Picture of your pet thread !!!

Possibly a bad comparison, but here you go.

Several years ago I had a 4 year old male Rhodesian ridgeback hound mix I raised from a puppy that I adored - he was a large high strung dog that I would do anything for.
Coming back from the grocery store one day another dog chased my truck barking his ass off while my dog is chained in the bed of the truck barking back. The small neighborhood kids were fucking around in the street as I backed into my driveway. As soon as I unchained my dog he took off and attacked one of the kids for seemingly no reason. Picked him up by the thigh and shook him hard - bad bite, surgery required.
Long story short, I did what I could (Muzzle, no freedom etc.) and still had to put him down.
I know he got all cranked up by that other dog & the kids were kinda fighting, pushing each other around but the end of the story is that a dog that bites a human cannot be trusted. My dog could have just as easily grabbed this 6 year old kid by the throat.
I know the pain involved in these decisions, but no trust ? No exceptions.
that's a horrible story gwn :( I feel the worst for the kid who undoubtedly will have a fear of dogs for life now.

I know what you are saying about not trusting dogs who bite. and I kinda agree, but my st. bit a guy on the ass once. He didn't draw blood, only ripped his pants....scared the shit outta him though.

my old boy is VERY protective of our house. the closer you get to the door the more aggressive he gets. It bothers me sometimes as I know one day it may cause bigger problems. but with all of the burglaries and people stealing shit around here it is a risk I am willing to take.

many many many homes and buildings have been broken into around here....yet mine have never been touched(thank god) I attribute this to having a bfd. Gonna get a shepherd pup this spring to get some ears and eyes to go with my saints nose.
Had a red Dobe that was very vocal/ property protective and an accomplished escape artist. When on the loose he would avoid people/animals. My Rott would calmly lie in the grass when outside and wait until people would come up to the door and then quietly move to block exit from property. All with no fuss, just the lip curl/growl. Thankfully, they never bit anyone. I have to agree with GWN.. a sad ending for a good friend.

These are my babies
Rotweiler and 2 long haired Akitas

The Rotweiler (Zeus) has bit a baby once.....it was VERY BAD

One day he was left at the house with my grandma, and the house cleaner (who was a illegal Mexican lady) and her 3 year old daughter

the 3 year old ended up picking up a vacuum tube fixture and started hitting my dog with it,
he got hit about 3 times then bit her in the face

the bite was so bad that it went through her check/jaw and knocked out a few of her teeth

It was a horrible situation, we had told the maid to not bring her baby just in case something happened in our house.

ambulance came and picked them up and we haven't hered from them since ( I believe they were deported)

From there they sent a vet to come visit my dog once a month to see if it was a "bad dog"
almost like doggy probation..it was crazy

that was like 6 years ago
I got my saint from someone else when he was around 9 months old. The previous owners were very irresponsible and left him locked in a small laundry room for like 16 hrs a day. After this he had/has social issues and REALLY doesn't like other dogs. and is very apprehensive around people....go figure

fucking people. get a puppy thinking...oh, how cute!! not realizing that cute puppies grow into big dogs...wtf?

when he was brought to my house he wouldn't listen and was trying to pull me around on the lead. when I jerked it he turned around and acted like he was gonna bite me. I punched him as hard as I could right in the nose.....damn near dropped him.

since that first day he has been the best/most loyal dog i've ever had. I regularly desensitize him for food aggression by taking his food from him while he is eating...he doesn't like it but he won't even lift his lip or growl....at me anyway. I probably wouldn't want someone else to try it though.


Pick up the sock! Then, throw the sock! I'll get the sock! Then, bring back the sock! I'm a dog.
My dog Tyson. I think he likes MJ smoke more than I do :) Almost 4 yrs old. Silky-poo terrier


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