Smart or Stupid


Well-Known Member
You also overlook the Tomahawk (1,700 mile range, multiple warhead) and sea sparrow (AAA) missiles on board a modern Iowa. Not many know of the canister depth charges on board too.

Take a good close look at one someday.


New ships are stealth and designed from the ground up to be efficient.

The Iowa no longer has purpose. Smaller, lighter ships, that are faster and harder to hit can do the same jobs, from further away, more effectively.


Well-Known Member


New ships are stealth and designed from the ground up to be efficient.

The Iowa no longer has purpose. Smaller, lighter ships, that are faster and harder to hit can do the same jobs, from further away, more effectively.

The future ship, Zumwalt was cancelled. 50 were ordered. Nine yrs,. later, two exist , one complete and one near complete. Just to get out of it. You had to be there for that debate with a congressman and one of the ship`s designers. He couldn`t understand how his creation was more vulnerable than an older Burke Class. He was set straight. We never heard from him again.

The past ship, is still floating and would kick that thing all over the sea. So would a Russian Kirov Class.

Did you know about the barge that Zumwalt has to frequent to re-load just to stay in the fight ? "hold the war,....I`ll be right back, but don`t follow me to the barge, you aint supposed to know where it is."

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Because it can.
It can outrun some. Hell, they made torpedo's in the early 1900s that were faster than Iowa class boats. They now make torpedo's capable of well beyond 100 knots. But sure, let's just make a blanket statement saying it can outrun torpedo's to try and add credibility to your argument. Or are you saying that the Iowa class is capable of nearly 200 knots?

That's like trying to argue a plane is a stealth bomber because it can't be picked up by ww1 radar :-D


Well-Known Member
The future ship, Zumwalt was cancelled. 50 were ordered. Nine yrs,. later, two exist , one complete and one near complete. Just to get out of it. You had to be there for that debate with a congressman and one of the ship`s designers. He couldn`t understand how his creation was more vulnerable than an older Burke Class. He was set straight. We never heard from him again.

The past ship, is still floating and would kick that thing all over the sea. So would a Russian Kirov Class.

Did you know about the barge that Zumwalt has to frequent to re-load just to stay in the fight ? "hold the war,....I`ll be right back, but don`t follow me to the barge, you aint supposed to know where it is."
The point is that the Iowa is a legacy ship.

There are better designs than those of antiquated battleships. Faster ships, that are harder to hit, offer radar protection, and can lay down just as much firepower.

Not to mention you can just launch planes from a carrier.... the 20mi range of the iowa is just silly by today's standards.

It is true the top speed of the Iowa is 61kph, and the Mark 60 torpedo is 52kph.... that's one torpedo.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
The point is that the Iowa is a legacy ship.

There are better designs than those of antiquated battleships. Faster ships, that are harder to hit, offer radar protection, and can lay down just as much firepower.

Not to mention you can just launch planes from a carrier.... the 20mi range of the iowa is just silly by today's standards.

It is true the top speed of the Iowa is 61kph, and the Mark 60 torpedo is 52kph.... that's one torpedo.
Have you noticed how he is only willing to compare the Iowa strike ability to that of a carrier, as if that is the only alternative boat at the navy's disposal?


Well-Known Member
It can outrun some. Hell, they made torpedo's in the early 1900s that were faster than Iowa class boats. They now make torpedo's capable of well beyond 100 knots. But sure, let's just make a blanket statement saying it can outrun torpedo's to try and add credibility to your argument. Or are you saying that the Iowa class is capable of nearly 200 knots?

That's like trying to argue a plane is a stealth bomber because it can't be picked up by ww1 radar :-D

Think Range, then get back to me. 74 mph is the top speed of China`s finest,...but only for 1,000 yards. 40 knots for five miles, the total range of it. it`s 250lb warhead is a joke to a BB.
You think you can get inside those ranges to shoot? Give it your bestest.


Well-Known Member
Think Range, then get back to me. 74 mph is the top speed of China`s finest,...but only for 1,000 yards. 40 knots for five miles, the total range of it. it`s 250lb warhead is a joke to a BB.
You think you can get inside those ranges to shoot? Give it your bestest.
VA-111 Shkval

VA-111 Shkval
TypeSupercavitating Torpedo
Place of originRussia
Service history
In service1977-present
Used byRussian Navy
Production history
Weight2,700 kg (6,000 lb)
Length8.2 m (26 ft 11 in)
Diameter533 mm (21 in)
Effective firing rangeShkval: 7 km (4.3 mi)
Shkval 2: From 11–15 km (6.8–9.3 mi)
WarheadConventional explosive or nuclear
Warhead weight210 kg (460 lb)
EngineLiquid-fuel rocket (HTP and kerosene)
SpeedLaunch speed: 50 knots (93 km/h; 58 mph)
Maximum speed: in excess of 200 knots (370 km/h; 230 mph)

230mph, 460lb explosive... that'll do some damage.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Why did you not originally argue it as range then. Non, you stated it could outrun torpedo's. You were talking shit. And you are basing it on the notion that it is absolutely impossible for a submarine to be within range of an Iowa. You're talking out of your ass. While that might be a fair assessment, anything can happen.

Try arguing with facts please. Not bullshit.


Well-Known Member
The point is that the Iowa is a legacy ship.

