Well-Known Member
Here is a Carbon scam, I just found out about. I voted against the High Speed Rail projected. I knew it would go to Feinstien and Co, most likely, and I knew the cost would be much more than they said.
Now Gov Brown thinks he can get a Federal subsidy as a Giant carbon credit, by again, predicting the ridership. I remember when they predicted ridership for BART, year after year....for 30 years they were so WRONG. By the time they get this boodoggle built, it will be with the funny math of carbon offsets.
So, big polluters in the State can buy carbon credits and that's the money, Brown wants to use, but guess what? The,y of course, are mot counting the carbon it takes to produce all that electricity, for trains that will run 1/4 full for years, but get full carbon credit for all the car of FULL ridership.
Carbon Rip-off by the Left.
I don't know if all these "carbon" issues are a scam. That would imply malicious intent.
Personally, it seems more like a case of zealotry; people are misled by fear and appeals to authority. As Buck noted, "all we can do is listen to those who are qualified".
Well, qualification in "climate science" is strange. It is not exactly a complete science with a unique curriculum, it's a mix of all the hard sciences; Physics, Chem, Bio, with a good chunk of Comp Sci thrown in.
I can see it becoming a unique branch down the road, but is it there now? I don't believe so, otherwise, these kinds of heated debates wouldn't continue.
However, I hope you don't dismiss human activity as an adjunct in the dynamics. We do have an effect, the question is in the magnitude.
Everyone who is interested in the subject should watch this lecture series:
He does a good job of teaching the basics IMO.