Well-Known Member
Always a pain in the arse closing down for a while innit? im gonna have to close down for aa month or so around sept/aug so just trying to cram as many in as poss before then lol
Yeah its a proper ball ache aint it m8, I just hope everything goes to plan at ma mates so I can squeeze a quick grow in b4 I fuck off on hol, still need some cuts 1st tho.Always a pain in the arse closing down for a while innit? im gonna have to close down for aa month or so around sept/aug so just trying to cram as many in as poss before then lol
Yeah its a proper ball ache aint it m8, I just hope everything goes to plan at ma mates so I can squeeze a quick grow in b4 I fuck off on hol, still need some cuts 1st tho.
Once im back I aint shutting shop for a good while, need to get the funds back up again, hate being skint.
anyone got pukka's email giz a nudge please
watched this n zeddd came to mind lol
fuck me thats heavyYeah seen that before, quite funny, a few years ago we used to have a member of the site called Stoned Pony who was very similar, 60-70 yr old biker that used to bong rip massive amounts on webcam for everyone for shits n giggles, he died a few years ago, very much missed by a lot of ppl on this site
View attachment 3007885 Found this old pic from Stoned Pony, huge vape bag he did in less than a few mins, this was for his birthday I believe, hence all our names being on it so we could all have a birthday rip with him
R.I.P Stoned Pony
fuck me thats heavyalways sad to see the good ones go.
luckily ur name always reminds me of red dwarf n that alone cheers me right up again.
if you cant wait for the song...
aaaah, i am a fan of viking metal (best workout music in the world)
thats a pretty cool name actually but rimmer was a pretty cool guy especially ace rimmer lol
no .....ahahhhahahaha, I thought it cos u licked envelopes for a livingLol, Saerimmner( english translation of Sæhrímnir from norse mythology) is basically the Norse version of the snake eating its own tail/unbroken cycle of things etc
Sæhrímnir is slain and killed by the cook Andhrímnir and fed to all the warriors of Valhalla( heaven) every night, and in the morning is whole again
HAHAAHHAHA, u couldnt make that sort of stuff up mate thats brilliant! yeah, nothing beats a bit of slayer or pantera.
u think with all that money you would buy some new jeans lolha ha cept im 6 ft 14 stone and wear the same size jeans I did when I was 25 ....34 long, I can also kick a 6 foot man in the face less of the old cunt lmfao
thats a serious fucking chhoooooooon alright id pick so what ever time no matter what ....Lol i was more of a metallica bloke back in the day, used to love banging this on my headphones, getting on the bike n going out n embarrassing Ferrari`s/porsches etc