Zero respect

The bible IS fallacious! You may know the bible, but you apparently don't know ABOUT the bible.
Also He claimed that he and everyone else was a son of God; in the same way we say someone is a "son of a bitch" or "son of a dog". It means they have the characteristic of a bitch or a dog, NOT that he is one.
Also if you want to use the Bible John 10:34 says "Jesus answered, “Is it not written in your law, ‘I said, you are gods’?". But really, I don't like John. It wasn't written by John, you know? It is the only book in the Gospel that claims any kind of divinity for Jesus. It was also written many years after Jesus' death. Mark was based on oral tradition; Mathew and Luke were based on Mark. John was written for the purpose of advancing someones theology and nothing more.
The bible IS fallacious! You may know the bible, but you apparently don't know ABOUT the bible.
Also He claimed that he and everyone else was a son of God; in the same way we say someone is a "son of a bitch" or "son of a dog". It means they have the characteristic of a bitch or a dog, NOT that he is one.
Also if you want to use the Bible John 10:34 says "Jesus answered, “Is it not written in your law, ‘I said, you are gods’?". But really, I don't like John. It wasn't written by John, you know? It is the only book in the Gospel that claims any kind of divinity for Jesus. It was also written many years after Jesus' death. Mark was based on oral tradition; Mathew and Luke were based on Mark. John was written for the purpose of advancing someones theology and nothing more.

Impressive , one piece of the puzzle , Jesus wasnt saying he was God, and he never did. In fact the idea of a multifaceted God has its roots in Babylon .
Jesus was answering someone who knew full wel what he meant, in fact he was calling them out.
May times he used the phrase' you yourself said it' meaning 'thats on you'

One thing to keep in mind, Jesus never hurt anyone, he spoke to people so far outside his social dynamic that sometimes the people where actually surprised he was speaking to them.
He warned that after his death 'oppressive wolves would enter and mislead many'
Most of what people know about the Bible comes from those oppressive wolves so its incorrect.

All im saying is , there is no reason to hate the Bible, people use it to their own designs, they abuse others in its name.
Imagine Jesus sending tanks to kill innocent people

The new Testament is our letter from a creator , its actually easier to understand in Greek. Reads like the punctuation mark is in the front of the sentence instead of the back.
Impressive , one piece of the puzzle , Jesus wasnt saying he was God, and he never did. In fact the idea of a multifaceted God has its roots in Babylon .
Jesus was answering someone who knew full wel what he meant, in fact he was calling them out.
May times he used the phrase' you yourself said it' meaning 'thats on you'

One thing to keep in mind, Jesus never hurt anyone, he spoke to people so far outside his social dynamic that sometimes the people where actually surprised he was speaking to them.
He warned that after his death 'oppressive wolves would enter and mislead many'
Most of what people know about the Bible comes from those oppressive wolves so its incorrect.

All im saying is , there is no reason to hate the Bible, people use it to their own designs, they abuse others in its name.
Imagine Jesus sending tanks to kill innocent people

The new Testament is our letter from a creator , its actually easier to understand in Greek. Reads like the punctuation mark is in the front of the sentence instead of the back.

The new testament was written by people who had very little understanding of the world, decades or even centuries after the events happened. I fail to see how that is a 'letter from our creator'.
Impressive , one piece of the puzzle , Jesus wasnt saying he was God, and he never did. In fact the idea of a multifaceted God has its roots in Babylon .
Jesus was answering someone who knew full wel what he meant, in fact he was calling them out.
May times he used the phrase' you yourself said it' meaning 'thats on you'

One thing to keep in mind, Jesus never hurt anyone, he spoke to people so far outside his social dynamic that sometimes the people where actually surprised he was speaking to them.
He warned that after his death 'oppressive wolves would enter and mislead many'
Most of what people know about the Bible comes from those oppressive wolves so its incorrect.

All im saying is , there is no reason to hate the Bible, people use it to their own designs, they abuse others in its name.
Imagine Jesus sending tanks to kill innocent people

The new Testament is our letter from a creator , its actually easier to understand in Greek. Reads like the punctuation mark is in the front of the sentence instead of the back.

