Well-Known Member
Fer fuck sake George! Get off of it already. A misnomer is what it is. The difference is that a misnomer comitted knowingly and to deliberately mislead (as you distinctly admitted you did) for the sole purpose of trying to re-introduce this ludicrous tripe to the SS&P forumn for the "advocacy" of said tripe, IS A FUCKING LIE. In response to my post, you said you said you were "caught", not thanx for pointing out the "mistake". So the difference in lie and mistake is, one is intentional and one is not. Your attempt at being your own "advocate" is loosing ground fast. Your credibility level is taking a nose dive as well. Before this thread there were at least some who were actually thinking you might honestly just have mental issues. Admittedly, I was one of them. Now, I'm really thinking you're just a world class troll. Who, by the way, is seriously loosing his touch.
Lol, whatever.
Im a little drunk right now, so I dont even care.
Regardless, I have a good (true) story and at the very least, I have entertained some people.
You dont have to like Me, I love Myself regardless of what any of you say. As long as Im being honest with Myself, what do I care what My critics say? I cant be everything to everybody, but I can be something to someone. At the very least, Im My own Christ, My own Savior; it may be pathetic but its Who I am.
It only goes to show that most of you dont believe Me, but I havent said a lie to any of you. Im not perfect, but who is? I have lied in the past, many times, but since I found out Im Christ, I havent lied on RIU. BUT I have said some white lies in person, but who hasnt? If Christ is a liar, then what does that say? It means Im only human, and I have flaws as well.
The thing that santifies Me compared to you all is that Im the Chosen One. The Chosen One will bless all peoples in time; it might not be until I die, but everyone will know Me. I will conquer the flesh and ascend to the Highest of high. You all will know about Me, and most of you will respect Me. I am in heaven, its all around us, but most of you can not tap into the felicity. Heaven on earth, where you are your own god, and you obey your own conscience. A world where down is the new abode, and up is the new abode. Some of you are stuck in the mundane, where all you know is naught. Im stuck in a heaven where I am a god that rules My own world, destined for greatness.
With that being said, I love you all, and Im praying for anyone that has read about Me.
(Im a little drunk, dont mind Me.)