Total Noob using teas and I am a believer


Well-Known Member
Hey Guys. Question.......Do I light the 911 Turbo and the Boxster S on fire or sell them. I refuse to pay her money to keep them. Fuck that. Scorched earth time here. No way. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck that. I'm thinking fire. Yeah. Fire. Ffffffiiiiiiiiiiyyyyyyeeerrrr.

On another note.......I went out with the hottest woman tonight. I mean full on beautiful. Great person. Her face is so crazy. I couldn't stop looking at her eyes. No way she smokes. Deal breaker. It's time to cut my losses. I refuse to play that game again. Too bad. Yep. I'm growing up. Tell me there are hot women out there who smoke.

I'm burnt. I forgot how much I loved being burnt when I'm in a good mood. Crazy high. Wow. Go Gage Green.

If I were you I'd send one (or both) of those Porsches out to your good buddy st0w! :-)

You should come out to the hash bash in Ann Arbor this year. Tons of hotties rolling around that like to blaze. Rrog and I will play host during your stay....


Well-Known Member
Gandalf remember this...Fires always bring unwanted attention, LOL! Seriously bro, take your lumps, be the bigger person, and ghost this cunt from your life afterwards. Nothin says you can't get super ripped, buckle up, peel tire, and wear them bitches out before they're appraised. Just be careful, LOL! She's gone now, and like SH said, you're free now. You don't have to get a chick to bring home, and settle down with. You're looking for a good time now, REST, RELAX, RECHARGE, and find a cool chick who wants to hang out, not move in! You'll find a cool woman who likes to smoke, I know plenty bro. Again like SH said, you don't want someone smoking up all your stash, just one who wants to get high as a giraffes ass, and FUCK!! MUA HA HA HA! Take er easy bro, and NO FIRES, HUH?!?!!!

Deus, everything you could ever want to know about 'Teas' are in this thread, get to reading bro. I'm not disregarding your question or anything, but I think it would actually be easier to re-read this thread than for anybody to lay out a million 'Tea' recipes for anybody. Veg, Bloom, General, it's all here bro!

Quoted for truth. Great post myco!


Well-Known Member
If I were you I'd send one (or both) of those Porsches out to your good buddy st0w! :-)

You should come out to the hash bash in Ann Arbor this year. Tons of hotties rolling around that like to blaze. Rrog and I will play host during your stay....
Sounds good to me. When is it?


Well-Known Member
Its all good guys.. just was wondering what this tea stuff was but i think ill stick with my Veg N bloom hydro way
If you get discouraged that easily and won't take the time to gleam the wisdom on this page and similar ones, then I'd say you don't have the patience and tenacity needed to pursue enabling nature to do her thing!

Funny organics has its own way of "weeding" out inorganic material



Well-Known Member
If you get discouraged that easily and won't take the time to gleam the wisdom on this page similar ones, then I'd say ya you don't or patience and tenacity needed to pursue enabling nature to do her thing!

Funny organics has its own way of "weeding" out inorganic material

I just get a little irritated when people clearly have the internet at their fingertips, but refuse to do any homework or research of their own. I've learned alot of stuff both related and completely unrelated to my search by looking. Some kid asked a long winded version of "what does a marijuana plant look like?" I told him "to do some research of his own" and got blasted for it. lol


Well-Known Member
I just get a little irritated when people clearly have the internet at their fingertips, but refuse to do any homework or research of their own. I've learned alot of stuff both related and completely unrelated to my search by looking. Some kid asked a long winded version of "what does a marijuana plant look like?" I told him "to do some research of his own" and got blasted for it. lol
a while ago in the indoor section. Some one asked how much longer their plant was from being done. It was still vegging. Then same noob asked if he should flower and is the plant able to flower. I said "no flowering is very bad." but I got a lot of likes and reps for that one for the humor in it. Its funny some of the most simple things to figure out and yet they don't think to use google or Bing or Yahoo


Well-Known Member
Nicely done hyroot. People were actually describing what a plant looks like. They were being cool, but I know he dropped out around the 9th grade. Lazy.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
I just get a little irritated when people clearly have the internet at their fingertips, but refuse to do any homework or research of their own. I've learned alot of stuff both related and completely unrelated to my search by looking. Some kid asked a long winded version of "what does a marijuana plant look like?" I told him "to do some research of his own" and got blasted for it. lol
ROFL... I mean look at this little conversation. Damn did I laugh my ass off:

Before I read all this can you write an abstract and include what you are trying to produce. I'm not sure if I want to use up all my brain cells for the night yet by reading this whole thing.
A discussion on the general methodology of extracting materials from living samples with particular focus on the extraction of psychoactive drugs from various plant matter by nonchemists. Included is a good deal of safety information and some discussion on the reasons extractions work. And now an abstract because the subject and introduction weren't enough.
Talk about getting owned, BOOOM! Mr Duck got +rep for that one hehehehehehehe.


Well-Known Member
Hey y'all , thoughts on force sex in 12/12 then revert to veg after a week or so.. Debating whether to do this again or just take clones and sex those. Even preflowers in veg can be misleading so...


Well-Known Member
Hey y'all , thoughts on force sex in 12/12 then revert to veg after a week or so.. Debating whether to do this again or just take clones and sex those. Even preflowers in veg can be misleading so...
I think it'd be about the same time wise. I'd take the clones, and let the potential mommies grow.


Well-Known Member
I tried the force sexing before. It worked fine. I did it because Nug buckets does that. I tried it when everyone started main lining. I tried it with 7 plants. 5 were female 2 male. Like nugs i threw them into 12/12 when they were 8 inches tall. then started training them when they reverted to veg. They did a stretch a little bit. The plants were larger faster. It didn't extend veg time. I haven't tried it in a long time. The last seeds I did. I didn't even sex really. I just got lucky with all females... I just have 20 plants from seed to sex. So taking that many clones will be tedious and take up some space. That's the only reason I was considering force sexing them


Well-Known Member
Guess I let my soil dry out a bit too much. I was afraid I was overwatering cause of the wrinkle in the leaves but I was wrong. Any advice on what to do with the coconut water I got. My son wanted a coconut so I kept the "milk"?. I'm thinking foliar with aloe and the coconut water.