"global warming petition project" peer reviewed and everything???

The temp has been for falling the last ten years.

all you can do is laugh at idiots like red when he says stuff like this.

first of all, which scientist agrees with you on this, red?

second, why was last decade hotter than the decade before that, both of them the hottest decades on record?

this is just absurd and idiotic.
"It was changed to "climate change" for two main reasons," Well, one, actually. The temp has been for falling the last ten years. Keep claiming that " 97% of the experts who study the climate." who turned out to be only 97% of articles written about it from a group the guy who made the "study" refuses to identify. Pretending the normal day to day change in weather somehow proves the end of the world is coming is asinine. So, have you given up using your car, heater, air conditioner, TV, radio, etc. yet?

97% of peer reviewed published papers between 1993 and 2011 reached the same conclusion, man made

all you can do is laugh at idiots like red when he says stuff like this.

first of all, which scientist agrees with you on this, red?

second, why was last decade hotter than the decade before that, both of them the hottest decades on record?

this is just absurd and idiotic.

He's a fanatic, just like creationists, he's saying 2 + 2 = 5
...so what'd he say?
Carne was whining about not getting his lover's money and property after his death. No complaint about him dying , no remorse, just whining about the money and the house. I called him a "gold digger". After this, and only after this, Carne claimed his lover was murdered. Sounded like an attempt to rewrite history to me. And still didn't address the fact all he whined about was the fucking money and house. My opinion of Carne hasn't changed. Giving him a pass on that just because he is gay is just bigotry. And that isn't the reason for Buck's actions anyway. Buck attacks anyone who disagrees with him. Especially when they prove he is lying about something. Don't let this liar fool you.
what he says there sounds about right buck...from what I remember. WHich admittedly isn't much.

are you disputing that this is the way it went down?
97% of peer reviewed published papers between 1993 and 2011 reached the same conclusion, man made He's a fanatic, just like creationists, he's saying 2 + 2 = 5
You're calling me the fanatic? That's funny. They weren't "peer reviewed". The author of the study refuses to this day to even identify who the writers were or even the group they were from, the numbered sampled, or anything else one would expect from a valid survey. You're going to have to prove I ever said 2+2=5. Nah, you don't have to. You're starting to get even more asinine now. Pretending something I said over a year ago on an entirely different subject has any bearing on the subject at hand. I don't understand how you people are so self-righteous while behaving like ........well I really don't have anything to compare you to.
damn buck, did that really happen? I know you don't like him but that's a messed up statement imo

Damn dude don't quote it, that was honestly the lowest remark I have ever seen on Riu ever.
Buck calls me a racist and shit and thats whatever blaze' but at least perceived racism is arguable political.

A new low.
what he says there sounds about right buck...from what I remember. WHich admittedly isn't much.

are you disputing that this is the way it went down?


carne was only making reference to the rights he did not have as a gay man that straight people get to take for granted. witness:

Well for one we're denied the benefits that go along with being married. When my partner was murdered I didn't have the right to claim his body for burial since we weren't married. The house was in his name and I had to move out when he died. His family cleaned the house out and I had no right to anything. Even the things I bought for him or gifted to him. He had excellent health insurance. I was not allowed to be on it. I couldn't even plan his funeral or take part. I had no say in anything. The list goes on and on.

It was one of most painful experiences of my life and I had to deal with all that shit on top of it. Why? Because I fell in love with a man. That's the only reason.

He could have put your name on the deed, but he apparently chose not to. He could have left you anything he wanted to in his will, but apparently chose not to. He could have given you power of attorney,to have complete control over all his affairs, including his funeral, but chose not to. It appears he had a different idea of your relationship than you did. Your beef is with him, not society.

He didn't know he would someday die? I know it's painful, and I understand your feelings, but
I still say your beef was with him, not society. He could have provided for you if he wanted to. Don't delude yourself.

You have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. Quit acting like you do. You don't know the circumstances and you seem to be stuck on one aspect of what I shared. I couldn't claim his body or get on his insurance. I had no "beef" with him. I had a beef with the individuals who murdered him. His death is still unsolved. The cops just don't give a shit. My beef is with society and it's perception that because of who I love I have to take a second class status. My beef is with the police department that let his death go unsolved. All the things that married couples enjoy and take for granted are things that were/are denied me.

Of course he had no clue he was going to die. He was murdered. He was 23 years old. I was 21. You don't think about shit like that. The house he owned was his parents house that they left to him. I didn't have legal leg to stand on. Whether you choose to believe it or not, I am a second class citizen and I don't have the same rights that you enjoy and abuse on a whim. You have no idea what it's like to see people get married as a joke and divorce a week later. It's maddening.

as you can see, red is full of shit.
as you can clearly see in the above posts by me, carne was illustrating what rights he did not get as a gay man that straights get to take for granted.

red continues to mock and belittle and throw his ugly, bigoted, homophobic nonsense about.

