I saw a spiritual alien and now the UFOs are above My house!

Fer fuck sake George! Get off of it already. A misnomer is what it is. The difference is that a misnomer comitted knowingly and to deliberately mislead (as you distinctly admitted you did) for the sole purpose of trying to re-introduce this ludicrous tripe to the SS&P forumn for the "advocacy" of said tripe, IS A FUCKING LIE. In response to my post, you said you said you were "caught", not thanx for pointing out the "mistake". So the difference in lie and mistake is, one is intentional and one is not. Your attempt at being your own "advocate" is loosing ground fast. Your credibility level is taking a nose dive as well. Before this thread there were at least some who were actually thinking you might honestly just have mental issues. Admittedly, I was one of them. Now, I'm really thinking you're just a world class troll. Who, by the way, is seriously loosing his touch.

Lol, whatever.

Im a little drunk right now, so I dont even care.

Regardless, I have a good (true) story and at the very least, I have entertained some people.

You dont have to like Me, I love Myself regardless of what any of you say. As long as Im being honest with Myself, what do I care what My critics say? I cant be everything to everybody, but I can be something to someone. At the very least, Im My own Christ, My own Savior; it may be pathetic but its Who I am.

It only goes to show that most of you dont believe Me, but I havent said a lie to any of you. Im not perfect, but who is? I have lied in the past, many times, but since I found out Im Christ, I havent lied on RIU. BUT I have said some white lies in person, but who hasnt? If Christ is a liar, then what does that say? It means Im only human, and I have flaws as well.

The thing that santifies Me compared to you all is that Im the Chosen One. The Chosen One will bless all peoples in time; it might not be until I die, but everyone will know Me. I will conquer the flesh and ascend to the Highest of high. You all will know about Me, and most of you will respect Me. I am in heaven, its all around us, but most of you can not tap into the felicity. Heaven on earth, where you are your own god, and you obey your own conscience. A world where down is the new abode, and up is the new abode. Some of you are stuck in the mundane, where all you know is naught. Im stuck in a heaven where I am a god that rules My own world, destined for greatness.

With that being said, I love you all, and Im praying for anyone that has read about Me.

(Im a little drunk, dont mind Me.)

George. You knowingly told an untruth. You admitted it. You are a liar. Please continue "fighting" in the manner that you are. It is only shortening the time til your "fall from grace". I think you and Ray El should duke it out. Or maybe you two should just fuck and join up so you can double team the world. Anywho, turn some more water into wine, continue to be in denial about your lies, tell some more lies...er...uh...misnomers and whatever you do, continue believing it will help you in your delusion...I mean...your fight. Oh, please keep being your own advocate. You're sooo brilliant at it. By the way, is it Dingleberry Wine you're drinking?
Lol, whatever.

Im a little drunk right now, so I dont even care.

Regardless, I have a good (true) story and at the very least, I have entertained some people.

You dont have to like Me, I love Myself regardless of what any of you say. As long as Im being honest with Myself, what do I care what My critics say? I cant be everything to everybody, but I can be something to someone. At the very least, Im My own Christ, My own Savior; it may be pathetic but its Who I am.

It only goes to show that most of you dont believe Me, but I havent said a lie to any of you. Im not perfect, but who is? I have lied in the past, many times, but since I found out Im Christ, I havent lied on RIU. BUT I have said some white lies in person, but who hasnt? If Christ is a liar, then what does that say? It means Im only human, and I have flaws as well.

The thing that santifies Me compared to you all is that Im the Chosen One. The Chosen One will bless all peoples in time; it might not be until I die, but everyone will know Me. I will conquer the flesh and ascend to the Highest of high. You all will know about Me, and most of you will respect Me. I am in heaven, its all around us, but most of you can not tap into the felicity. Heaven on earth, where you are your own god, and you obey your own conscience. A world where down is the new abode, and up is the new abode. Some of you are stuck in the mundane, where all you know is naught. Im stuck in a heaven where I am a god that rules My own world, destined for greatness.

