How is it Possible...


Well-Known Member
How is it possible that we do not have a engine that runs on water, when water is made of 2 of the MOST combustible materials... And when all it takes is a battery to pull the Oxygen and the Hydrogen apart? We already have electric cars, just get some water up in there.


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Old news.
Hyundai is getting ready to mass produce hydrogen cell vehicles... bmw has hydrogen vehicles...


I don't think yet to be released cars can be considered "old news" and it's not like BMW has commercials on TV. Why not just bring up those cars for discussion instead of acting like your knowledge is some kind of road block to me. :lol:
Your question was how is it possible that we don't have engines that run on water
I answered your question that it is possible and happening
not a roadblock
Your question was how is it possible that we don't have engines that run on water
I answered your question that it is possible and happening
not a roadblock
You started it off by saying "Old News" like this thread was wasting space because we all already own water engine cars.
Fin, ya wanna argue? You asked, he responded. I want to know why you start threads and then duck out. I asked you yesterday on the prepping thread whats the better investment if the shtf: bitcoins or seeds?
I asked you yesterday on the prepping thread whats the better investment if the shtf: bitcoins or seeds?
I thought you were just trolling.

I would say if you are looking for long term investment, and prep materials. Seed. Seeds can be traded for any form of money and so can it's fruits. Bitcoin is limited to people that have electricity and internet regularly.
Dude, BMW does have commercial's.
And the first engines were made to run on bio diesel and ethanol. Food for thought.
Dude, BMW does have commercial's.
And the first engines were made to run on bio diesel and ethanol. Food for thought.
Again, just because BMW has one, they don't even have commercials for it, so, I wouldn't even count THAT as old news.
And Ethanol is not water, and I know they ran on alcohol. Alcohol made from hemp specifically.
Again, just because BMW has one, they don't even have commercials for it, so, I wouldn't even counT as old news.
And Ethanol is not water, and I know they ran on alcohol. Alcohol made from hemp specifically.
Wtf is wrong with them dont they know that if you aren't informed about it, it doesnt exist..really fin i find it funny how embarrassed you get when you dont know everything . What does advertisement have to do with existence anyway?you are a special breed of monkey .
2 words- Petro- dollar

They are the backbone to world domination.

How is it possible that we do not have a engine that runs on water, when water is made of 2 of the MOST combustible materials... And when all it takes is a battery to pull the Oxygen and the Hydrogen apart? We already have electric cars, just get some water up in there.