You know Jesus didn't write the New Testament, right? As to Jesus, speaking to people outside of his social group... that's complete BS. Take Mark 7:24-30 and Mathew 15:21-28 Most people take the story of the Syrophoenician woman as a way of showing Jesus' grace and kindness to everyone. But what most Christians fail to notice is that it is only after Jesus tells her she is below him and not worth his time and she in turn admits that she is below even the lowest Jew that Jesus heals her daughter. Some loving savior indeed.

And with whole multifaceted God thing... it wasn't until the Greeks and Romans were involved did we ever see any reference to a Trinity. To be honest, I really don't understand the points you are trying to make. Maybe you could run them by me again? Also, may I ask how you know it is easier to understand in Greek?
You know Jesus didn't write the New Testament, right? As to Jesus, speaking to people outside of his social group... that's complete BS. Take Mark 7:24-30 and Mathew 15:21-28 Most people take the story of the Syrophoenician woman as a way of showing Jesus' grace and kindness to everyone. But what most Christians fail to notice is that it is only after Jesus tells her she is below him and not worth his time and she in turn admits that she is below even the lowest Jew that Jesus heals her daughter. Some loving savior indeed.

And with whole multifaceted God thing... it wasn't until the Greeks and Romans were involved did we ever see any reference to a Trinity. To be honest, I really don't understand the points you are trying to make. Maybe you could run them by me again? Also, may I ask how you know it is easier to understand in Greek?

Jesus spoke to a Samaritan woman at the well, jews and Samaritans DIDNT HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH EACH OTHER. However you are wrong and i think your hatred has blinded you , Jesus didnt run her down or make sure she knew she was beneath him at all, in fact not only did he encourage her, he admitted he was the Christ once she asked. How you got anything else out of that is beyond me, but if you are only here to be disruptive i hope you let me know.
Its not like im perfect or dont make mistakes, but one thing im not is hateful and deceptive and i can back up scripture with scripture

I study ancient Greek

And you are wrong about the trinity,it was a Babylonian false god.

Take everything you know about religion and throw it out the window.

Was Jesus impaled on a cross?
Absolutelynot, the Romans impaled on a stake or stamos. The idea was to keep ones arms above their head so a person would drown on their own juices.

Even to the point where it was prophesied that Jesus would suffer and die but not a bone would be broken, why, because on the day the Romans came to break his legs so he couldnt support his weight anymore he was already dead.
The new testament was written by people who had very little understanding of the world, decades or even centuries after the events happened. I fail to see how that is a 'letter from our creator'.

Evidently my other post disappeared
Paul was educated at the feet of Gamaliel a renowned Roman teacher, he wrote more books than anyone else, luke was a Doctor, im not typing the rest of it again
IT'S THE SAME THING WITH THE SAMARITAN WOMAN! He treats her like a slave and talks down to her. Geez! You people have been so indoctrinated with this feel good God and Jesus love everyone bs that you can't see what the Bible actually says! And I'm not even reading between the lines. You do know that God hates people and treats them like crap for no reason sometimes? That's in the Bible. Romans 9:13-16

Actually, Paul only wrote Romans, 1st and 2nd Corinthians, Galatians, Philippians, 1st Thessalonians and Philemon. Biblical Scholars haven't believed the author of The Gospel of Luke or The Acts to be a physician since around the 1920's. Besides, it wasn't Luke who wrote Luke and Acts. I'm just trying to tell you what you apparently don't want to hear. How is the trinity a babylonian false god? I know you're referring to Nimrod and the other guys. But it wasn't only the babylonians that had a three person god-head. The egyptians did as well and there is much to be said about the similarities between Jesus and Horus.
IT'S THE SAME THING WITH THE SAMARITAN WOMAN! He treats her like a slave and talks down to her. Geez! You people have been so indoctrinated with this feel good God and Jesus love everyone bs that you can't see what the Bible actually says! And I'm not even reading between the lines. You do know that God hates people and treats them like crap for no reason sometimes? That's in the Bible. Romans 9:13-16