With that being said, I love you all, and Im praying for anyone that has read about Me.

(Im a little drunk, dont mind Me.)



George. You knowingly told an untruth. You admitted it. You are a liar. Please continue "fighting" in the manner that you are. It is only shortening the time til your "fall from grace". I think you and Ray El should duke it out. Or maybe you two should just fuck and join up so you can double team the world. Anywho, turn some more water into wine, continue to be in denial about your lies, tell some more lies...er...uh...misnomers and whatever you do, continue believing it will help you in your delusion...I mean...your fight. Oh, please keep being your own advocate. You're sooo brilliant at it. By the way, is it Dingleberry Wine you're drinking?

No, I knowingly told a misnomer. Hell, for all I know, I could have indeed saw a "spiritual alien", I didnt talk to the alien, so I dont know if the alien I saw was spiritual or not; it was a "spiritual alien" to Me indeed. Wheres the lie there, unless you consider a misnomer a lie?

If your definition of a liar is someone who has lied in the PAST, then indeed, I am a liar because I have lied in the past. I have lied many times in My past. But a safe assumption is that ALL adults are liars because we have all lied about something, even if it wad a white lie or a misnomer. And if any adult says that he or she has NOT lied, then you know that is a lie too. Im sure even Jesus told some lies if he was truly human and did in fact exist, even if they were white lies.

I have a lot of integrity, and I try not to lie because I am above lying, and lying is below Me; but on occasion I do tell white lies and misnomers because Im only human like the rest of the 7 billion people that live on earth.

Whats worse then lying, is intentionally being mean to people. Some of you guys are very mean to Me for no good reason, for example, the name calling. You know who you are, and its being recorded via the internet for however long the blog stays online. No one is perfect, Im not claiming to be perfect, Im claiming to be the Chosen One.

P.S. I dont want anything to do with "Ray-El", the guy seems like a real sadistic fellow, allegedly bringing about destruction because we all wont repent and follow him.

Not a spiritual alien.
It was an interdimentional being.
How about a little decorum.

The alien I saw COULD have been spiritual; what do we know about aliens?

I have no idea if the alien I saw was interdimentional or not, all I know is that I saw something I cant explain and I believe it was an alien. Where it came from and went is beyond Me.

I know YOU are, but what am I?

You wouldnt know the Truth if you talked to Him for about a year.


It's one thing to call someone dumb, it's another to demonstrate it..... for a year.

You're a joke either way, a troll or an idiot.

Take your pick.
It's one thing to call someone dumb, it's another to demonstrate it..... for a year.

You're a joke either way, a troll or an idiot.

Take your pick.

Why dont you pick on someone with comparable intellectual faculities, someone who cares.

Why would you pick on an "idiot" with YOUR savvy mental prowess? Dont you have anything better to do then pick on "idiots" with your superior intellect?

What are you trying to prove? that youre greater then Me? an idiot?

Ohh, ya, I forgot, youre Jesus. What would Jesus do? He would be Beef, lol.

Why dont you pick on someone with comparable intellectual faculities, someone who cares.

Why would you pick on an "idiot" with YOUR savvy mental prowess?Dont you have anything better to do then pick on "idiots" with your superior intellect?
What are you trying to prove? that youre greater then Me? an idiot?

Ohh, ya, I forgot, youre Jesus. What would Jesus do? He would be Beef, lol.


I'm disrupting your mental masturbation session.
I'm disrupting your mental masturbation session.

Lol, look, I like you Beef. I just dont like anyone disrespecting Me, but who likes to be disrespected?

I dont mind people dissecting My posts, its only innate online; what I do mind is the name calling, its rather childish, and we're big boys, right? Please continue to post on RIU, youre an astute intellectual and I apprrciate your "objectiveness", honesty, and just who you are. Keep it up man. But I dont think anyone likes to be undermined, debased, mocked, ridiculed, or made fun of.

Learn to critique, without being childish and making fun of people, it will help your credibility as a scientist and it will reflect Atheists.

