do you believe in aliens?


Well-Known Member
i have a problem with the ufo's and aliens for the same reason i have problems with things like bigfoot or sasquatch, but with all the cameras people have out ther today, how come i've yet to see any solid proof of either's existence, unless of course, both ufo's and sasquatch both are blurry, out of focus creatures that some how always manage to escape photographic evidence..
There's already enough photographic evidence out there that show alien craft, and there has been since at least the 40's. However, people just don't want to believe what they see, and don't want to believe their fellow man when they tell them the truth ABOUT what they've seen. Sure, some people are full of shit, but not everyone, and especially folks that encounter these things as a part of their duty like commercial pilots, military aviators, radar operators and cops. We haven't had a mass communication system for very long in our existence, and up until the advent of the "innernets", information about these observations have been highly controlled. Now we have access to accounts that span back to the late 1800's, and that've happened all over the ENTIRE planet. Pretty much EVERY world power has, or has at some time, created an organization to study these observations, and pretty much ALL of them have remained classified.

You don't classify information about fake shit.

There's witness testimony across every spectrum of society.
There's photographic evidence.
There's radar evidence from both ground and air based platforms.
There's physical trace evidence at landing sites all over the world.

This shit's real y'all.



Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member

This thing [on this video] I saw while laying on my back looking up at the Hawaiian Star [no moon] lit sky....
"Look a shooting star..."
as it moved right to left across the sky....
Then straight south towards ocean...
then left turn back the way it came...
then straight north like a rocket taking off...
Then a 45 degree climb then gone...
All in about 5-7 seconds...
The chick I was with said:
"....a What was that...???"
I asked: "Did you see it too?"
she shook her head...yes...


Well-Known Member

This thing [on this video] I saw while laying on my back looking up at the Hawaiian Star [no moon] lit sky....
"Look a shooting star..."
as it moved right to left across the sky....
Then straight south towards ocean...
then left turn back the way it came...
then straight north like a rocket taking off...
Then a 45 degree climb then gone...
All in about 5-7 seconds...
The chick I was with said:
"....a What was that...???"
I asked: "Did you see it too?"
she shook her head...yes...
The unidentified man in that video looks a lot like a big foot.


Well-Known Member
There are times I share this story and even I start thinking it really didn't happen....but it did, and my entire family, another family, and a deputy sheriff witness it too.

My family was sitting at our kitchen table one night playing cards. We had a police scanner in the kitchen (it's what we grew up with) and there was a dispatch call to our sector saying a UFO has been spotted only a mile or so from our house. We all looked at each other in disbelief and then ran out to the car and headed towards the house it was spotted. As we were driving towards the house, all of a sudden a disk-shaped object rose from where the police call reported. It had a red, blue/green, and white lights that seemed to spin around the disk.

It rose about what seemed a 1/2 mile up and hovered for about 10 seconds......and then it went from zero to a zillion miles an hour (it was just a streak across the sky). It made no sound, somehow didn't make a sonic boom, and was gone within seconds.

We arrived at our friends house where the deputy and the family stood outside watching the sky waiting for it to return. We stood out there for about 45 minutes talking about what we saw. We weren't even sure we'd admit what we saw to anyone as we didn't think anyone would believe us. The girl that phoned in the call was sitting on some stairs next to a window talking on the phone when she notice the saucer hovering over their horse pasture...she hung up and called the police immediately.

I haven't looked in years, but for the next few years, nothing grew in the spot where the saucer had hovered over.


Global Moderator
Staff member
So what do you figure they were up to? Spheres don't seem like the most natural "we were here, bitches" monument.
I don't think anyone knows the significance of the spheres - many times they were placed in a celestial position, or used near important burial grounds.
My question is how the hell does someone 2000 years ago chisel a perfect sphere out of granite ?
And why ?

I was really hoping to see some "Identified hovering objects" from the chick at the start of this vid !

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
there are living things on other planets and given half a chance humans will eat them. We have eaten everything on this planet and we will not stop there. If we go to another planet and there is millions of "chickens" there we will eat them


Well-Known Member
I don't think anyone knows the significance of the spheres - many times they were placed in a celestial position, or used near important burial grounds.<br>
My question is how the hell does someone 2000 years ago chisel a perfect sphere out of granite ?<br>
And why ?<br>
<br><br>No idea. But invoking Occam's Razor, I can scarcely see why it is more believable to add on interplanetary travel.<br><br>I recall seeing the big stone balls analyzed.... Firstly, they are not perfect spheres when measured carefully. Secondly, I saw a modern man make one using primative tools just to show that he could. His was no less spherical than the ancient ones.<br><br>I hate to take the mystery out of life, but sometimes logic mandates it. They're still cool and I would prefer that they ARE extra-terrestrial... But then I would be susceptible to the bible and poorly produced cable tv too.<br><br>To me it is just as interesting as evidence of early man's worldview. Well, not quite.<br>

Wait, what?

Well-Known Member
I think we're all from different planets. Unstuck in time. We're being punished for crimes against a people we have no memory of. This is an interplanetary prison

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
Saying that Aliens were responsible for the pyramids or stone henge or big rock heads or any other "pre history hard to understand how they did it" is a fucking insult to some very hard working mother fuckers from our past.


Global Moderator
Staff member
<br><br>No idea. But invoking Occam's Razor, I can scarcely see why it is more believable to add on interplanetary travel.<br><br>I recall seeing the big stone balls analyzed.... Firstly, they are not perfect spheres when measured carefully. Secondly, I saw a modern man make one using primative tools just to show that he could. His was no less spherical than the ancient ones.<br><br>I hate to take the mystery out of life, but sometimes logic mandates it. They're still cool and I would prefer that they ARE extra-terrestrial... But then I would be susceptible to the bible and poorly produced cable tv too.<br><br>To me it is just as interesting as evidence of early man's worldview. Well, not quite.<br>
Saying that Aliens were responsible for the pyramids or stone henge or big rock heads or any other "pre history hard to understand how they did it" is a fucking insult to some very hard working mother fuckers from our past.
I wasn't implying that I believe aliens made them, I just find their construction (and whatever the reason behind them) very interesting.


Global Moderator
Staff member
My answer would be yes, as to their whereabouts, biological makeup or favorite snack I have no clue but imo the universe is full of "life".
Then again, out of all the possibilities in all the universes I doubt we would be the Apex predator.

And I bet we go great with mashed taters & gravy (or some form or another of Galactic side dish). :wink:


Well-Known Member
Check these out.

Post 1.

No vertical or horizontal stabilizers.
No collision avoidance lights.
No observable gondola or visible propulsion systems identifying them as an air ship.
No main or tail rotor visible.

1993 in Deutschland.


Another on the way...