2012 = Death Of the Internet


Well-Known Member
welcome to the new world order.

and guys, baby bush is just a puppet. do some looking into what daddy has had to say about the nwo in the past.....


Well-Known Member
Infringement on Rights

The V-chip is criticized for being an infringement on basic human rights. Many people argue that it is not the government’s right to monitor or censor what viewers watch on television. According to this argument, because the government regulates the rating system, it is also regulating much of parents' decision making processes on their children's viewing habits. Caroline Fredrickson, of the American Civil Liberties Union, stated, “These FCC recommendations are political pandering. The government should not replace parents as decision makers in America’s living rooms. There are some things that the government does well. But deciding what is aired and when on television is not one of them.” [10]

V-chip - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

^^^This is from thee same link you gave me. About the TV Vchip.^^^

Don't think that they haven't thought about putting it in people. They want to put it in kids backpacks at school to "keep track" of their kids. They have already implanted Vchips in volunteering people. They put tracking devices (Vchips) in dogs!

The Vchip is the governmental power hungry control freaks best wet dream. Imagine having everyones life(money) at your disposal from your fingertips.

YouTube - Patriot Act Presentation

YouTube - Little guy stands up to BUSH. (see description)

YouTube - Freedom of Speech and H.R. 1955 pt. 1

YouTube - UF Student tasered at John Kerry Speech




Well-Known Member
Infringement on Rights

The V-chip is criticized for being an infringement on basic human rights. Many people argue that it is not the government’s right to monitor or censor what viewers watch on television. According to this argument, because the government regulates the rating system, it is also regulating much of parents' decision making processes on their children's viewing habits. Caroline Fredrickson, of the American Civil Liberties Union, stated, “These FCC recommendations are political pandering. The government should not replace parents as decision makers in America’s living rooms. There are some things that the government does well. But deciding what is aired and when on television is not one of them.” [10]

V-chip - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

^^^This is from thee same link you gave me. About the TV Vchip.^^^

Don't think that they haven't thought about putting it in people. They want to put it in kids backpacks at school to "keep track" of their kids. They have already implanted Vchips in volunteering people. They put tracking devices (Vchips) in dogs!

The Vchip is the governmental power hungry control freaks best wet dream. Imagine having everyones life(money) at your disposal from your fingertips.

YouTube - Patriot Act Presentation

YouTube - Little guy stands up to BUSH. (see description)

YouTube - Freedom of Speech and H.R. 1955 pt. 1

YouTube - UF Student tasered at John Kerry Speech


I think people are confusing the RFID tags with the Vchip which is for TV's and you can disable that chip but from the factory its never activated unless you want it on. (Controls content on the TV by that rating system.)


Well-Known Member
I think people are confusing the RFID tags with the Vchip which is for TV's and you can disable that chip but from the factory its never activated unless you want it on.
I thought RFID chips equals Vchips? I thought they were like 'one in the same'.




Well-Known Member
I thought RFID chips equals Vchips? I thought they were like 'one in the same'.

lol! Get your bodily V-Chip today! Enjoy your meals being restricted to what WE want you to have! Craving a burger? Just flip on the V-chip and experience the thrill of tomatoes! With added salmonella! No, not the same thing, but would be funny... V-chips are harmless in TV's.


Well-Known Member
I thought RFID chips equals Vchips? I thought they were like 'one in the same'.



Honestly the V-Chip is different, its just a name tagged on as well by some people to make it sound better. I think it is just a confusion people made with a different chip.

I don't think the gov would be making the ID tags the same name as a chip for censorship (and pariodied in SP for being in Cartman in the movie) so they could get the bills passed easier.. I'm willing to be they have names more like "ID-Chip" and such to make it sound more people friendly. Their proper name is an Radio-Frequency Identification

I do believe a chip will be coming, but thats because the world is moving faster and faster to a eletronic based world.

As for tracking, I don't think it will be as easy as people are thinking.