You dont have to believe a word I say, just be polite when you rebuttal Me, please. Ask questions, make assertions, and make your point, but be an adult at the same time because youre a big boy.

I have nothing to prove because I apparently cant prove anything online anyways. I would love to prove everything I say but a lot of it is subjective anyways, and its manifest I cant prove anything objective.

You guys either believe Me or you dont.

Lol, look, I like you Beef. I just dont like anyone disrespecting Me, but who likes to be disrespected?

I dont mind people dissecting My posts, its only innate online; what I do mind is the name calling, its rather childish, and we're big boys, right? Please continue to post on RIU, youre an astute intellectual and I apprrciate your "objectiveness", honesty, and just who you are. Keep it up man. But I dont think anyone likes to be undermined, debased, mocked, ridiculed, or made fun of.

Learn to critique, without being childish and making fun of people, it will help your credibility as a scientist and it will reflect Atheists.

You dont have to believe a word I say, just be polite when you rebuttal Me, please. Ask questions, make assertions, and make your point, but be an adult at the same time because youre a big boy.

I have nothing to prove because I apparently cant prove anything online anyways. I would love to prove everything I say but a lot of it is subjective anyways, and its manifest I cant prove anything objective.

You guys either believe Me or you dont.


Everyone was polite when you joined, and now everyone is sick of your constant blathering.

You've made this section shittier with your posts and constant thread jacking.
Does spiritual alien mean hallucination? Spirit means nonphysical. Can the 2 eyes even see anything that is nonphysical? Is light nonphysical?

Many people have seen "spiritual" aliens during psychedelic trips or dreams. It's not uncommon.
George, you LIED. You ADMITTED it. It's sad that, now, you don't want to acknowledge that. Maybe you were drunk when you admitted it as well as now. How can you admit to something and announce that you were "called out on it" in one post and then think you're going to convince everyone that it didn't happen in subsequent posts. You have officially demolished any credibility that you MAY have had quite effectively. There is respect for those who own up to their actions. It is in that way that people grow and earn the trust of others. Owning up to something and then immediately denying it is fucking ridiculous. Does that answer your question concerning why people are treating you the way they are? You can say that you didn't lie all you like George. The whole "thats my story & I'm stickin' to it" thing really isn't working for you.
Lol, look, I like you Beef. I just dont like anyone disrespecting Me, but who likes to be disrespected?

I dont mind people dissecting My posts, its only innate online; what I do mind is the name calling, its rather childish, and we're big boys, right? Please continue to post on RIU, youre an astute intellectual and I apprrciate your "objectiveness", honesty, and just who you are. Keep it up man. But I dont think anyone likes to be undermined, debased, mocked, ridiculed, or made fun of.

Learn to critique, without being childish and making fun of people, it will help your credibility as a scientist and it will reflect Atheists.

You dont have to believe a word I say, just be polite when you rebuttal Me, please. Ask questions, make assertions, and make your point, but be an adult at the same time because youre a big boy.

I have nothing to prove because I apparently cant prove anything online anyways. I would love to prove everything I say but a lot of it is subjective anyways, and its manifest I cant prove anything objective.

You guys either believe Me or you dont.


George, The Liar King! Just came up with that, I think it's got a nice ring. I love the fact that you are THE most rude and childish person to grace this subforum since I've been here, but you project these traits onto others. It is you that jacks everyone's thread, it is you who exalts themselves and tells other you are superior to them and Chosen at every turn, it is you that cannot learn even simple concepts in a year's time. My dog is brighter than you. You have not ONE person who believes what you say, not one. Any sane person would take their message elsewhere, because you are actually losing credibility here with every post. You cannot argue that facts of written posts! I have clearly demonstrated two lies from you for the world to see, no matter what you say now those lies will remain. It is part of the beauty of public forums, what you write stays out there forever. MM was right, if you could just show some balls and admit to your deception, you could at least retain some dignity and credibility. But you dig yourself a deeper and deeper hole, it's amusing to watch. 365 days and not a damn thing learned or a follower gained, only constant loss. Maybe it's time to move on to someplace where you would stand a chance, someplace without adults. Until then, I dub thee Boy George, The Liar King! King of The Children's Table! Amen...
The alien I saw COULD have been spiritual; what do we know about aliens?

