Smart or Stupid

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
Wow dude chill out. Last I checked service was voluntary. I always thank the vets for their service but I don't have to.

They fought so I can choose either way, right?
I remember years ago when the military was trying to get more members by offering jobs after your service was done.
The kids would bitch about bullets and bombs.
LOL, well no shit JR. It's why it's called the military.


Well-Known Member
You wont jump in front of a moving bus. Smart, but cowardly.

Do post hypothetical situations with many variables, If my kid was on that bus against her will, I`d jump in front with my 30-30, shoot the driver and jump out the way. Would you die for your kid ?


Well-Known Member
So let me tell you what you know so far.....Nothing.

Our Navy will never be all in one place at any time.

The YJ-18 is the improved Chinese version of the Soviet SM-54E. It flies at subsonic speed to hide it`s signature, then when on terminal approach does a series of turns and climbs up to point at the ship and fires a Mach 3 solid kinetic round at the ship. It will bounce off a Battleship but go through a Burke. Do the math. It has a Soviet range of about 300 +/- 50 miles range and a Chinese 400 to 500 mile range. It`s ten years old and the only way it get`s through the defense is by swarming. When you do that you give away your position and the US is able to get you back. It will hurt or mission kill a Tyco. Carrier or Nimitz Carrier, but you need more than one hit for it do much to a Ford Class.

It is a poor choice of rocket to arm with a Nuke. It has never been used. It`s no match for the Tomahawk response they will get. T-Hawk has been used and is undefeated against Iraqi and other countries Russian and Chinese defenses.

So endith the lesson.
I remember watching a news reporter interview a navy officer during Gulf War 1 and asking him about the Iraqi cruise missiles. He was on one of the Iowas. The news reporter asked him if he was scared of this "big ship" and the cruise missiles, he said "no" and she looked puzzled. She asked, "well sir what will you do if you find out there are cruise missiles on their way to hit you, hit this ship." He replied to her "I'll have some marines bring some paint to touch up the hull, and some others to get some brooms to sweep the missile off the deck."

Battleships give me an erection. My grandfather served on the North Carolina in WW2. I go and visit her every few years in Wilmington.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
this fucking thread *rolls eyes*

I am glad for those who volunteer. If no one ever volunteered there would be no other option but for the gov't to reinstitute the draft. Every country needs somewhat of a standing military.

It is brave souls like these that GAVE you the opportunity to be on here spouting your nonsense kelly.

i've never enlisted although I was very close out of high school for a while. Many of my classmates did however and a few of them were injured.

for you to take this line on military service does a huge disservice to all vets. Shame on you kiddo.

I'm sure your father is proud of his son.


Well-Known Member
You frown upon those that give you your freedom as if you would dare do the same for others. Not even a simple thank you donation to the vets.(you don`t have to leave your name) The more they do for you, the more you let them do.

I thought you were cool until that insult in the other thread. Others wont tell you but wont forget. FWI, I attacked scooby in the thread you keep bringing up, no one else did.
Donation to the vets?

You mean aside from their taxpayer funded wages? For the job they CHOSE?

Realistically, most of your military were too dumb for a job in McDonalds and had to chose the Army.

Your worshipping of ex-soldiers is pathetic, they havnt even defended America ONCE since 1945.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
Donation to the vets?

You mean aside from their taxpayer funded wages? For the job they CHOSE?

Realistically, most of your military were too dumb for a job in McDonalds and had to chose the Army.

Your worshipping of ex-soldiers is pathetic, they havnt even defended America ONCE since 1945.

i'm not worshipping. I'm respectful, and grateful. For doing something I didn't want to.

and two of my classmates went to westpoint.

several others joined the AF. the other dozen or so went into marines/army navy.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Killing people that you don't know and that have never harmed you is not a very nice thing to do. The military relies heavily on indoctrination and works well with the public school indoctrination centers to produce cannon fodder. It's too bad that so many people equate killing people with heroism. My hero would find a way to stop killing others.


Well-Known Member
The point of military is to defend the country from outside forces. Hence the Department of Defense. We haven't defended this country from outside forces since Pearl Harbor. The military industrial complex is now in the business of offense. I thought that was pretty damn clear these days. If you join the military in these times it's because; you've been brainwashed, you're looking to better your situation and don't care how, or you're a sick individual and you want to know what it's like to legally kill another human being. It's pretty obvious with Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya that we're there to steal resources and fuck shit up. Vietnam should have been a lesson...


Well-Known Member
Donation to the vets?

