Greenpeace Founder: Climate Change Is Bogus

and of those that did, only about 2% share your views.

97% share my views.

a small percentage say they don't know.

There is no 97% view, are you fucking drunk?
66% don't have a view, 32.6%, or less than 1/3 have your view and believe in AGW.
My view, like 67% of those scientists view, is there is no consensus, the science isn't settled.
See how that works.

BTW, you talked to Heckler lately? lulz.....
only where the laws require it. hence why many businesses refuse to do any business with them.

Lmfao now think about the south a little more, get back to me on that.
Obviously someone is. I don't remember NOT smelling the paper mills when I drove past.
Lmfao now think about the south a little more, get back to me on that.
Obviously someone is. I don't remember NOT smelling the paper mills when I drove past.

You have obviously not included the bearded communities needs into your tight-knit "southern-paper-mills" wants.....way to be lame......beards have feelings you know........
OH....MY/'s like so, gross............

Grow a beard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
expressing a view and having a view are two completely different things.

are you fucking stupid?


Well presented issues deserve, superawesome tracks....why don't you grow a fucking beard you vagina(jahbrudda)?!

All of you disappoint the shit out of me right nao.......
"Among self-rated papers expressing a position on AGW, 97.2% endorsed the consensus."

Did you reading compensation fail u Keynes? In other words, of all the papers on climate change (the subject in question) that reached a conclusion, 97.2% supported the conclusion that climate change is man made. 2.8% did not. Not all studies express a comprehensive opinion, which is something you seem to have glossed over.

"gloosed over" is what happens when 66.4% of the subject matter doesnt conform to the assumption so you ignore it.

point 1: there has been a minor increase in the mean average temp globally (not the mean, just the average)
point 2: there has been a considerable increase in co2 levels globally
point 3: there has as yet been no causal link established between the two
thus this does not lead us to the conclusion that humans did it

i realize you feel ways about things, and those feelings are super important to you, but this does not make your feelings important to me.

66.4% of the researchers in this META-STUDY (the least useful type of study) did not feel confident to link human activity with a small short term rise in temps.

97% of the 32% minority who were willing to rush forward and make claims were making the popular claim.

considering the "study" was just a boolean search of the abstracts (the premise and conclusion for politicians and newsreaders) and NOT actual research or experimentation, means the citation is worthless.

it doesnt say what the "authors" wish it to say, and is based solely on the cliff notes version of other researchers with no examination of the validity of the data they were google mining.
check with asia paper and pulp, it's pretty well documented.

more than 50% of america's paper pulp comes from recycled paper, the rest comes from pulpwood farms, and sawmill waste.

old growth wood is far more valuable as timber, and export hardwood. nobody cuts down old growth trees for paper pulp.

facts is facts. even a wikipedia warrior like yourself can look that shit up.
where did 67% say there was no consensus?

66.4% didt feel confident in the data to rush to judgement, while you, and a majority of the minority who need a boogeyman were willing to dash ahead.

repeatedly claiming 97% of all researchers agree on AGW is a lie.
Good. Now you have 3.134% of scientists who don't believe climate change exists as opposed to 3.133%.

Making progress.

Meanwhile I'm sure the other 96.8% are meeting in the back corner of a bar somewhere, plotting out their next insidious attack on American business.

Sometimes "Things" are right in front of your face and you ignore the obvious...

Nobody’s saying that the Earth hasn’t warmed a little bit. What we’re saying is there’s no proof that it is human activity that has caused this little bit of warming …”It’s worth noting in this context that Al Gore made a fortune promoting environmental causes while flying around the world in a private jet and then selling his cable television station to Big Oil.
There are other reputable scientists who have raised questions about man-made climate change, but they aren’t afforded the media or academic megaphone, and sometimes ostracized instead.
There is no 97% view, are you fucking drunk?
66% don't have a view, 32.6%, or less than 1/3 have your view and believe in AGW.
My view, like 67% of those scientists view, is there is no consensus, the science isn't settled.
See how that works.

BTW, you talked to Heckler lately? lulz.....

Buck does not have a basic concept of math... or percentages...
No use in even trying to get him to understand...
Buck just keeps on telling the same lie over and over and over... How sad....

If you do the same thing over and over and expect a different outcome...

You are mad...
Buck does not have a basic concept of math... or percentages...
No use in even trying to get him to understand...

He's demonstrated numerous time that he can't handle basic division and percentages. The best one was the missing zero debacle of 2013. Railed on ND's stupidity, flinging UB pooh all over the walls (like he always does), then had to admit he fucked up. If it wasn't such a common event, it would have been glorious.
expressing a view and having a view are two completely different things.

are you fucking stupid?

66% of scientist do not have a view, or believe in 'Man Made' Global Warming, or Man Made Climate Change....

are you with me so far?

I typed that real slow because when Buck reads it he wont get it...

66% of Scientists do not believe Climate Change is man made....because they do not have a view, if they take a "No View" their funding continues...

I am not going to call Buck out on this, however, understanding the numbers concept is beyond his ability to understand...

66% of the Scientist's according to Uncle Buck, agree that they have no opinion... that Global Climate Change is caused by man...

So... 66% agree that the science behind global climate change is not caused by man...and is not settled...

Seems so simple for anyone that doesn't need to take his shoes off to count to 13....Uncle Buck... That be you!