"global warming petition project" peer reviewed and everything???

i suppose you're right.

now what do you have to say that he contradicts your retarded claim that there has been no warming in the last 17 years?

I didn't make that claim, other scientists did, are you going to argue the point that some say 15 years (like the scientis you cited) vs 17 years by others?
You don't consider that petty?
I can't be racist.......Buck....i have a black friend.......

meanwhile, in reality...

do you agree that it was a good idea for the federal government to mandate that private business owners whose businesses were 'open to the public' serve the entire public? i'm talking hotels, gas stations, restaurants, and the like. do you agree that it was a good idea for the federal government to end racist practices that states were refusing to end on their own?

Look dude I don't think its a good idea.
I didn't make that claim, other scientists did, are you going to argue the point that some say 15 years (like the scientis you cited) vs 17 years by others?
You don't consider that petty?

can you even name one actual scientist who says that temps have not increased in the last 17 years in the face of the fact that the last decade was the hottest on record?
i still encourage everyone to google stormfront's presidential poll and take note that white supremacists and twostrokenut share the same preference in candidates as well as hatred of the civil rights act.
I didn't make that claim, other scientists did, are you going to argue the point that some say 15 years (like the scientis you cited) vs 17 years by others?
You don't consider that petty?

You're posting the claim that the Earth hasn't warmed in the last 17 years to support your theory that climate change ins't man made

You've been claiming this entire thread that there's not enough information to conclude if climate change is anthropogenic, yet here you are using one single scientists likely politically motivated opinion to conclude it isn't

Tens of thousands of peer reviewed research papers over 2 decades - Not enough evidence

ONE politically motivated opinion - NOPE! NOT HAPPENING!!

Again, you are a fucking idiot
Aw don't be mad. How about the funding I cited for you, a bit larger than your Koch brothers conspiracy bullcrap eh?
If you're losing an argument no need to resort to personal insults.

Whats my candidate again?
Got a quote for that?

Oh then there is that matter of a user named UncleBuck at stormfront.
i still encourage everyone to google stormfront's presidential poll
And you are encouraging hits to a racist site? That's lame.
You're posting the claim that the Earth hasn't warmed in the last 17 years to support your theory that climate change ins't man made

You've been claiming this entire thread that there's not enough information to conclude if climate change is anthropogenic, yet here you are using one single scientists likely politically motivated opinion to conclude it isn't

Tens of thousands of peer reviewed research papers over 2 decades - Not enough evidence

ONE politically motivated opinion - NOPE! NOT HAPPENING!!

Again, you are a fucking idiot

Tens of thousands you say, then back that up with a citation.
And we'll see how you are so easily misguided.
Tens of thousands you say, then back that up with a citation.
And we'll see how you are so easily misguided.

Why would I bother doing that when I already proved you refuse to accept anything as proof?

There's literally nothing I could show you that would change your mind and that doesn't sound alarm bells in your head because you don't understand how science works
You're posting the claim that the Earth hasn't warmed in the last 17 years

not only that, but he's also claiming that it HAS warmed in the last 15 years, but not in the last 17.

he backs it all up with citations from the heartland institute, a group that takes money from exxonmobil and the koch brothers to deny climate change (mere decades after taking money from tobacco and telling people cigarettes weren't dangerous).

when he's not citing paid for political groups, he's citing political scientists who worked for rush limbaugh and bemoaning the politicization of the issue.

it's just pure poetry in motion.
Why would I bother doing that when I already proved you refuse to accept anything as proof? There's literally nothing I could show you that would change your mind and that doesn't sound alarm bells in your head because you don't understand how science works
Stop patting yourself on the back. You didn't "prove" anything. Somehow your failure to convince anybody is an excuse to not provide a citation? Admit it. You got nothing.
not only that, but he's also claiming that it HAS warmed in the last 15 years, but not in the last 17.

he backs it all up with citations from the heartland institute, a group that takes money from exxonmobil and the koch brothers to deny climate change (mere decades after taking money from tobacco and telling people cigarettes weren't dangerous).

when he's not citing paid for political groups, he's citing political scientists who worked for rush limbaugh and bemoaning the politicization of the issue.

it's just pure poetry in motion.

Exactly, I just don't get it, man.. It's almost like a cartoon or something..

Every single source he goes to has a clear political motivation. He doesn't bother going to the thousands of independent researchers who study the climate, THEY'RE all bought off by the government.

This is where my interest in human psychology comes in, I find it extremely interesting how someone in our culture with unlimited resources for information could dig themselves in so deep. It's gotta be a sort of situation where the flux of information has just overwhelmed his brain, his political bias is way too strong for him to ever admit something that goes against anything he already believes might be wrong, whereas you and me are totally welcome to the idea. For example, I can tell you what it would take for me to accept anthropogenic climate change isn't real - a peer reviewed study by real scientists who don't have a political bias or conflict of interest, that's it! When 97% of the science is against you, all you're left with is to claim a liberal bias. He has literally nothing to show for himself in the way of evidence, not a shred.

It's almost funny how he's being strung around by such evil fucks like the koch brothers and the Limbaugh crowd because of how arrogant he is with this shit. Being manipulated like a slave and not even aware of it, I take a sick kind of pleasure in knowing that, I have to admit..

You and me both know these mindsets will die off in 20 years at the most, then, you'll never hear about how a gay person was discriminated against for being gay just like how today we don't hear about how colored people should use different drinking fountains. The scientifically illiterate, racist, sexist bigots will be gone and dumb shit like denying climate change won't be taken seriously in any context.
Stop patting yourself on the back. You didn't "prove" anything. Somehow your failure to convince anybody is an excuse to not provide a citation? Admit it. You got nothing.

Kinda hard to convince someone of something if they refuse to accept the accepted evidence you show them, it's a waste of my time. You've been shown the evidence, you've been shown the facts, the charts, the tables, the numbers.. what more do you want? 97% of the worlds scientists are convinced, you remain unconvinced. At this point, it's no longer anyone's prerogative to convince anyone of anything. Those that would be convinced already are, those that aren't can run their SUV's til their hearts content. There are so few of them they could literally do it 24/7 and it wouldn't make one fuck bit of difference in the big picture.
Kinda hard to convince someone of something if they refuse to accept the accepted evidence you show them, it's a waste of my time. You've been shown the evidence, you've been shown the facts, the charts, the tables, the numbers.. what more do you want? 97% of the worlds scientists are convinced, you remain unconvinced. At this point, it's no longer anyone's prerogative to convince anyone of anything. Those that would be convinced already are, those that aren't can run their SUV's til their hearts content. There are so few of them they could literally do it 24/7 and it wouldn't make one fuck bit of difference in the big picture.
You mean the evidence you're refusing to cite and pretending it somehow is our fault?
Still keep bring up the 97% lie, They taught you well. Sheep.

Don't get upset because you don't understand how science works. Study science, stop being an idiot

You mean the evidence you're refusing to cite and pretending it somehow is our fault?

Review the thread, it's been cited. Dummies like you don't accept it because it goes against your beliefs. I on the other hand would accept evidence to the contrary if you could provide it, let alone fucking tell me what it would be, idiot

The DOE tells me I'm quite useful every other week.

So all you're good for is making other people money now? (prostitute)