Well-Known Member
Pro and con's of using switching power supplies and drivers versus just powered drivers?
It is possible to use 12V DC power supplies to power LED strings but but the conversion from 120V AC to 12V DC penalizes efficiency (50-80% efficient). There are high efficiency power supplies available (85-90%) but they can be expensive and add unnecessary cost and complexity. After the 12V power supply we have to use a DC to DC power supply to step the voltage back up above 12V. From my testing this step up is not very efficient (80%) unless the string is very short <12V.
Another option is to use constant voltage DC to power the strings but that only works if all the LEDs on the string have the exact same vF otherwise they will experience drastically differing currents.
So those are the reasons I recommend constant current drivers and that has been my experience but I am always open to learning new things so if anyone knows a more efficient way please advise us