Actually, Paul only wrote Romans, 1st and 2nd Corinthians, Galatians, Philippians, 1st Thessalonians and Philemon. Biblical Scholars haven't believed the author of The Gospel of Luke or The Acts to be a physician since around the 1920's. Besides, it wasn't Luke who wrote Luke and Acts. I'm just trying to tell you what you apparently don't want to hear. How is the trinity a babylonian false god? I know you're referring to Nimrod and the other guys. But it wasn't only the babylonians that had a three person god-head. The egyptians did as well and there is much to be said about the similarities between Jesus and Horus.

Right, Horus & Osiris. Much to be said is putting it kindly, christianity is almost a blow by blow retelling of this myth. When I was younger, I wondered how anyone could read this story that was written thousands of years before christianity, and still believe the christian story was true. It's not even original...
^ Cain and Able (oops), Jacob and Esau, Birthright and the Suppressor. To me it's the same story. No reason? The reason is the free will people deny exists. Action and reaction are the other 2 parts of freewill which is likely why no one wants to see it. All that the human animal wants is action.


If the devil did not exist inside there would be no way to evolve. The big problem is that everyone, believers and non-believers, think the devil exists somewhere outside and is identifiable. That's the 'trick', I guess.
Right, Horus & Osiris. Much to be said is putting it kindly, christianity is almost a blow by blow retelling of this myth. When I was younger, I wondered how anyone could read this story that was written thousands of years before christianity, and still believe the christian story was true. It's not even original...

Most of the similarities between the horus/jesus stories have been debunked. There are similarities though don't get me wrong.
IT'S THE SAME THING WITH THE SAMARITAN WOMAN! He treats her like a slave and talks down to her. Geez! You people have been so indoctrinated with this feel good God and Jesus love everyone bs that you can't see what the Bible actually says! And I'm not even reading between the lines. You do know that God hates people and treats them like crap for no reason sometimes? That's in the Bible. Romans 9:13-16

Actually, Paul only wrote Romans, 1st and 2nd Corinthians, Galatians, Philippians, 1st Thessalonians and Philemon. Biblical Scholars haven't believed the author of The Gospel of Luke or The Acts to be a physician since around the 1920's. Besides, it wasn't Luke who wrote Luke and Acts. I'm just trying to tell you what you apparently don't want to hear. How is the trinity a babylonian false god? I know you're referring to Nimrod and the other guys. But it wasn't only the babylonians that had a three person god-head. The egyptians did as well and there is much to be said about the similarities between Jesus and Horus.

He treats her like a slave because he asks for a drink of water? Normally Jews wouldn't even talk to Samaritans , did you read this again or are you just going off memory?

Treats people like crap for no reason? Let me ask you something, are people supposed to be able to do whatever they want and thats ok, or only if it interfers with what you want to do.
EVERYBODY has rules, everybody. Some are more lax due to their ethics or moral standing, but if there is a creator , i think he should have a say in how we live our lives.

Or do you believe the original lie, the first one ever told in Genesis , where Satan told Eve that God didnt want her to eat the fruit from the tree of good and bad because God KNEW she would be like him, knowing good and bad?

Check out the last few thousand years, mankind isnt doing so well, in fact the entire world is heading for a financial melt down like none ever seen. War, conflict , greed ,hunger, more people enslaved now than ever. And the Bible is a fairy tale and bs? I would have to say that mans ability to man is a lie and bs. Just like the Bible says, Man has dominated man to his injury.

Ok since i was wrong about Paul, who wrote more books in the Greek scriptures?

Remember many of the things written in the Bible are illustrations, Jesus even said that he spoke that way, so the unlearned one scriptural could learn.

Read the book , throw away the nonsense you have been told about it and just read it, what could it hurt?

A trinity God is false because well, what have they done? The religious organizations who preach this say its A holy mystery' The only mystery to me is why would anyone believe it.

