LST question


New Member
Hi r.i.u. my plant from a regular seed.
Lights 2 x 25w cfl , soil well a cheap one from local shop... my plant is old... lol about 45 days but it had root damage after transplanting , cold stress , under and over watering and many more problems... its my first growing. Today i start l.s.t. and im realy on panic did i make l.s.t. ok? And a big sorry guys for my poor english skills. Pic :


Active Member
The plant you have lst looks good, but the plant in the red pot will be no good if you don't give it a lot more light, I would hang a bulb just above the seedling


Well-Known Member
Looks good to me from what i can see of the pic. try taking a pic straight down towards the top of the plant if you can so we can have a better view.