I saw a spiritual alien and now the UFOs are above My house!

When did u hear me or anyone else say I was an atheist George? Little, crazy assed, wannabe, christs. What do you expect? Heh.

Although The Liar King loves many logical fallacies, the strawman is by far his favorite. He is unable to address, much less refute, our specific points so he makes up (as he does for most things he doesn't understand) an easy, imaginary position to argue against instead. More dishonesty, will it ever end? Long Live the Liar King!
I'm guessing he is finally realizing his bullshit isn't serving him as well as he expected it would, now he is letting desperation show through. As you mentioned earlier, a site without adults might be a good "next step" for him.
Here is your definition : a hypothetical or fictional being from outer space.

So the fact that there is no evidence for them means we cannot definitively "know" as you put it...All you can do is assume.....

"To the public aliens are not proven"... that is correct... only a complete intellectual imbecile would believe they are real without proof....

extraterrestrial[ ek-struh-tuh-res-tree-uhl ]
1. outside, or originating outside, the limits of the earth.

Thats the definition of extraterrestrial.

Im sure if aliens do exist, which I believe they do, there is plenty of evidence, its just that the public isnt privvy to that information. Only if all the militaries "top secret" documents were disclosed, then we would have a different conversation, Im sure.

I would assume only an "intellectual imbecile" would assume aliens do NOT exist, considering how vast space is and all the chances for life. Just My opinion.

When did u hear me or anyone else say I was an atheist George? Little, crazy assed, wannabe, christs. What do you expect? Heh.

Hehe, youre funny... "Little, crazy assed, wannabe, christs."

I dont "wannabe Christ", its My belief, ideology, assumtion, and deduction of Myself. If Im not Christ, then Im the biggest poser, and I truly wish I wasnt posing to be Christ if I really am not Him. But all of My "evidence" points to the fact that I am indeed the Christ, the Prophet of the new AGE. What did you expect? that the Atheists would embrace Me with open arms? But the Atheists can still believe Im a fact and remain Atheist: or at least they can believe its a fact that I have literally said and made the claims that I have.

If youre not an Atheist (like the majority in this subforum), what are you? A Christian, Agnostic, a Theist, or something else? Serious question.

extraterrestrial[ ek-struh-tuh-res-tree-uhl ]
1. outside, or originating outside, the limits of the earth.

Thats the definition of extraterrestrial.

Im sure if aliens do exist, which I believe they do, there is plenty of evidence, its just that the public isnt privvy to that information. Only if all the militaries "top secret" documents were disclosed, then we would have a different conversation, Im sure.

I would assume only an "intellectual imbecile" would assume aliens do NOT exist, considering how vast space is and all the chances for life. Just My opinion.


you assume a lot of things... and to think that not one single person would blow the lid on "aliens" is something only conspiracy theory morons would attest to...if the cap fits though George.

Why would I assume that Aliens exist just on the basis that the universe is so large... They also need an atmosphere conducive to sustaining life which is infinitely more difficult to achieve so therefore I base my opinions on the fact that no evidence to suggest they do exist has been put forward..but keep believing in something you hope is there based on illogical views points and leave reality to the rest of us.
George, allow me to introduce you to a fellow RUI-er, psi007. I don't know him, other than this post which made me think of you:

If I believed in Aliens, I would believe in illusions, not magic. :smile: I believe aliens live on Earth in a clandestine operation, oh shit, where is my tin-foil hat!

seriously, the "aliens" (which have been here longer than I have), are very hot, they love heat, like a spidermite. They wear mechanical suits which contain their heat and also can be almost invisible to the human eye. You can see a scattered red hue glowing from them if they are "camo'ed". They can talk by moving waves of air, not by vocal cords, it is some form of telekinesis which moves our pressurized atmosphere and it can sound as any voice or other noise. They are not horribly bad but they lack our everyday concern for trivial matters, I think they see us as a pet, like a beloved family dog.

They have incredible technology and they have no problem altering and manipulation the mind and "brain waves" to induce a variety of effects on their host.

They have tools for which they use for human intervention. Some tools look like large crystal pencils, and they can place objects into your body for tracking and, more importantly, mental adaptation. They are training us..

