"global warming petition project" peer reviewed and everything???

Here is a Carbon scam, I just found out about. I voted against the High Speed Rail projected. I knew it would go to Feinstien and Co, most likely, and I knew the cost would be much more than they said.

Now Gov Brown thinks he can get a Federal subsidy as a Giant carbon credit, by again, predicting the ridership. I remember when they predicted ridership for BART, year after year....for 30 years they were so WRONG. By the time they get this boodoggle built, it will be with the funny math of carbon offsets.

So, big polluters in the State can buy carbon credits and that's the money, Brown wants to use, but guess what? The,y of course, are mot counting the carbon it takes to produce all that electricity, for trains that will run 1/4 full for years, but get full carbon credit for all the car of FULL ridership.

Carbon Rip-off by the Left.

I don't know if all these "carbon" issues are a scam. That would imply malicious intent.
Personally, it seems more like a case of zealotry; people are misled by fear and appeals to authority. As Buck noted, "all we can do is listen to those who are qualified".
Well, qualification in "climate science" is strange. It is not exactly a complete science with a unique curriculum, it's a mix of all the hard sciences; Physics, Chem, Bio, with a good chunk of Comp Sci thrown in.
I can see it becoming a unique branch down the road, but is it there now? I don't believe so, otherwise, these kinds of heated debates wouldn't continue.

However, I hope you don't dismiss human activity as an adjunct in the dynamics. We do have an effect, the question is in the magnitude.

Everyone who is interested in the subject should watch this lecture series:
He does a good job of teaching the basics IMO.
I don't know if all these "carbon" issues are a scam. That would imply malicious intent.
Personally, it seems more like a case of zealotry; people are misled by fear and appeals to authority. As Buck noted, "all we can do is listen to those who are qualified".
Well, qualification in "climate science" is strange. It is not exactly a complete science with a unique curriculum, it's a mix of all the hard sciences; Physics, Chem, Bio, with a good chunk of Comp Sci thrown in.
I can see it becoming a unique branch down the road, but is it there now? I don't believe so, otherwise, these kinds of heated debates wouldn't continue.

However, I hope you don't dismiss human activity as an adjunct in the dynamics. We do have an effect, the question is in the magnitude.

Everyone who is interested in the subject should watch this lecture series:
He does a good job of teaching the basics IMO.

I don't give Al Gore a pass on this, or Sagan. They are too bright and this is too contrived.
I don't give Al Gore a pass on this, or Sagan. They are too bright and this is too contrived.

Al Gore was a dupe.
He started out in the right direction as a scientist, but along the way the politician took over, and all of those little elements that go into scientific rigor were lost on him.
Evil? I don't think so.
Blinders? More than likely.
It's like the Ptolemaic dogma vs Copernican revolution. Gore was/is Ptolemaic, although maybe he is having second thoughts on the "retrograde" motions of the planets? ;)
No Pass for Saganists, for they are truly evil and against womankind for $$. No pass for their minions, ether. Adults like this are not duped, they sell out. They run around in Gulfstream Jets, live a life of luxury, and do not practice what they preach.

They drive gas guzzlers and play water guzzling golf and laugh at those that apologize for them.

Are you sure you know all the ends and out of this, yet?
You, as an AGW sociopath are beneath the understanding necessaery to grasp anything I tell you, or you would not be asking.

Exactly, none, just like this entire thread shows

No Pass for Saganists, for they are truly evil and against womankind for $$. No pass for their minions, ether. Adults like this are not duped, they sell out. They run around in Gulfstream Jets, live a life of luxury, and do not practice what they preach.

They drive gas guzzlers and play water guzzling golf and laugh at those that apologize for them.

Are you sure you know all the ends and out of this, yet?

What the hell is a "Saganist"?
No Pass for Saganists, for they are truly evil and against womankind for $$. No pass for their minions, ether. Adults like this are not duped, they sell out. They run around in Gulfstream Jets, live a life of luxury, and do not practice what they preach.

They drive gas guzzlers and play water guzzling golf and laugh at those that apologize for them.

Are you sure you know all the ends and out of this, yet?

I see. You are incorporating his blatant hypocrisy into the judgment.
I was just looking at his approach to data analysis. Of course, if you include his hypocritical lifestyle, then sure, he's a sell-out.
I see. You are incorporating his blatant hypocrisy into the judgment.
I was just looking at his approach to data analysis. Of course, if you include his hypocritical lifestyle, then sure, he's a sell-out.

Oh, include it all. The entire approach is an "against Big Oil" artifact from the 70s. It morphed into Kill Cow Killing in the 80s and now Carbon Bad.