In order to understand anything , you first have to understand why , where and how. the trinity was introduced to encourage membership in religions who cared more about membership and money than the truth. Just like so many other things. If something is rooted in false religion , if that where it started then thats what it is, you cant turn a turd back into a cheeseburger.
Right, Horus & Osiris. Much to be said is putting it kindly, christianity is almost a blow by blow retelling of this myth. When I was younger, I wondered how anyone could read this story that was written thousands of years before christianity, and still believe the christian story was true. It's not even original...

Horus & Osiris a proven myth , one that even many scholars dont put faith in quote , Scholars have tried to discern the exact nature of the events that gave rise to the story, but they have reached no definitive conclusions. Parts of the myth appear in a wide variety of Egyptian texts, from funerary texts and magical spells to short stories. The story is, therefore, more detailed and more cohesive than any other ancient Egyptian myth. Yet no Egyptian source gives a full account of the myth, and the sources vary widely in their versions of events. Greek and Roman writings, particularly De Iside et Osiride by Plutarch, provide more information but may not always accurately reflect Egyptian beliefs. Through these writings, the Osiris myth persisted after knowledge of most ancient Egyptian beliefs was lost, and it is still well known today.
Most of the similarities between the horus/jesus stories have been debunked. There are similarities though don't get me wrong.

I've heard this too. Idk either way really. It's tough to figure out who the authorities are on this subject. They say the same thing about Krishna as well but they go by the hindu calendar which changes every year sorta like the islamic calendat, so idk how they could really say for certain. I've also never really heard much about his birth despite running off with the Hare Krishnas for a year or so.
Evidently my other post disappeared
Paul was educated at the feet of Gamaliel a renowned Roman teacher, he wrote more books than anyone else, luke was a Doctor, im not typing the rest of it again

Ok, a Dr. from ~2000 years ago =/= expert by today's standards. To say 'he was a doctor!', really means nothing. "Dr's" (LOL) back then thought mental illness was demonic possession, and did things like blood letting. They had no concept of germs or where illness came from. The term 'doctor' should be used loosely, and might be better off being called 'mystic'.

Why? Because they had no idea of how the world worked.
Ok, a Dr. from ~2000 years ago =/= expert by today's standards. To say 'he was a doctor!', really means nothing. "Dr's" (LOL) back then thought mental illness was demonic possession, and did things like blood letting. They had no concept of germs or where illness came from. The term 'doctor' should be used loosely, and might be better off being called 'mystic'.

Why? Because they had no idea of how the world worked.

Could you explain? "How the world worked" and "mystic" and "had no idea" don't quite fit for me. It is likely that all of the advances we have were born of mystics and their 'crazy' imaginations.

*also, why is the scientific method the only 'acceptable' form of self-correcting systems?
So, I offer science and reason and you dismiss it. I offer proof from WITHIN the Bible and you still dismiss it. You know, back when I was working with the church there was one thing ahead of all others that bothered me and you are illustrating it very well. Most of the theology modern christians have does not come from scripture. You would think that if God sent a book down to earth for us to read and know him... you'd think Christians would at least know what was in it. Yet even when I list verses that are contrary to what you believe to be true you refuse to even listen to the BIBLE. Obviously, you don't want to hear anything that anyone has to say even if it comes from your God.

Why don't you go start a fellowship church or whatever they are called. They don't require the preacher have any credentials and aren't affiliated with any conference or organization so there is no set theology or doctrine which means you can change it as you see fit or you can do like most of the preachers at those churches and just do feel good devotionals instead of a teaching doctrine or scripture.

And I've read the book several times all the way through (I believe I tried to establish credibility by mentioning that I studied for years in preparation for seminary), but that's not the way one should read it. You should begin with the three synoptic gospels and read them side by side.
So, I offer science and reason and you dismiss it. I offer proof from WITHIN the Bible and you still dismiss it.

Not sure who this was directed at but this caught my attention. You mention "proof" and "Bible" in once sentence and claim it as something you are offering. What is your proof and how did you come to that understanding?