There is too few of them to "work the world", they employ soldiers of few to possibly incorporate the agenda of global leaders.

far out? :arrow: :joint:
Hehe, youre funny... "Little, crazy assed, wannabe, christs."

I dont "wannabe Christ", its My belief, ideology, assumtion, and deduction of Myself. If Im not Christ, then Im the biggest poser, and I truly wish I wasnt posing to be Christ if I really am not Him. But all of My "evidence" points to the fact that I am indeed the Christ, the Prophet of the new AGE. What did you expect? that the Atheists would embrace Me with open arms? But the Atheists can still believe Im a fact and remain Atheist: or at least they can believe its a fact that I have literally said and made the claims that I have.

If youre not an Atheist (like the majority in this subforum), what are you? A Christian, Agnostic, a Theist, or something else? Serious question.


Aside from being "funny", you mean? I yam what I yam and I ain't no more, George.
George, allow me to introduce you to a fellow RUI-er, psi007. I don't know him, other than this post which made me think of you:

I can assure you that Im not Psi007, and I didnt write that quote.

But regardless of what Mr.Psi said, Im glad you thought of Me, lol ;-)

Im sure most people dont know much about aliens, and if they say they know all about the aliens, they are either lying or delusional.

You should ask Psi HOW he KNOWS so much about aliens.

Aside from being "funny", you mean? I yam what I yam and I ain't no more, George.

If youre not an Atheist, then you have to be one form of either a Theist or an Agnostic.

What are you? Whats the big secret?

Ohh, ya, I forgot, youre a "yam", lol.

you assume a lot of things... and to think that not one single person would blow the lid on "aliens" is something only conspiracy theory morons would attest to...if the cap fits though George.

Why would I assume that Aliens exist just on the basis that the universe is so large... They also need an atmosphere conducive to sustaining life which is infinitely more difficult to achieve so therefore I base my opinions on the fact that no evidence to suggest they do exist has been put forward..but keep believing in something you hope is there based on illogical views points and leave reality to the rest of us.

Youre right, we should only believe what the government tells us, lol ;-)

And also, just believe the mainstream media too, lol.

come on george you watched this thing for two fuckin hours sitting in a tree or on your neighbours roof through a scope and all you have for a description is a circle with a few more circles inside of it, i could honestly come up with better if i was blindolded and using my left hand .but i will give u the benifit of the doubt and say art isnt your strong point , but come on you surely could be giving us masses of detail about this being , its shape its skin its colour its arms , hands feet was it breathing air, how was it breathing , did it make noises did it try communication ,was it aware of you ,what was it doing for all that time , was it injured it didnt move ? , the list of details you should be easily able to give , given the time you spent looking at it would be immense .
imagine it was a horse on the roof that day the description you would be able to give of it would be huge .
lol as if you didnt call the cops or someone else to come and see it lol
If youre not an Atheist, then you have to be one form of either a Theist or an Agnostic.

What are you? Whats the big secret?

Ohh, ya, I forgot, youre a "yam", lol.


Explain, George. Why do I "have to be" ANY of the three things things that YOU say I "have to be"? Why don't you just write a "prophecy" about it and tell us what my alignment is? SECRET? It's no secret, George. I just don't feel like I owe you a damn thing. Not courtesy. Not any kind of consideration. Not respect. Nothing, and as long as you are just bound and determined to conduct yourself like a horses ass to this community, that is how I will treat you.
If youre not an Atheist, then you have to be one form of either a Theist or an Agnostic.

What are you? Whats the big secret?

Ohh, ya, I forgot, youre a "yam", lol.


Your stupid is showing again....

Agnostic is not a belief, it's a stance on knowledge.

come on george you watched this thing for two fuckin hours sitting in a tree or on your neighbours roof through a scope and all you have for a description is a circle with a few more circles inside of it, i could honestly come up with better if i was blindolded and using my left hand .but i will give u the benifit of the doubt and say art isnt your strong point , but come on you surely could be giving us masses of detail about this being , its shape its skin its colour its arms , hands feet was it breathing air, how was it breathing , did it make noises did it try communication ,was it aware of you ,what was it doing for all that time , was it injured it didnt move ? , the list of details you should be easily able to give , given the time you spent looking at it would be immense .
imagine it was a horse on the roof that day the description you would be able to give of it would be huge .
lol as if you didnt call the cops or someone else to come and see it lol

You need to read the whole thread again, I already did My best describing the being that I saw.

