trayvan martin

Your video supports what NoDrama said, did you not watch it yourself?

Schylaar does not know the very basic information regarding this case. She does not even know the charges against Zimmerman or that he was acquitted on manslaughter as well as murder 2.

That she did not watch her own posted videos is not surprising.

She has opinions though.
Schylaar does not know the very basic information regarding this case. She does not even know the charges against Zimmerman or that he was acquitted on manslaughter as well as murder 2.

That she did not watch her own posted videos is not surprising.

She has opinions though.

Sometimes I think she is the female Unclebuck, both will say or do anything to promote their agenda, like little MSNBC regurgitating bots .
The up side, there is no disputing the fact MSNBC has little to no credibility, hmmm.
how quickly we forget:


I thought this video was going to prove me wrong, it did the exact opposite.

O’Mara said that prosecutors had offered no proof that Zimmerman tailed Martin as he returned from a trip to a 7-Eleven to buy Skittles and a juice drink.

Do you know what "no proof" means?

I think you should buy a dictionary.
Your video supports what NoDrama said, did you not watch it yourself?

yes, i did..apparently you haven't.

"this guys hand in the waistband..oh and a he's black male" 1:02

"something's wrong with him" 1:15

"yup, and he's coming to check me out" 1:18

"he's got something in his hand" 1:23

"i don't know what his deal is" 1:26

"these assholes always get away" 1:35

"shit, he's running" 2:05

sound of GZ opening truck door

unintelligible foul language.."fucking xxxxxx"

sound of wind passing GZ's cell..

dispatch: are you following him? 2:24

"yes" 2:25

dispatch: we don't need you to do that 2:26
yes, i did..apparently you haven't

"this guys hand in the waistband..oh and he's black"

"something's wrong with him"

"yup, and he's coming to check me out"

"he's got something in his hand"

"i don't know what his deal is"

"these assholes always get away" 1:35

"shit, he's running" 2:05

unintelligible foul language

dispatch: are you following him?


dispatch: we don't need you to do that

sound of wind passing GZ's cell..
So this proves he was tailed from the 7-11 as buck claimed?

How so?

or are you playing dumb in an attempt to save face?
Schylaar does not know the very basic information regarding this case. She does not even know the charges against Zimmerman or that he was acquitted on manslaughter as well as murder 2.

That she did not watch her own posted videos is not surprising.

She has opinions though.

Sometimes I think she is the female Unclebuck, both will say or do anything to promote their agenda, like little MSNBC regurgitating bots .
The up side, there is no disputing the fact MSNBC has little to no credibility, hmmm.

I thought this video was going to prove me wrong, it did the exact opposite.

Do you know what "no proof" means?

I think you should buy a dictionary.

i'm sorry you are all such failures in life that you have NOTHING besides this message board..
how is this a personal insult ROACH?..i notice how you quickly crawl in and crawl out of the pile of shit you live if on cue.

Telling someone they are a failure and have nothing in their life besides this board is certainly a personal insult. I'm not surprised I needed to explain that to you :)
Telling someone they are a failure and have nothing in their life besides this board is certainly a personal insult. I'm not surprised I needed to explain that to you :)

hmmm..i understand the loss of time/dementia happens to all whitey rightie racist old men sooner or later..however, you can PM rolli who can pull login and activity records..i'm sure he'd be DELIGHTED to assist you in this matter..