Jointed's Journey

vn again ill post when im gonna be in Michigan. i think the seeds i got from my friend are auto's another showed her sex. my blueberries are talking longer lol

Dude these grape 13's of mine are taking forever and a day to show sex. I'm pretty sure 1 is male and 1 is female, based on how their growing. I have plenty of time so not worried, but Just drop me a line when you'll be here. If ya come across on the ferry I'll meet ya at the launch....take care bro....J
Found my first problem with my grow. Spidermites have invaded my coop. It seems they love my skunk #11, so I took some measures to erradicate the little bastards. I mixed up a gallon of water and a good squirt of dawn dishsoap. 2nd I took a good 3 fingers worth of loose tobacco and ran it through an old coffee grinder and ground it into a very fine powder. 3rd I set off a raid deep reach fogger. I sprayed down each plant,top and bottom of leaves and sprinkled them with the ground up tobacco. I also sprayed down every inch of my coop to raise the humidity as high as possible unplugged the lights and fan and set off the fogger. I know this is only the start of the battle, but it should knock the little buggers down a peg or two. If anyone would like to chime in I welcome all suggestions. Oh I almost forgot, I also plan on spraying salt water all around the coop to help keep them from migrating back into my grow space. I got all this from Dr Baders book "Natural solutions to things that bug you" hopefully what he says holds true. I sure as hell hope so. Wish me good luck....J
Sorry you got the "borg" man...
All those approaches sound like they will help knock them back for sure. The only one I am not familiar with is the tobacco. I have read nicotine can be very bad for MJ, I am a tobacco user and always wash my hands thoroughly before I handle stems clones etc.

Try making up a highly concentrated pepper solution with habanero peppers or even something hotter. I simmer 15 habaneros halved for 20-30 minutes in 1-2 quarts of water (don't boil it breaks down the capsaisin). Strain it out and use about half the solution diluted into 1.5 - 2 litres of total solution (per application). Maybe add some soap as well, soak them and you will kill the adults. The eggs are the difficult part, nearly impossible without using "high octane" chemicals. Hit them every 3 days with something different (their life cycle is 8 days depending on temps) longer with lower temps...

Maybe also pick up some neem, I don't spray my plants with it but use it as a root drench at 3-5 ML/gallon (heat the bottle in some hot water before mixing it).

Also, I highly recommend azamax. About $25 for 4 oz and will last about 2-3 grows. Rotation of different products is the key, they build resistance fast!

Good Luck!
Cool, thanks for the tips. I know how hard those little shits are to get rid of and it ticks me off that they love my skunk #11 as that is my favorite plant of the whole bunch. The underside of her leaves are just littered with eggs, so I'm prepared to do battle. Thanks again Cas....J
Like Cascadian said, neem oil and azamax (Which is derived from neem) are great, also Cinnamon, Cinnamon Oil, and Cinnamite (Derived from cinnamon) are very useful. And if all else fails, call in the reinforcements and hatch some ladybugs in the garden, they'll eat the mites faster than they can reproduce and they aren't much of a bother (at least in my opinion)
I am fairly sure that they do, but I am not 100% sure. If you want to be absolutely positive you get something that eats eggs as well as adults I would go for Predatory mites, check these out they will be your new best friends (I just go to ladybugs as a first defense because they are pretty and I love having them all over my garden)
Well time to go see if the nicotine f-ed up my girl, got my fingers crossed at least they will be after I'm done typing this. Thanks for the help guy's....J
I don't believe the nicotine will hurt her per se, nicotine is actually a remarkably useful pesticide. I think that the main source of danger with using tobacco products around the girls is the possible transmission of Mosaic virus, which is pretty common in tobacco and can hurt cannabis pretty badly. Here's a link that explains it in brief
I hope everything turns out alright!
Hey jointed ~ cool lil' coup grow, sounds like it will be fun to follow along with you man. Yeah, how bout that race huh? :hump:

Subbed rep+!
hey email again ill give you my phone number. using a bug bomb may hurt your plants big time. also when you use tobacco you boil water turn it off add the tobacco strain let the tobacco water cool. i would take your plants rinse them off good top and bottom of leaves. go and get 5 super hot peppers mince the heck out of them seeds and all. simmer then with 4 cups water for 20 minutes or so dont stick you face over the simmering pan and use gloves when you mince them. you want to spray every part of the plant top and bottom of leaves. and even the soil. now i use safety glasses and rubber gloves with long sleeve shirt when i do this with fans off and a bandana over my mouth. repeat every 3 days for 3 times then every week. you will not have anymore bugs. i know this sucks but is best way. you can order some lady bugs with the nectar also. the nectar will keep them in the room. and they will eat all bugs/larva and your plants will love you. But rinse those plants off asap. the bug killer isnt good for your plants. and smoking bug killer will be bad also.
You guys are GREAT. Thank you so much for the help and especially for following along :hug: Yeah I'm a
Hey jointed ~ cool lil' coup grow, sounds like it will be fun to follow along with you man. Yeah, how bout that race huh? :hump:

Subbed rep+!