There has been no science from the beginning as the sheer stupidity of launching at the UN a Do Something Committee, called the Climate report. They fully expected the science to come in to back their Do Something for $$ ideas. There has not ever been any valid science, only Politcs.

No pass for the evil among us. The list of real scientists that say this is bogus is never talked about. But, I have provided some names.

There is no one of Note, that backs this. No one. But, there are some very big names that contradict the idea of warming at all, and poo-poo the idea of AGW, as hogwash. Very established Science with a Current Assessment of Climate Theory, that is being challenged by a political notion and not even a shred of evidence.

Since there is no evidence and hey, we all should save energy, right? (A very 1st world luxury) these top guys, just shake their heads but don't want them chopped off.

These think the IPCC have no idea what they are taking about.

Do you even know who Carl Sagan was or what he did for science?

Oh....how funny you are, child. I know everything about him, including his mother was from Ukraine. I know he is a Grand Astronomer. And I know he has made not one, single contribution to Climate Science. Far from it. He did make an interesting proof about radiation producing amino acids. Giant among his peers. The list of his in-field advancements is indeed praiseworthy, and he got hoisted on his on Petard.

He observed Venus and came up with the Greenhouse model. Everyone think Venus proves it. NO. PERHAPS that happened on VENUS. It has never been modeled here in this climate at this ORBIT. So, he let his fame and glory hounding, go to his head and is the modern example of cart before the horse in science. IMO. But, that is how he died....a sell out, and as a good Martyr, he knew not what he had wrought. He had no idea what he had done. Gone but not forgotten at 62. Hey, that's, my age....:)

I still love him, but he does bear a burden. And as Lucifer, must, so be it.

And how he LIVED! How he lived was a well deserved glory boy in EXO-climates. I was a wide eyed star watcher. We only just began observing this EXO- and and Sagan was the first out the door. Good. Glory for an Exo-extra wiz kid Associate Director of the Center for Radiophysics and Space Research (CRSR) at Cornell. Quite good. I really, really loved him. You wouldn't understand.

Yet, I see now, He was the agent of this present mind wash of yours, and it was of mine by the way. And since I was indeed rudely awakened, I somehow began to see he is the natural father of this bastard fake, with no evidence, Politoscence...such as, anti-GMO, Pro-nuke, Anti-Gun and Cow Shit and Man Made Global Warming. Sagan was not a Climate Scientist, at all, ever. But, he Opinined in that far away voice about Global Warming and the Greenhouse Effect....for book MONEY.

So aren't you cute, thinking you can ask rhetoric with your ass? Back to the mirror, for you.
Alarmist's and their failed predictions.

“Within 15 years,” said Goddard Space Flight Honcho James Hansen, “global temperatures will rise to a level which hasn’t existed on earth for 100,000 years
”. Sandy Grady, “The Heat is On,” -- The News and Courier, June 17th 1986

"How long have we got? We have to stabilise emissions of carbon dioxide within a decade, or temperatures will warm by more than one degree. That will be warmer than it has been for half a million years, and many things could become unstoppable.” Jim Hansen, “Climate change: On the edge” The Independent, Friday, Feb 17, 2006 source

And in 1985 he even got Carl Sagan involved, misleading people into thinking that the world would be 9 deg F hotter in merely 15 years.

“Few scientists now dispute that today’s soaring levels of carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere will cause global temperature averages to rise by as much as nine degrees Fahrenheit sometime after the year 2000, Sagan said.” Robert Engleman, “Fossil Fuels Bring Trouble,” The Vindicator, Dec 12, 1985, p. 59

At a Congressional hearing these panic stricken Global Warming Hysteriacs solemnly testified that in merely 25 years all sorts of bad things would be going on.

“Other scientists gave senators the same grim picture of the United States with the ozone nibbled away: Average temperatures up nine degrees, sparse rainfall destroying crops, melting polar ice slicing beaches at such places as Atlantic City by 85 feet in 25 years, 2 million yearly cases of skin cancer.” Sandy Grady, “The Heat is On,” The News and Courier, June 17th 1986

At a Congressional hearing these panic stricken Global Warming Hysteriacs solemnly testified that in merely 25 years all sorts of bad things would be going on.

“Other scientists gave senators the same grim picture of the United States with the ozone nibbled away: Average temperatures up nine degrees, sparse rainfall destroying crops, melting polar ice slicing beaches at such places as Atlantic City by 85 feet in 25 years, 2 million yearly cases of skin cancer.” Sandy Grady, “The Heat is On,” The News and Courier, June 17th 1986

n 1989 there was this prediction of bad times in 10 years. Anyone feel like we have been in something as bad as nuclear war?

