Help picking seeds


Active Member
So I am about 5 weeks or so from harvesting my first grow. I was setting this up as a perpetual grow and I have learned a lot. One thing I learned is that when you grow with bagseed, it's a crapshoot and there is no way I can do a proper perpetual with the mixed bag I have. I basically have 3 different strains. One appears to be indica dominant, one is sativa dominant and the other I am not sure about. I have 4 plants flowering currently and the sativa is budding two weeks or so behind the indica. Makes sense now that I know the difference but I had no idea when I started. I have cloned tese and have some clones going, but I think I want to just start over with better seeds after this harvest and probably go with two plants flowering at a time instead of four as they REALLY fill up the space I have. I have a bathroom vanity for flowering and a 24x24x12 veg/clone cabinet.
Another thing I have learned is that sativa dominant plants are not going to be optimal for my space. The bitch I am flowering now is leggy as hell. 31 days into 12/12 and this girl is still stretching. Even with a scrog setup I am having to move her colas into the other plants
I ordered a northern lights auto/fem from Herbies and they are sending me one strawberry blue fems and two Hawaiian Skunk Haze.
The Strawberry blue is a 75%/25% sativa/indica split and the world of seeds website says it is good for indoor scrog grows and has a short flowering cycle for sativas.
The Hawaiian Skunk Haze has a much longer flowering cycle, and though I am going to grow these seeds, I don't think they would be a good fit for a perpetual in my setup.
Here's what I am looking for;
-semi short flowering cycle (8 weeks or so)
-something that could be managed well with scrog or mainlining in a small cabinet.
-something that is good for arthritis and helping sleep (I have Palindromic arthritis and can't hardly sleep without smoking).
-preferably something that is a little forgiving since I am new at this.

Any suggestions? And if there is a better seed site than Herbies, let me know that as well.
I appreciate the help.


Herbies is actually awesome at narrowing your search for exactly the things you want. The filters are on the left side of the screen I believe.


Well-Known Member
Better for you to stick to indica strains avoid the untrustworthy sats, as they will require longer bud time due to the equatorial regions they come from(Thai,Hawaii,Nth Mexico) many growers have this issue, blaming there noobie-ness rather than the strain they are growing, for late development, as a medical grower time to upgrade you gear and grow space, to ensure a correct amount of medicine when required


Well-Known Member
if you have the northern light . you are rocking it. they are very good buzz every body likes the relaxing buzz and to see the northern lights is cool as hell. and its easy to grow. high yields easy to clone. its not a picky bitch like some plants. and great for newbies. and the smell is sweet . and strong. and plants have a lot of crystals. it will sell for a premium as well about 300 a zip easy. it can be super cropped and topped . keep that. you cant go wrong. and not to many people actually grow northern lights its always one of those special ones flavored . nl is a legend that's why it has been around popular in the 50 and 60. and still here today.


Active Member
if you have the northern light . you are rocking it. they are very good buzz every body likes the relaxing buzz and to see the northern lights is cool as hell. and its easy to grow. high yields easy to clone. its not a picky bitch like some plants. and great for newbies. and the smell is sweet . and strong. and plants have a lot of crystals. it will sell for a premium as well about 300 a zip easy. it can be super cropped and topped . keep that. you cant go wrong. and not to many people actually grow northern lights its always one of those special ones flavored . nl is a legend that's why it has been around popular in the 50 and 60. and still here today.
Good to know and I may do that. I will just have to get some seeds that aren't auto. I have heard a lot of good things about nl.
Thanks man.


I went to herbies myself and used the following filters: feminized, short, and 8 wks or less. It throws a bunch of autos, but there were others. 00 seeds caramel kush sounded delicious to me.


Active Member
Better for you to stick to indica strains avoid the untrustworthy sats, as they will require longer bud time due to the equatorial regions they come from(Thai,Hawaii,Nth Mexico) many growers have this issue, blaming there noobie-ness rather than the strain they are growing, for late development, as a medical grower time to upgrade you gear and grow space, to ensure a correct amount of medicine when required
Good advice. Thanks!


Active Member
I went to herbies myself and used the following filters: feminized, short, and 8 wks or less. It throws a bunch of autos, but there were others. 00 seeds caramel kush sounded delicious to me.
I really like the filters on Herbie's. I know what you mean. Some of the names of this stuff........I don't think I have ever smoked weed that had a name before. Lol.


Well-Known Member
if you have the northern light . you are rocking it. they are very good buzz every body likes the relaxing buzz and to see the northern lights is cool as hell. and its easy to grow. high yields easy to clone. its not a picky bitch like some plants. and great for newbies. and the smell is sweet . and strong. and plants have a lot of crystals. it will sell for a premium as well about 300 a zip easy. it can be super cropped and topped . keep that. you cant go wrong. and not to many people actually grow northern lights its always one of those special ones flavored . nl is a legend that's why it has been around popular in the 50 and 60. and still here today.
I would second that, easy to grow and good yield. I've just finished some Northern Lights auto's over the winter and now my main grow is Big Bud from Vision Seeds which is a cross between Northern Lights #1 and Skunk #1.

Good luck with whatever you choose though.