The UK Growers Thread!


Bio-Bizz all-mix I have used on and off for 5yrs plus its good soil, just don't listen to the guidlines from bio- bizz it won't last the 3 wks I think they say without nutes and it aint too hot for seedlings n cuttings.
Sounds like it's worth the money then, I'll be sure to use ferts as soon as the cuts are established. I have had problems with cheap multipurpose compost and fungus gnats. At the end of summer last year add a had a deal on for I think 150litres of multi compost for 10 quid.
Now I have a few fungus gnats from that stuff. But as soon as the weather picks up I'll put em outside.

allmix .......fill 11 l pot with allmix, add seed, mist, cover and have a peek in 3 days, soon as shes got 2 cotyledons put her under MH. for flowering soil I make a supersoil based on all mix but not subcools supersoil which is shite
Do you find the seedlings get a little burnt at all from the strong all mix?

Yeah that seedling starter soil is like fine sand consistency, think its £2 for 15L or so

The main soil im using yes it has the blue feeding balls in it but they are a lot milder than something like Miracle Grow so still need to feed the plant with something else, have used it or a previous version of it with biobizz, canna A+B and even a £1 bottle of tomato food from the pound shop all with good results
Awsome , that's what counts at the end of the day, as long as it produces healthy happy plants we are happy gardeners :-)
With the tomato feed , did the buds bulk out properly? Bet the plant grew quite large?



Well-Known Member
Do you find the seedlings get a little burnt at all from the strong all mix?

why the fuk would I suggest this method if it burnt seedlings?


Well-Known Member
yes zedd wers this pys snip u winker only been 2/3 months lmao

such a happy guy atm up at 7am wi kids and im never up before lunch...

smart pots shoild come today ginna side by side with aipots see jow they do oh and my 5 top pp lol

best thing I done was move amazing how living sumwer naff changes yout attitude so much yo!


Well-Known Member
Blue Mystics
WW x Amnesia
Just run a WW x Amnesia cross.

Very very frosty without the real sat high. The WW does nothing good for the Amnesia. Just turns it into a really piney spicey widow thats done in 9 weeks. Wont be growing it again even though people loved it. It's not enough haze in the cross I ran. They were freebies though.


Well-Known Member
wats free is free welsh mate.... I dont like all these crosses nowadays seems like everything is getting crossed with anything il stick to what I know with the odd percy seed

yorkie wait till ur cropping il swap ya the digi

its a 600 euro-tech-one... im sure thats the make I certainly wont use it dont like digis il stick to my magnetics

gunna throw sum autos out at a pals orchard soon hunna have ton investigate months

and yeh u heard me the dudes got his own fucking orcherd fuk knows how u spell it


Do you find the seedlings get a little burnt at all from the strong all mix?

why the fuk would I suggest this method if it burnt seedlings?
Guess you wouldn't ay,! What's the aeration/drainage of straight all mix like? Do ya add any perlite or anything to prevent damping off?


Well-Known Member
Sae I used only ona blocks for the smell on my last grow with the exo, big bang & purple paralysis, due to the fact they got so big i cudnt fit the filter u sent me into my tent. Like yorkie said they aint great but do a decent job, I cud still smell weed in my bedroom outside the tent but apart from that the rest of my house smelt fine, even had the police in downstairs and they never noticed it.
I would suggest the apple crumble ona tho as ive found this to be the strongest smelling in the range.


Well-Known Member
yeah i know they arent as good as a carbon filter

Problem im having is that my filter died so gary sent me another an now that isnt covering the smell 100% either, so to get me thru til harvest when i can afford to replace fan n filter etc would putting an ona block or 2 in the growroom help? Filter is prob only allowing 5-10% smell out so could be worse lol
hey man the ona should be fine in the grow tent but the light might make it dry out faster, I suggest what York said n put em in little cups n have em scattered around the house.


Sae I used only ona blocks for the smell on my last grow with the exo, big bang & purple paralysis
Thanks mate, my mates is a month in a big bang 2 DWC grow, there isn't much information available online about this strain. How did you find it? Did it stretch much and how did it respond to feedings. Did it live up the the hype?