And the Worldwatch Institute, an environmental research organization, calls the 1990s ‘the turnaround decade’ in which people will either stop polluting or face an environmental disaster as devastating as nuclear war.” Mitchell Landsberg, “Bright or Blight,” The Item, Oct 23, 1989, p. 1,Source

In early 2009,Stephen Chu, Obama's always loudly proclaimed, Nobel Laureate who can't be doubted when he talks of climate, because he got a Nobel in an entirely unrelated field, i.e. in high temperature superconduction, said this about global warming and the California snowpack:

Chu recently told the Los Angeles Times that global warming might melt 90 percent of California's snowpack, which stores much of the water needed for agriculture. This, Chu said, would mean "no more agriculture in California,"
Well, just 2 years later we find that the snowpack holds more water than at anytime in the past 17 years. source But of course, we all know that the alarmists now say warming is cooling and much snowfall is to be expected on a hot earth.
Oh....how funny you are, child. I know everything about him, including his mother was from Ukraine. I know he is a Grand Astronomer. And I know he has made not one, single contribution to Climate Science. Far from it. He did make an interesting proof about radiation producing amino acids. Giant among his peers. The list of his in-field advancements is indeed praiseworthy, and he got hoisted on his on Petard.

He observed Venus and came up with the Greenhouse model. Everyone think Venus proves it. NO. PERHAPS that happened on VENUS. It has never been modeled here in this climate at this ORBIT. So, he let his fame and glory hounding, go to his head and is the modern example of cart before the horse in science. IMO. But, that is how he died....a sell out, and as a good Martyr, he knew not what he had wrought. He had no idea what he had done. Gone but not forgotten at 62. Hey, that's, my age....:)

I still love him, but he does bear a burden. And as Lucifer, must, so be it.

And how he LIVED! How he lived was a well deserved glory boy in EXO-climates. I was a wide eyed star watcher. We only just began observing this EXO- and and Sagan was the first out the door. Good. Glory for an Exo-extra wiz kid Associate Director of the Center for Radiophysics and Space Research (CRSR) at Cornell. Quite good. I really, really loved him. You wouldn't understand.

Yet, I see now, He was the agent of this present mind wash of yours, and it was of mine by the way. And since I was indeed rudely awakened, I somehow began to see he is the natural father of this bastard fake, with no evidence, Politoscence...such as, anti-GMO, Pro-nuke, Anti-Gun and Cow Shit and Man Made Global Warming. Sagan was not a Climate Scientist, at all, ever. But, he Opinined in that far away voice about Global Warming and the Greenhouse Effect....for book MONEY.

So aren't you cute, thinking you can ask rhetoric with your ass? Back to the mirror, for you.

It's amazing how skewed your perception of reality is
What evidence do you have that any scientist is part of a global conspiracy?

he has exactly zero evidence. but he is too much of a child to ever admit it.

doer was also part of the "skewed polls" crowd that listened to partisan politics over hard science and math.

these people are generally idiots, plain and simple, when it comes to subjects that involve science.
and once again mahsistah is too ashamed to even attribute his massive copy and paste.

he has exactly zero evidence. but he is too much of a child to ever admit it.

doer was also part of the "skewed polls" crowd that listened to partisan politics over hard science and math.

these people are generally idiots, plain and simple, when it comes to subjects that involve science.

Have you heard the latest? We're "Saganists" now..

It's funny.. someone who knows how to do math can tell you the times tables all day long, someone comes along and tries to tell you 2 x 3 = 7, you don't have to look very far to see where they're wrong..

-politically biased "scientists" and research papers that amount to opinion pieces, not real science; check
-won't accept anything as evidence to verify the theory, or only evidence that is impossible to obtain (like using a time machine or having 2 billion years worth of recorded data); check
-requires a global conspiracy involving billions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of people all independent of each other; check
-requires a cartoon-like ability to suspend reality and the accepted universal scientific consensus; check


Our side on the other hand..

-have clear answers for what we would accept for evidence against ACC; check
-will happily change our mind if the evidence supports it; check
-don't believe in global conspiracy theories involving billions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of people; check
-accept the scientific consensus because what is being suggested is simply impossible, and no evidence has been shown to support any aspect of it; check
-have no politically motivated agenda to push at all; check

... yeah, I wonder whose being unreasonable on this one...
anthropogenic climate change is clearly a decades in the making conspiracy perpetrated by thousands of scientists in hundreds of nations culminating in tax breaks for middle class families on appliances and products that will save them money and has only been recently exposed by the least intelligent half of our nation.

yep, sounds airtight.