"global warming petition project" peer reviewed and everything???

Kinda hard to convince someone of something if they refuse to accept the accepted evidence you show them, it's a waste of my time. You've been shown the evidence, you've been shown the facts, the charts, the tables, the numbers.. what more do you want? 97% of the worlds scientists are convinced, you remain unconvinced. At this point, it's no longer anyone's prerogative to convince anyone of anything. Those that would be convinced already are, those that aren't can run their SUV's til their hearts content. There are so few of them they could literally do it 24/7 and it wouldn't make one fuck bit of difference in the big picture.

You are not showing evidence. There is no evidence, one way or another.
Kinda hard to convince someone of something if they refuse to accept the accepted evidence you show them, it's a waste of my time. You've been shown the evidence, you've been shown the facts, the charts, the tables, the numbers.. what more do you want? 97% of the worlds scientists are convinced, you remain unconvinced. At this point, it's no longer anyone's prerogative to convince anyone of anything. Those that would be convinced already are, those that aren't can run their SUV's til their hearts content. There are so few of them they could literally do it 24/7 and it wouldn't make one fuck bit of difference in the big picture.

Yes, there are so few unconvinced that we are still able to prevent the implementation of almost EVERY piece of legislation that the Eco-Loons desire. So few that the MMGW agenda has ground to a halt. Sure the Prez can rustle up a few insignificant executive orders, but the legislation you really want is unachievable because of the unconvinced. And that obviously chaps your ass.

I bet you even partake in the total farce known as recycling, don't you? You Progs are so gullible it would be hilarious, if you weren't so suicidal to the country.
Yes, there are so few unconvinced that we are still able to prevent the implementation of almost EVERY piece of legislation that the Eco-Loons desire. So few that the MMGW agenda has ground to a halt. Sure the Prez can rustle up a few insignificant executive orders, but the legislation you really want is unachievable because of the unconvinced. And that obviously chaps your ass.

I bet you even partake in the total farce known as recycling, don't you? You Progs are so gullible it would be hilarious, if you weren't so suicidal to the country.

Funny. My Dad's, significant sized town of the Gulf Coast, Ft. Walton Beach, stopped the re-cycle madness.

As you say, it accomplishes less than nothing, It is a net net net, Expense for a City to recycle. If they are on the water table and cannot bury the stuff they can't re-cycle.
Go ahead and tell me what legislation I really want, dipshit


So this is your evidence?
how surprising, muyloco is still refusing to cite the claims he makes.

probably scared to embarrass himself again like he did with his prediction of a 54-40 romney lead.
It really doesn't matter what legislation you wanted passed. You believe in MMGW and you don't think society will stop throwing up greenhouse gases on their own. Take your pick from any of the hairbrained options that have been put forth by the Eco-Loons and their Dem enablers. You wouldn't be arguing the point if you didn't want some restriction of some kind. Unless you really are just a thought n*z*, which is even worse.

You think you're making a point, you're not. I don't play your little liberal games and I don't take requests. Every single one of you idiots has an idea how to prevent MMGW and they ALL involve legislation. Deny it and you're a liar.
Exactly, you don't know shit
Exactly, you don't know shit

Brilliant response. You're supposed to tell us all how you don't want legislation against greenhouse gas emissions and how you just want people to mentally support the MMGW position. C'mon, tell us all how I'm wrong and you abhor the thought of legislation to restrict emissions. Maybe if we all just believe and click our heels together three times, CO2 levels will decrease and we can reverse the warming.

How stupid do you really want to look. If a Progressive ain't lying, he ain't talking.

EVERYONE reading this thread KNOWS for a fact you want government interdiction.
Keep telling us all what you know I want

Then when I ask for you to tell me again, just so I know, crickets

How bout this, how about you tell me what your mentally challenged self would accept as proof of anthropogenic climate change? Can ya do that, cupcake?
Keep telling us all what you know I want

Then when I ask for you to tell me again, just so I know, crickets

How bout this, how about you tell me what your mentally challenged self would accept as proof of anthropogenic climate change? Can ya do that, cupcake?

Sure thing sweetums, just as soon as you go on record stating you don't want any form of legislation involving MMGW. You've criticized my assertion without denying it, here's your chance to prove I'm wrong. Put up or go suck a bag of dicks.
where's your proof that you are not beenthere?

If you really think I am beenthere, then that's you prerogative, no worries from me.
The reality is, I have never been anyone but who I am.

But i have noticed that every member who disagrees with you is either a racists or a sock puppet.
NoDrama, Sirgreenthumb, Red, Desertdude, Ginwilly, UncleBen, Dr Keynes, Muyloco, RobRoy, twostroke and i know I missed many more.

What a crybaby.
How stupid do you really want to look.

certainly not as stupid as the guy who looked at simple scientific presidential polling and was off by 18 full percentage points.

muyloco's prediction: 54-40 romney
reality: 51-47 obama
error size: 18 percentage points


but even though you can't analyze simple polling data, i'm sure you're way ahead of publishing climatologists on this issue.

If you really think I am beenthere, then that's you prerogative, no worries from me.
The reality is, I have never been anyone but who I am.

But i have noticed that every member who disagrees with you is either a racists or a sock puppet.
NoDrama, Sirgreenthumb, Red, Desertdude, Ginwilly, UncleBen, Dr Keynes, Muyloco, RobRoy, twostroke and i know I missed many more.

What a crybaby.

i've never called muyloco a racist or a sock puppet, actually.

the rest of them are all certainly racist motherfuckers, with the possible exception of nodrama.