Please help determine the problem!


New Member
My plants are a bit over a month old and started to have burns on leaves a tips dry out.
I water my plants every 5 days with nutes and calmag. Last watering had 750ppm and 6.2ph.
I am growing in coco perlite mix, 2 gal bucket. Read somewhere that flushing with nutes about 1000ppm.
That was 2 days ago and plants do not seem to get better. The burns are random and affect old and new leaves
suspecting it might be nutrient lock or root rot based on descriptions i found on this forum

Guy at my local grow store recommended flushing them with this brewed organic tea. Is that a good idea even though i just flushed them
or should I wait more? Would flushing even help

I have attached photos of some of my plants' leaves. Please let me know what you think
photo 1.jpgphoto 2.jpgphoto 3.jpgphoto 5.jpgphoto 4.jpg


Well-Known Member
looks like youve slightly nute burnt them...dont worry bout far as the tea..always made my own and love it!!...because my plants do to!!....but i would wait a few days since u just flushed


New Member
looks like youve slightly nute burnt them...dont worry bout far as the tea..always made my own and love it!!...because my plants do to!!....but i would wait a few days since u just flushed
so you think its a good idea to wait a little and then flush it with that tea? no nutes or calcium should be added when I use tea??


Well-Known Member
Did you even read my post? Sorry but I'm only trying to tell you what's really wrong. All the other suggestions are not looking at the symptoms. Read up on TMV / HMV and you will see it's what you have. That sideways leaf twist is a dead giveaway.


Well-Known Member
Did you even read my post? Sorry but I'm only trying to tell you what's really wrong. All the other suggestions are not looking at the symptoms. Read up on TMV / HMV and you will see it's what you have. That sideways leaf twist is a dead giveaway.

Either your soil is slightly too hot, if you have mixed it...
You slightly over ferted your plants...
Use less Fert/Nutes mixed when you next add nutes...
Or you can just use water for about a week...
Those are some of your older leaves...

Not a big issue...

Soil ph don't bother only those that do hydro say to check soil ph...
Not needed to do ever...

You have a problem which is slightly an issue...
easy to fix...

Don't listen to these other experts...


Well-Known Member
I recently did some research because I couldn't remember why I had made a mental note to wash my hands after using tobacco. TMV / HMV is the reason.
It is a very tough virus and can stay alive in cigars and cigarettes for years. Requires temps above 200 degrees for long periods to kill etc.

Never had it in plants myself, but the pics look a lot like what you find if you do the research as Snaps suggests.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to SnapsProvolone again.


Well-Known Member
Im not saying you don't have other issues, salts, pH, but I believe your biggest issue is the Mosaic Virus. If you address all your other issues the virus will still be there causing reduced yields. One could treat with RNA Pro, jury's out on how effective that method is but we know that it's not cheap. One thing if you had healthy plants with only virus issues. Only you can decide if it's worth the investment. RNA Pro isn't meant to be a cure, so keeping other plants virus free is not going to be easy.


Well-Known Member
Why do I think the leaf twist is caused by MV and not pH twist, barring other signs of chlorosis a necrosis? With MV the leaflets twist due to one side being deformed, more narrow and retarded looking. Twist caused by pH tends to have the "tight" side of the leaflet show wavy, roller coaster, lasagna noodle looking crinkles or even a complete leaflet corkscrew.