You mean aside from their taxpayer funded wages? For the job they CHOSE?

Realistically, most of your military were too dumb for a job in McDonalds and had to chose the Army.

Your worshipping of ex-soldiers is pathetic, they havnt even defended America ONCE since 1945.

It`s not worship, respect slips through open hands that say give. My Military, please tell me you are not one of those poor poor immigrants that run away from there war torn Country to my home then complain about where you left but didn`t have the balls to stay. People are not migrating to China, Brazil or Somalia, they come to America. You care to explain this mystery ? I don`t see why they can`t stand up to their big bad wolves.

We minded our own business in the past, then they sank the USS Main, led to treaties that were broken and eventually WWI. Well after that, the world should have learned, but one man in europe took it upon himself to create a perfect Nation and began taking over Europe. He did very well. He did so well with his war machine that he eventually entertained an ally. Still the USA stayed out and minded our own.

Then one day we were shoot`n at some food, and up from the ground came a bubbling rude...Jap that is, swarms of them. They had their way with the guys minding their own business.

From that day forward, if you wanna play, you`ll pay. Siting idle and waiting cost the US 450,000 lives, going on the offensive, has cost us so much less than all the conflicts from Nam to Libya and tomorrow.

"I don`t expect you to understand, but would like to welcome you to America. Why did you leave home again ?"


Well-Known Member
The point of military is to defend the country from outside forces. Hence the Department of Defense. We haven't defended this country from outside forces since Pearl Harbor. The military industrial complex is now in the business of offense. I thought that was pretty damn clear these days. If you join the military in these times it's because; you've been brainwashed, you're looking to better your situation and don't care how, or you're a sick individual and you want to know what it's like to legally kill another human being. It's pretty obvious with Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya that we're there to steal resources and fuck shit up. Vietnam should have been a lesson...

Go back to China. You`re clueless and one day will wake up next to Yoda.


Well-Known Member
I remember watching a news reporter interview a navy officer during Gulf War 1 and asking him about the Iraqi cruise missiles. He was on one of the Iowas. The news reporter asked him if he was scared of this "big ship" and the cruise missiles, he said "no" and she looked puzzled. She asked, "well sir what will you do if you find out there are cruise missiles on their way to hit you, hit this ship." He replied to her "I'll have some marines bring some paint to touch up the hull, and some others to get some brooms to sweep the missile off the deck."

Battleships give me an erection. My grandfather served on the North Carolina in WW2. I go and visit her every few years in Wilmington.

I too have a thing for the BB`s. Visit BB59 Massachusetts and IX80 Constitution (that one is down the street)

Congress was convinced by ship builders and shit that looks good on paper to replace the armored platforms with that piece of shit research and development money eating Zumwalt Class. After many comments and examples of how that shit hull wont make it past a main battle tank on the beach, let alone a G5 Howitzer, they went from ordering 50 to 3. Had lots of help and the word has been heard. Now they are left clueless as to how to defend against artillery at sea. Can`t wait to see what they come out with next.

North Carolina was a busy boat. 15 battle stars, more than Big Mamma. But Big Mamma sank the French Battleship Bart. Mamma never got hit, and lost one man the whole war. North Carolina and South Dakota took beatings. But Both stayed in the war and came home to tell of the ventures. Battleships are your worst nightmare at sea. If the say jump....than jump. Do what they say or go swimming, and Pirates, well that`s target practice up close and personal.


Well-Known Member
Why do you keep talking about WWII? You are the only one talking about it.

Please fill me in, where do you think Harrekin was from? Where do you think he lives now? DERP!

Trying to demonstrate why we went from defense to offense but you wont understand and this question proves it. You insist that the offensive nature of today isn`t because of the past. Wake the Fuck up.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
"Forgive him Father,...for he knows not what he speaks"
No, please, what freedoms. Last i checked you use the excuse of terrorists to strip americans of every freedom they hold. But they're removing your right to a trial before conviction, to protect you. Easier to protect you if they can just murder US citizens without a fair trial. But right, you're gaining the freedom of the violation of your constitution. Now you're free of your constitution you can be safe. right? Lol


Undercover Mod
LOL fighting for freedom in Iraq or Afghanistan? What about Panama? More like fighting for corporations. Those government contracts pay big with little oversight.


Well-Known Member
Go back to China. You`re clueless and one day will wake up next to Yoda.
I am going back. Plan on visiting family there every 2 years. Traveling broadens the mind and the soul. You should try it.

What is it that I'm clueless to? You're being pretty vague in your retorts. Or lack thereof.