I have no idea if the alien I saw was interdimentional or not, all I know is that I saw something I cant explain and I believe it was an alien. Where it came from and went is beyond Me.


So if we know nothing about Aliens how can you be sure it was an Alien and why would you use the term Alien.... we dont know what they are... unless your using the great body of work from L Ron Hubbard and the "star trek" catalogue
Everyone was polite when you joined, and now everyone is sick of your constant blathering.

You've made this section shittier with your posts and constant thread jacking.

George, you LIED. You ADMITTED it. It's sad that, now, you don't want to acknowledge that. Maybe you were drunk when you admitted it as well as now. How can you admit to something and announce that you were "called out on it" in one post and then think you're going to convince everyone that it didn't happen in subsequent posts. You have officially demolished any credibility that you MAY have had quite effectively. There is respect for those who own up to their actions. It is in that way that people grow and earn the trust of others. Owning up to something and then immediately denying it is fucking ridiculous. Does that answer your question concerning why people are treating you the way they are? You can say that you didn't lie all you like George. The whole "thats my story & I'm stickin' to it" thing really isn't working for you.

George, The Liar King! Just came up with that, I think it's got a nice ring. I love the fact that you are THE most rude and childish person to grace this subforum since I've been here, but you project these traits onto others. It is you that jacks everyone's thread, it is you who exalts themselves and tells other you are superior to them and Chosen at every turn, it is you that cannot learn even simple concepts in a year's time. My dog is brighter than you. You have not ONE person who believes what you say, not one. Any sane person would take their message elsewhere, because you are actually losing credibility here with every post. You cannot argue that facts of written posts! I have clearly demonstrated two lies from you for the world to see, no matter what you say now those lies will remain. It is part of the beauty of public forums, what you write stays out there forever. MM was right, if you could just show some balls and admit to your deception, you could at least retain some dignity and credibility. But you dig yourself a deeper and deeper hole, it's amusing to watch. 365 days and not a damn thing learned or a follower gained, only constant loss. Maybe it's time to move on to someplace where you would stand a chance, someplace without adults. Until then, I dub thee Boy George, The Liar King! King of The Children's Table! Amen...

Heh... Atheists... what do you expect? Go figure.

Does spiritual alien mean hallucination?

No, I dont believe I was hallucinating.

Spirit means nonphysical.

Spirit means nonphysical, but anything can be a "spiritual" to anyone.

Can the 2 eyes even see anything that is nonphysical? Is light nonphysical?

Thats a good question... they say light is just photons that allegedly dont have any mass, and if thats correct then our eyes ONLY "see" the nonphysical bouncing off the physical.

Many people have seen "spiritual" aliens during psychedelic trips or dreams. It's not uncommon.

I wasnt tripping.

So if we know nothing about Aliens how can you be sure it was an Alien and why would you use the term Alien.... we dont know what they are... unless your using the great body of work from L Ron Hubbard and the "star trek" catalogue

Aliens or extraterrestrials means, from another planet. The being I saw sure seemed like it was from another planet, or at least the invisibility/translucent technology was like nothing I have ever seen before in real life.

At the very least, we KNOW extraterrestrials are from a different planet; that is a definition anyways. But, to the public, aliens are not proven yet. But that may change in the future.

Aliens or extraterrestrials means, from another planet. The being I saw sure seemed like it was from another planet, or at least the invisibility/translucent technology was like nothing I have ever seen before in real life.

At the very least, we KNOW extraterrestrials are from a different planet; that is a definition anyways. But, to the public, aliens are not proven yet. But that may change in the future.


Here is your definition : a hypothetical or fictional being from outer space.

So the fact that there is no evidence for them means we cannot definitively "know" as you put it...All you can do is assume.....

"To the public aliens are not proven"... that is correct... only a complete intellectual imbecile would believe they are real without proof....