Mohican's 2014 Season


Well-Known Member
I love it when I see articles like this in a major paper!

With pictures like this:

"...onset of psychosis and even brain damage..." yea sure. Sounds like the guy in the headline right under this one had himself some CRAZY wax. That or he just wanted to get rid of that gosh darn boner.


Well-Known Member
When I grew my first plant back in the '70s, the old timers told me to always top my plants because it gives you better growth. Remember it was all sativas then. The Paki, and Affi are a whole different story. I still have not grown a big one of those yet.
i have seen pics of seven foot tall affis that where poles in the mj growers guide c1970 some thing it also had pics of 14 ft tye plants in a house 19 ft'er next to a house is a damn good read:)


Well-Known Member
When I grew my first plant back in the '70s, the old timers told me to always top my plants because it gives you better growth. Remember it was all sativas then. The Paki, and Affi are a whole different story. I still have not grown a big one of those yet.
i have seen pics of seven foot tall affis that where poles in the mj growers guide c1970 some thing it also had pics of 14 ft tye plants in a house 19 ft'er next to a house is a damn good read:)


Well-Known Member
"...onset of psychosis and even brain damage..." yea sure. Sounds like the guy in the headline right under this one had himself some CRAZY wax. That or he just wanted to get rid of that gosh darn boner.

just like the guy who wrote the book for AA. Some dude who couldn't hold his liquor. The stupid thing is they don't talk about the longterm effects of bho wax. Like cancer, respiratory issues, possible brain damage. That has nothing to do with the amount of THC. Its from improperly made wax that's very contaminated. That probably why people have been hospitalized. Maybe 5% of the wax out there is properly made. No one is willing to invest in a vaccum oven, galvanized steal or aluminum tubing, lab grade butane and vaccum purge pots.

just stick with water hash (ice wax / Frenchy).


Well-Known Member
Yeah I've been dabbing in BHO\WAX but I am going to run myself a quick wash using 180 proof Everclear instead of tane. I had an oz ran through tane to taste my shit and my shit was gooood! Can't image what it will be like using EverClear and hopefully I find some extra dough to invest in washing machine. Frenchy is the ICE MAN CANNOLI! HASH has met it Match, Frenchy ICE WAX!



Well-Known Member
Scott's OG today and the little mystery sprout:

I noticed some pink color in the center of the new growth on the sprout which tells me it is a child of AOS Dad and Mulanje Mom! Most of my AOS were boys so I won't be surprised if this is a boy. We need a rapid sex test for canna plants. It would make a fortune!

Hoping for a girl :weed:



Well-Known Member
Yeah I've been dabbing in BHO\WAX but I am going to run myself a quick wash using 180 proof Everclear instead of tane. I had an oz ran through tane to taste my shit and my shit was gooood! Can't image what it will be like using EverClear and hopefully I find some extra dough to invest in washing machine. Frenchy is the ICE MAN CANNOLI! HASH has met it Match, Frenchy ICE WAX!

I know some of the labs that make wax use grape spirits. They weren't specific to a brand name.

if you buy a washing machine. Just look for mini washing machines or RV washing machines. They run $60-$90. The bubble magic and others are just RV machines rebranded. The panda mini washing machine is a good one.


Well-Known Member
So many things to like and I have no "like" button!!!!

No such thing as clean BHO. I don't care what you do to it. Best purity is in the high 90 percentile. Still means that there are contaminants! Dry sift or dry ice is easy if you can't afford a machine or bags. Please don't smoke BHO!!!!!


Well-Known Member
So many things to like and I have no "like" button!!!!

No such thing as clean BHO. I don't care what you do to it. Best purity is in the high 90 percentile. Still means that there are contaminants! Dry sift or dry ice is easy if you can't afford a machine or bags. Please don't smoke BHO!!!!!
I used to run butane, then discovered dry ice plus a 110 bag makes nice kief. And when pressed, final product is pretty close to the blonde hash I smoked back in the 80's at Grateful Dead concerts.

Very tasty!


Well-Known Member
I agree! My dry ice smoked like old school hash and it was green and sticky! I used a coffee grinder and pulverided the bud and ice together and shook it through a 220 bag. Had sticky green powder everywhere and a big pile in the middle of the glass table :)

I gifted a big chunk of this to Mithrandir :)



Well-Known Member
just like the guy who wrote the book for AA. Some dude who couldn't hold his liquor. The stupid thing is they don't talk about the longterm effects of bho wax. Like cancer, respiratory issues, possible brain damage. That has nothing to do with the amount of THC. Its from improperly made wax that's very contaminated. That probably why people have been hospitalized. Maybe 5% of the wax out there is properly made. No one is willing to invest in a vaccum oven, galvanized steal or aluminum tubing, lab grade butane and vaccum purge pots.

just stick with water hash (ice wax / Frenchy).
I agree with what you're saying here, but I just want to add something. First off, I'm personally not fond of wax. I find it very harsh, and the taste doesn't agree with me. It's just not a pleasant experience for me.

On the "contamination" front, keep in mind that the residual butane in wax is the very same butane that most folks burn and inhale each time they "Flic their Bic" and fire up a bowl of organic flowers. We all inhale LOTS of burned butane, and wax makers likely (hopefully) use a higher grade fuel than Bic. A hit of contaminated wax fired with hemp wick may in fact contain less burned butane than a hit of organic flowers lit with a lighter.

Not an argument in favor of wax, just food for thought. I try to vaporize or use hemp wick instead of lighters, but of course I still use them sometimes...

I'll take my organic ice water hash over wax any day...


Well-Known Member
Pretty interesting huh?! I figure O2 uses the same general system of heat and pressure to create a supergas. I was surprised that water content can create carbonic acid. Everything has a contaminant. Trick is to remove contaminants through a simple process such as solution, filtering, or distillation.