You were whining you didn't get his stuff. Poor baby. My girlfriend won't get my house either. It will go to my family. Not a woman I've only known a year. She asked me to put her name on the deed. I said no. He had to know he was going to die eventually, unless he was retarded or something. He could have put your name on the deed, but he didn't, and I think I know why. You were never meant to be a permanent part of his life. Grow up and move on, whiner.

They don't want equal rights. They want "more equal" rights.

But, perhaps you weren't around Viet Nam era. Gays could avoid the draft, just by being gay. 50,000 service men DIED in Viet Nam. So gays got preferential treatment back then.
notice how red claims to have a girlfriend in the above posts, but today admitted that he has to pay $10 for a blowjob (yuck) over in toke and talk.

he's so full of bullshit that you can smell it through a computer.

carne was only making reference to the rights he did not have as a gay man that straight people get to take for granted. witness:

as you can see, red is full of shit.

What I see is Red arguing that Carne's partner could have established those "rights" in a will.
Is your position that this could not be achieved?

And how does his position on this "gold digging" relate to your remark again?
And how does your remark relate to climate science again?

It doesn't.
Politics is dirty but goddam dude that shit was plain wrong. Indefensible.
What I see is Red arguing that Carne's partner could have established those "rights" in a will.
Is your position that this could not be achieved?

did you have a will before getting murdered at age 23?

edit: i'm older than that and i don't have a will. but the fact that i can get married, unlike carne and his partner, makes things a lot easier.

is that easy enough for you to understand, southern bigot?
Even Scientists Doubting Global Warming

Take a deep breath, humanity might be safe from Global Warming!!

Judith Curry and Marcia Watt, two climate scientists write in highly respected journal Climate Dynamics.

No Global Warming For Past Seventeen Years.

They claim that earths surface temperatures have not increased since 1997. Some claim that this may just be a pause in global warming and it may continue into the 2030′s

Curry and Watt discovered that global warming temperature increases were overestimated by the United Nations Panel of Climate Change. The role of natural gasses was underestimated and it exaggerated the role of greenhouse gasses.

It was claimed by climate scientists that storms will be more severe and frequent, yet hurricane season for 2013 has been one of the calmest in over 40 years

Even Al Gore in 2007 predicted that the ice in the arctic would disappear by 2013 due to global warming. Well its 2014 and the arctic still remains, in fact arctic ice has increased in size and the south pole ice is the thickest its been in 35 years.

They stopped calling it global warming because the earth isn’t warming. However, they called it climate change. Which is a theory that burning fossil fuels that emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere traps heat, caused by humans. If carbon dioxide is responsible for global warming , then where is the warming?

Global warming is a theory, it has been used to frighten the average person into changing the way they live. The fact that there is no solid proof that global warming is happening is enough for me to feel comfortable to believe that humanity is safe from the evil of global warming.

In fact reports suggest that earth may be in for a new solar cycle, cycle 25, which predicted by NASA scientists have shown that it will be significantly cooler than cycle 24. This data contradicts the theory that carbon dioxide pollution is causing global warming. We may even be heading towards a global cooling"
Judith Curry and Marcia Watt


In February 2010 Curry published an essay called "On the Credibility of Climate Change, Towards Rebuilding Trust" on Watts Up With That? and other blogs.[SUP][13]

Watts Up With That? (WUWT for short) is a weather and climate commentary site (blog), created in 2006 by California meteorologist Anthony Watts, that reports on anthropogenic global warming-related issues from a skeptical point of view.[SUP][1][/SUP]


from November 2012 through December 2013, there were 2,258 articles written by 9,136 climate scientists. Only one article by a Russian scientist rejected global warming. The Curry/Watt research paper was not included in the “deniers’ total” because their work does not deny the reality of global warming.
did you have a will before getting murdered at age 23?

edit: i'm older than that and i don't have a will. but the fact that i can get married, unlike carne and his partner, makes things a lot easier.

is that easy enough for you to understand, southern bigot?

I had a will at 18 UncleMoron, thats when I plopped 5k cash down and bought my first home.
I have never changed it. My parents will get my home if I am murdered but when I get married I will change it to make clear my wife gets it, not that there would be any dispute because they get along fine.

Why would you have a will do you own anything? Seriously?
The fact you can legally marry makes it easier than writing a simple will?
Are you retarded?

Understand that, white liberal?
All of your citations were from government funded scientists who are clearly displaying a bias.
Mix politics and monetary incentives with scientists, you get corruption.
ok so I read the lasts 60 or so posts of that thread. Yep, red was outta line there. Bagging on a guy who just lost the love of his life.

and due to these highly inflammatory comments i guess whats good for the goose is good for the gander so to speak.

I still will not heckle a guy for losing his family. By doing so buck you really are no better than him.

and I will say to red that if it is true about you losing your family in such a horrible way. it would seem you could have a little compassion for others who lost theirs.

karma does indeed work both ways ime.

my .02 cents

shit arguments like this are the primary reason I don't venture into politics much.