The being was translucent the whole time, after it stopped being totally invisible. At first I couldnt see anything except the My neighbors roof and tree. I could only see the alien after it went from being totally invisible to being translucent. It was very hard to see, even in broad daylight because it was translucent, or only transparent, or partially visible.

I saw the aliens arm, face, body, and maybe the legs too.

It looked humanoid to Me, I think it had two arms, two legs, and one head.

I saw the aliens face kind of bobbling or moving around, if he didnt move his face around, I probably wouldnt have been able to discern his face from the rest of the body. It was very camoflauged, even in broad daylight.

You have to remember, I live in a city with many houses around. If it wasnt so camoflauged, other people might have noticed too because I live in a city. And if other people saw an alien on top of a roof, they might have called the cops or whatever. Im sure the alien didnt want to get caught by the cops or any people, that could be a reason why he was translucent, plus invisibity and translucent technology might not be a big deal to the aliens.

I assume it was breathing air, I dont know.

The skin color was greenish grey, because their was a tree behind him and it was letting some green pass through.

I didnt hear any noises, I was inside of My house, looking through a window. It might have tried to "communicate" visually, but all I did was look.

Im pretty sure the alien was aware of Me. He put on quite a show for Me anyways. It seemed like he was looking at Me as I was looking at him.

It seemed like the alien was just chilling on top of My neighbors roof. It seemed like he moved in place, but I didnt see him move around too much besides in the same spot. I definitly saw his head move around and his arm too, I might have seem a leg and foot move too but Im not sure.

It was hard to discern because it was translucent and I have never seen an alien before or since.

Thats what I remember anyways, My alien encounter was in August of 2012. So its been about 2 years now and My mind didnt record every detail like a video camera could, I just remember parts of My encounter.

If I had it on video, you would certainly be very impressed and a believer, and you would see that My description of My alien encounter is close enough, as far as words go.

Pic's or it didn't happen.

I dont have any pictures for 99.999999 etc. percent of My life. Am I not 28 years old, and didnt all of My Life happen? But using your logic, My Life didnt happen because I dont have pictures to prove every moment.

Most of the things in My life that happened, I dont have pictures to prove it.

I still think youre a virgin because you dont have any pictures to prove you have had sex, lol. Do you see how absurd that is? "Pics or it didnt happen", lol.

What can YOU PROVE, Zaehet Strife, compared to what you cant prove, using just pictures or videos of yourself?

I dont have any pictures for 99.999999 etc. percent of My life. Am I not 28 years old, and didnt all of My Life happen? But using your logic, My Life didnt happen because I dont have pictures to prove every moment.

Most of the things in My life that happened, I dont have pictures to prove it.

I still think youre a virgin because you dont have any pictures to prove you have had sex, lol. Do you see how absurd that is? "Pics or it didnt happen", lol.

What can YOU PROVE, Zaehet Strife, compared to what you cant prove, using just pictures or videos of yourself?


This kind of reminds me when you argued that I couldnt prove that there was a Jesus of Nazareth despite the wider general community of experts who have studied it accepting that a Jesus did exist... your answer was it couldnt be proven it due to lack of pictures... well well well..... more than just 3 holes in the ground...

Guess you pick and choose what you points you want to use when it suits you..

I would like to know if the 99.999999 is an exaggeration of how much of your life was not documented by photographs... it is very important to know if that 99.999999 percent should be taken with a grain of salt like the "I witnessed a UFO" or the truth
I dont have any pictures for 99.999999 etc. percent of My life. Am I not 28 years old, and didnt all of My Life happen? But using your logic, My Life didnt happen because I dont have pictures to prove every moment.

Most of the things in My life that happened, I dont have pictures to prove it.

I still think youre a virgin because you dont have any pictures to prove you have had sex, lol. Do you see how absurd that is? "Pics or it didnt happen", lol.

What can YOU PROVE, Zaehet Strife, compared to what you cant prove, using just pictures or videos of yourself?


You can prove nothing. We don't even exist... Or Do we... Nah, well maybe........ Am I still typing?

I believe in aliens! But I don't think they would be dumb enough to come to our fucked up planet. We would end up killing them or vice versa. Tell your friends to go home before someone gets hurt.