Thanks Canna, love your avy bro. That was one heck of a race, come to think of it the best Daytona 500 I've seen yet. Of course Dale Jr winning made it even better :hump:....J

Well I took some pics just to give a little update on the mite situation and also a couple pics of 2 plants I transplanted last night. plus a couple weird bagseeds exhibiting some very strange behaviour. I pulled them because obviously their not going to do anything. Enjoy the pics....J
Nice, glad to see you made some habanero water. I think you will find it effective...

I wish you luck in killing off those mites...
Thanks Canna, love your avy bro. That was one heck of a race, come to think of it the best Daytona 500 I've seen yet. Of course Dale Jr winning made it even better :hump:....J

Indeed patience paid off :) thanks re: my avy

As for your mites, I feel your pain. I got them recently and have weathered the storm.. for now. Here's what I did:

Most important step: catch them early (I'm hoping you caught yours early, at least before webs start).

I first sprayed them with habanero water, I used Cascadians instructions to make mine. I used about 15 ping pong ball sized orange habaneros, cut them up pretty good, make sure the seeds get cut up a bit as well it will help with the strength. Simmer don't boil. Freeze the stained peppers you can make one more brew with it. As others have said, use something to cover your eyes, mouth, and limbs! Shit burns on your skin, trust me..

I let a couple days pass then bombed them with pyrithrim bomb called doktor doom (I would stay away from the raid bombs and what not though).

Then I let four or five days go by and hit my girls with azamax, I can't stress how great of a product I think this is. I intended on following up this spray with mighty wash a few days later, but haven't seen a live mite since the azamax about a week and a half ago. It's expensive but it's organic certified and will not harm your plants and will last a while.

I'll echo the advice of others when it comes to variety of different attacks, because the bastards adapt. Space your attacks every few days so that if/when eggs hatch you will get the juvenile mites, but not too long between, that the mites mature enough to lay new eggs.

Keep your temps around 65-68 if possible, it's too cold for them to reproduce at that temp but still safe for your girls. If you see a live mite the day after a treatment, don't get discouraged, it's likely a baby that hatched post spray, not and adult that lived through hell. You'll get em don't worry.

Last but not least, remember to tell your girls you'll make sure to rid them of these pests and that you won't hurt em ;) ladies need reassurance and security haha.

How'd I do Cas?
Indeed patience paid off :) thanks re: my avy

As for your mites, I feel your pain. I got them recently and have weathered the storm.. for now. Here's what I did:

Most important step: catch them early (I'm hoping you caught yours early, at least before webs start).

I first sprayed them with habanero water, I used Cascadians instructions to make mine. I used about 15 ping pong ball sized orange habaneros, cut them up pretty good, make sure the seeds get cut up a bit as well it will help with the strength. Simmer don't boil. Freeze the stained peppers you can make one more brew with it. As others have said, use something to cover your eyes, mouth, and limbs! Shit burns on your skin, trust me..

I let a couple days pass then bombed them with pyrithrim bomb called doktor doom (I would stay away from the raid bombs and what not though).

Then I let four or five days go by and hit my girls with azamax, I can't stress how great of a product I think this is. I intended on following up this spray with mighty wash a few days later, but haven't seen a live mite since the azamax about a week and a half ago. It's expensive but it's organic certified and will not harm your plants and will last a while.

I'll echo the advice of others when it comes to variety of different attacks, because the bastards adapt. Space your attacks every few days so that if/when eggs hatch you will get the juvenile mites, but not too long between, that the mites mature enough to lay new eggs.

Keep your temps around 65-68 if possible, it's too cold for them to reproduce at that temp but still safe for your girls. If you see a live mite the day after a treatment, don't get discouraged, it's likely a baby that hatched post spray, not and adult that lived through hell. You'll get em don't worry.

Last but not least, remember to tell your girls you'll make sure to rid them of these pests and that you won't hurt em ;) ladies need reassurance and security haha.

How'd I do Cas?

Thanks Canna, yeah I caught em pre-webbing so I don't think they got too good a foothold and the only plant I found them on was the skunk #11. As far as the raid all it has is Pymethrin in it as well, that's why I didn't go get the doktor doom fogger. One thing I also did was cover the whole floor with table salt, I'd like to see the little bastards cross that...thanks again bro....J