but in the end, only ONE POLL COUNTS and thats the one we are having today.
your opinion of who WE choose is irrelevant.
your favorite odds-makers opinions on the pre-election data are also irrelevant.
IF the cited polls are correct (which they are most likely NOT)
IF the conclusions of the odds makers are correct (ditto)
and IF all the states and districts vote as expected
then possibly the odds-maker will be correct.

but in the end, only ONE POLL COUNTS and thats the one we are having today.
your opinion of who WE choose is irrelevant.
your favorite odds-makers opinions on the pre-election data are also irrelevant.

Cited polls not correct?
Turn on the news, any channel, even faux news have stated Obama has won.

The conclusions were correct, refer to the electoral vote tally.

They did not vote entirely as expected, Obama actually won more states than most people would've thought he would.

I agree, only the election itself counts, and boy did it speak up.
Obama winning on a pretty big scale and Romney so butt hurt he won't concede.

It seems like Nate Silvers opinion wasn't irrelevant. He actually predicted this near perfectly. B
But it seems like all your predictions and theories were wrong.
You certainly proved how stupid you were and I don't see you conceding or admitting you were at wrong (like desert dude had enough character to do).

View attachment 2401439
You are going to be wrong about the 91.4%....


Get some History.

yeah, we all know about your grasp of history.

(if we go by Nate Silvers calculations)

Why would we go by rabid partisan calculations? From the premier partisan rag? That all depends on his warped view of the warped polls, correct?

If he was actually independent he would never work for the Times. They would not hire him.

There are plenty of other famous and infamous people and none of their partisan opinions count at all.

god, i just love watching righties lash out against math and science with their impotent rage and blind to the world passion.
It seems like Nate Silvers opinion wasn't irrelevant. He actually predicted this near perfectly. B
But it seems like all your predictions and theories were wrong.

no, nate silver got it 100% right. every single state without fail.

funny what science and math are capable of doing.

and it's even funnier watching a bunch of internet gaylords act like they know better than the big brains of the world.

but hey, maybe they know better than the scientists on climate change. i mean, just check out their track record when it comes to simple, uncomplicated polling data.

we need to get moving on this volcano theory, maybe let climatologists know about the sun and water vapor too.

no, nate silver got it 100% right. every single state without fail.

funny what science and math are capable of doing.

and it's even funnier watching a bunch of internet gaylords act like they know better than the big brains of the world.

but hey, maybe they know better than the scientists on climate change. i mean, just check out their track record when it comes to simple, uncomplicated polling data.

we need to get moving on this volcano theory, maybe let climatologists know about the sun and water vapor too.

Got me a sig UB!!!
Uncle Buck must of had a bad week, need to bump his own thread from 3 months ago to feel better :)

actually, i posted this thread in response to a drunken aussie's assertion that i post progressive nonsense that is always wrong, or something to that effect.

to be honest, i had not actually read the thread i started because it was election time, and i was busy making weed deliveries and rubbing the election results in the faces of morons.

this was a nostalgic bit of fun, and a helpful reminder as to who the morons are.
(if we go by Nate Silvers calculations)

Why would we go by rabid partisan calculations? From the premier partisan rag? That all depends on his warped view of the warped polls, correct?

If he was actually independent he would never work for the Times. They would not hire him.

There are plenty of other famous and infamous people and none of their partisan opinions count at all.

all you have to do is switch a few words around and we have the anthropogenic global warming debate unfolding.