There are better designs than those of antiquated battleships. Faster ships, that are harder to hit, offer radar protection, and can lay down just as much firepower.

Not to mention you can just launch planes from a carrier.... the 20mi range of the iowa is just silly by today's standards.

It is true the top speed of the Iowa is 61kph, and the Mark 60 torpedo is 52kph.... that's one torpedo.

You need to name the faster ship. Only the ford Class is faster. Harder to hit.....Really ?

A Modern BB can hit you at 1,700 miles all day long.

What do you do when the plane does not come back ? Or, can`t see through the clouds ? or Can`t find the enemy yet with half hour loiter time ?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
VA-111 Shkval

VA-111 Shkval
TypeSupercavitating Torpedo
Place of originRussia
Service history
In service1977-present
Used byRussian Navy
Production history
Weight2,700 kg (6,000 lb)
Length8.2 m (26 ft 11 in)
Diameter533 mm (21 in)
Effective firing rangeShkval: 7 km (4.3 mi)
Shkval 2: From 11–15 km (6.8–9.3 mi)
WarheadConventional explosive or nuclear
Warhead weight210 kg (460 lb)
EngineLiquid-fuel rocket (HTP and kerosene)
SpeedLaunch speed: 50 knots (93 km/h; 58 mph)
Maximum speed: in excess of 200 knots (370 km/h; 230 mph)

230mph, 460lb explosive... that'll do some damage.
And over 16 times the range of the example he chose to try and make his point :-D and he wonders why people question his opinion :-D


Well-Known Member
VA-111 Shkval

VA-111 Shkval
TypeSupercavitating Torpedo
Place of originRussia
Service history
In service1977-present
Used byRussian Navy
Production history
Weight2,700 kg (6,000 lb)
Length8.2 m (26 ft 11 in)
Diameter533 mm (21 in)
Effective firing rangeShkval: 7 km (4.3 mi)
Shkval 2: From 11–15 km (6.8–9.3 mi)
WarheadConventional explosive or nuclear
Warhead weight210 kg (460 lb)
EngineLiquid-fuel rocket (HTP and kerosene)
SpeedLaunch speed: 50 knots (93 km/h; 58 mph)
Maximum speed: in excess of 200 knots (370 km/h; 230 mph)

230mph, 460lb explosive... that'll do some damage.

Look at it`s range. A 2,700 lb Ap round at supersonic speed can`t do alot by it`self, and you think that thing will ? That is not a BB killer. Bomber are.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
You need to name the faster ship. Only the ford Class is faster. Harder to hit.....Really ?

A Modern BB can hit you at 1,700 miles all day long.

What do you do when the plane does not come back ? Or, can`t see through the clouds ? or Can`t find the enemy yet with half hour loiter time ?
With what? Certainly not guns.


Well-Known Member
You need to name the faster ship. Only the ford Class is faster. Harder to hit.....Really ?

A Modern BB can hit you at 1,700 miles all day long.

What do you do when the plane does not come back ? Or, can`t see through the clouds ? or Can`t find the enemy yet with half hour loiter time ?
Planes have radar and computer systems. How do you think planes land on carries when they can't see the meatball?

BB's are giagantic, and have outdated guns. All of the viable equipment that makes a BB effective at 1,700+ miles can be transferred to a smaller, more technologically advanced ship, that's also smaller, more maneuverable, and harder to detect on radar. It doesn't make sense to continue using them, everyone sees this but you.


Virtually Unknown Member
I'd have to ask myself if Halsey, Nimitz and Spruance were alive today, wouldn't they agree that the era of the battleship is past?


Well-Known Member
Why did you not originally argue it as range then. Non, you stated it could outrun torpedo's. You were talking shit. And you are basing it on the notion that it is absolutely impossible for a submarine to be within range of an Iowa. You're talking out of your ass. While that might be a fair assessment, anything can happen.

Try arguing with facts please. Not bullshit.

That`s how you out run it, alter the range. A circle can be a lot more water to cover than a straight line. Well within fire`n range. Besides, you need many to lift the ship because they wont go through it.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Planes have radar. How do you think planes land on carries when they can't see the meatball?

BB's are giagantic, and have outdated guns. All of the viable equipment that makes a BB effective at 1,700+ miles can be transferred to a smaller, more technologically advanced ship, that's also smaller, more maneuverable, and harder to detect on radar. It doesn't make sense to continue using them, everyone sees this but you.
Also hsveing a far smaller crew allowing it to be put into more risky situations without such a massive potential loss should all go wrong. Guy can't argue to save his life.

First Iowa's can outrun torpedo's, then he changes it to being out of range of them, then he changes it to the torpedo's not being powerful enough. Can't stick with s point for shit.


Well-Known Member
Planes have radar. How do you think planes land on carries when they can't see the meatball?

BB's are giagantic, and have outdated guns. All of the viable equipment that makes a BB effective at 1,700+ miles can be transferred to a smaller, more technologically advanced ship, that's also smaller, more maneuverable, and harder to detect on radar. It doesn't make sense to continue using them, everyone sees this but you.

The plane don`t. Not to mention it has to catch the wire too.

You have no idea how tech. advanced the war room (Control Forward) of an Iowa is. It has all the goodies of a Burke.