Well-Known Member
Oh yeah sae I had the ona around the house and one next to the exhaust on the grow tent, but I never actually put any inside the tent as I didnt see the point.


Well-Known Member
Sae I used only ona blocks for the smell on my last grow with the exo, big bang & purple paralysis, due to the fact they got so big i cudnt fit the filter u sent me into my tent. Like yorkie said they aint great but do a decent job, I cud still smell weed in my bedroom outside the tent but apart from that the rest of my house smelt fine, even had the police in downstairs and they never noticed it.
I would suggest the apple crumble ona tho as ive found this to be the strongest smelling in the range.
An did you use em inside the tent or outside?

EDIT: sorry just saw ur 2nd post ignore this


Well-Known Member
On the note of Ona gels/blocks, im currently trying out a different version from the 99p store and so far im impressed for 99p lol, gels have lasted for over a month already n still seem half full and is fairly decently strong fresh laundry smell coming from them at all times and ive not had to put water or anything into them to make em last/get the smell going again


fucking caps, not changing it now tho lol


Well-Known Member
Awsome , that's what counts at the end of the day, as long as it produces healthy happy plants we are happy gardeners :-)
With the tomato feed , did the buds bulk out properly? Bet the plant grew quite large?

Well the plants i ran at the time were unknown quality as had never ran them before so just whacked em into 12/12 FS in the previous incarnation of that soil i posted up (now called grosure, used to be westland 4 month feed month general compost with added john innes or similar) and ONLY used the £1 tomato food from when they were seedlings all the way to harvestDSC01053_cleaned.jpgDSC01056_cleaned_cleaned.jpgDSC01071_cleaned.jpgDSC01091_cleaned.jpgDSC01072_cleaned.jpg


Well-Known Member
hey.anyone use a halide for the firatt week flower to iliminate the initial stretch of early flowet

and that tormorite tomato food. anyone used it in coco


Well-Known Member
hey.anyone use a halide for the firatt week flower to iliminate the initial stretch of early flowet

and that tormorite tomato food. anyone used it in coco
the yanks aare mad into using the mh for early flowering n towards the end of flowering but you would be best off asking a yank...on the Irish thread we have a lad called mdjenkins...hes a pretty helpful guy n im sure he will get back to you asap (time difference)


Well the plants i ran at the time were unknown quality as had never ran them before so just whacked em into 12/12 FS in the previous incarnation of that soil i posted up (now called grosure, used to be westland 4 month feed month general compost with added john innes or similar) and ONLY used the £1 tomato food from when they were seedlings all the way to harvestView attachment 3006744View attachment 3006746View attachment 3006747View attachment 3006749View attachment 3006748
healthy, happy and beautiful , nice work dude, I have to reconsider my choice/snobbery of liquid fertiliser. Thanks a lot for posting those pictures.
I have used Westland with added john Innings before but not with ganja. The veggies always seem to enjoy it especially tomatoes. My local garden centre usually has deals it it as well

Peace & love


Well-Known Member
healthy, happy and beautiful , nice work dude, I have to reconsider my choice/snobbery of liquid fertiliser. Thanks a lot for posting those pictures.
I have used Westland with added john Innings before but not with ganja. The veggies always seem to enjoy it especially tomatoes. My local garden centre usually has deals it it as well

Peace & love
Cheers mate, i buy mine( soil) from wilkinsons 2x 25L for £4, not the cheapest or most expensive in the world but its a good soil, does not compact as much as something like light mix, is already PH`ed and is overall a nice light fluffy soil, if you have a wilkos near you would be well worth a look as they have got a shit load of stuff in their gardening section this year that is just perfect for MJ growers


Active Member
Black jacks, fruit salads, wham bars, curly wirlys, gob stoppers, risens, bourneville chocolate fuck me lads a blast from the past there haha Fuckin most used to be half a penny wen I was a kid me gran used to take me post office every friday buy me a bag of suck for 50p lol daddies herbals soft mints cayli in multi coloured tubes parma violets flyin sourcers spangles texans peanut brittle betta bars fuck and how can ya forget the fish and chips biscuits haha fuck id die and go to heaven with that lot right now haha