trayvan martin

if someone followed you in their truck as you walked home from the grocery store, then got out without identifying themselves and chased you down in the dark, would you be afraid for your life? if you had a gun, would you fire on them in self defense?

Nothing like changing the story to fit your agenda buck?

check the transcript, Martin stood and stared at Zimmerman while he was in his truck.
Then Martin started to walk towards Zimmerman, so it was Martin who failed to identify himself as well. All he had to say is, my aunt lives here and I'm returning from the store, he'd probably be alive today. So instead of identifying himself, he decided to be a tough guy and give hard looks.

Zimmerman asked dispatch to send a unit, that doesn't sound like a guy who was looking for trouble, he just found it.
Trayvon took off running while Zimmerman was still in his truck, typical of most thieves.

Nice story though.
Martin stood and stared at Zimmerman while he was in his truck.

he was probably wondering why zimmerman slowed down to tail him.


zimmerman also told serino that he gave martin the stink eye intially, check the interrogations ya dumb shit.

it was Martin who failed to identify himself

are you a fucking idiot?

martin was not the one tailing some stranger in his truck, nor was he a wannabe cop and busybody vigilante fake neighborhood watch guy.

serino even told zimmerman that it's basic police 101 stuff to identify yourself if you;re gonna be creeping and perving on little kids like zimmerman was doing.

All he had to say is, my aunt lives here and I'm returning from the store, he'd probably be alive today.

there's that racist double standard rearing its ugly head.

why would you tell a creepy stranger who is following you that you live there? do you want to facilitate the possible abduction and rape?

zimmerman wouldn't even give his address to dispatch because he thought martin might hear him, and he was the one doing the following and the chasing int he dark.


way to showcase that racist doube standard of yours, 4 realz.

So instead of identifying himself, he decided to be a tough guy and give hard looks.

again, that's zimmerman.

Zimmerman asked dispatch to send a unit, that doesn't sound like a guy who was looking for trouble, he just found it.

and instead of meeting the police at the location he had clearly described moments earlier, he told them to call him for his location, he took two flashlights and a gun, and in his own words said "and then i walked back towards him", which the evidence shows was back behind some houses where no addresses existed for about 3-5 minutes.

sounds to me like zimmerman went out looking for martin, why else would he bring two flashlights and a loaded gun to find a fucking punk, and asshole that always gets away?

Trayvon took off running while Zimmerman was still in his truck, typical of most thieves.

nice story, but martin wasn't stealing anything. he ran because a creepy unidentified stranger tailed him in his truck in the dark, then got out and chased him down after he ran.

if you were walking home from the grocery store and a creepy stranger tailed you home and then got out of his truck to chase you after you ran, would you stop and tell him where you live?

that;s what i thought, ya racist moron.
I didn't bother to read your lie-packed screed, Buck.

The jury's verdict was unanimous: not guilty. It was simple self defense.

The jury had the good sense to realize that it is not OK to allow your brains to be spilled on the side walk. Martin died because of his own bad acts. Martin ambushed Zimmerman, cold-cocked him and then climbed aboard to finish the deadly assault by beating Zimmerman's head with concrete. Zimmerman exercised his right to self defense, a recognized right in every state in the union and every civilized country on Earth.

Cry some more, it's funny.
It was simple self defense.

no, that's not what they ruled.

they ruled that there was the possibility, however narrow, that his tall tale of self defense might be legit.

Martin died because of his own bad acts.

says the white supremacist.

martin died because he attempted to defend himself against an unidentified wannabe cop chased him in the dark.

you still never answered my question because it would expose your racist double standards: if someone followed you in their truck as you walked home from the grocery store, then got out without identifying themselves and chased you down in the dark, would you be afraid for your life? if you had a gun, would you fire on them in self defense?
no, that's not what they ruled.

they ruled that there was the possibility, however narrow, that his tall tale of self defense might be legit.

says the white supremacist.

martin died because he attempted to defend himself against an unidentified wannabe cop chased him in the dark.

you still never answered my question because it would expose your racist double standards: if someone followed you in their truck as you walked home from the grocery store, then got out without identifying themselves and chased you down in the dark, would you be afraid for your life? if you had a gun, would you fire on them in self defense?

Your question implies that is what Zimmerman did, and it is a lie (SURPRISE!!, a lie from Buck).

Z did not follow Martin home from the store.

Z did not chase down Martin in the dark, or even in the light. Martin completely disappeared and reappeared 4.5 minutes later even though a three legged turtle could have crawled to his home in that amount of time.

If I were Martin I would have leisurely strolled the 200 feet to my home during the 4.5 minutes that elapsed after I shook Zimmerman, instead of circling back and assaulting him. But that's just me, I am not a thug at heart.
Your question implies that is what Zimmerman did, and it is a lie (SURPRISE!!, a lie from Buck).

zimmerman did indeed follow martin in his truck while martin walked home from the store, he even says so in the reenactment video.

zimmerman never identified himself, that much we know.

and zimmerman did chase martin down in the dark, he even told dispatch that he did.

so i'll ask you again: if someone followed you in their truck as you walked home from the grocery store, then got out without identifying themselves and chased you down in the dark, would you be afraid for your life? if you had a gun, would you fire on them in self defense?

Z did not follow Martin home from the store.

i never said he did, you lying sack of racist shit. i said he followed him in his truck as he walked home from the store. zimmerman says he did that, fuckface.

Z did not chase down Martin in the dark, or even in the light.

go look up the definition of "chase down", and then listen to what zimmerman said happened:

shit, he ran

are you following him?


Martin completely disappeared and reappeared 4.5 minutes later

and zimmerman was out behind the houses with two flashlights and a gun that whole time.

even though a three legged turtle could crawled to his home in that amount of time.

if some unidentified stranger follows you in the dark and then chases you down, are you gonna show him where you live?

If I were Martin I would have leisurely strolled the 200 feet to my home during the 4.5 minutes that elapsed after I shook Zimmerman

you're saying martin should have known his place, eh?

nothing racist about that.

instead of circling back and assaulting him. But that's just me, I am not a thug at heart.

uncleben already told us what thug means, you racist POS. you're not deluding anyone, not even yourself.

if it was martin that circled back to assault zimmerman, why did zimmerman grab two flashlights and a gun and say "and then i walked back towards him"?

these are zimmerman's own words and actions, can you explain why he would do that if he was actually in fear, like he told serino he was?
zimmerman did indeed follow martin in his truck while martin walked home from the store, he even says so in the reenactment video.

zimmerman never identified himself, that much we know.

and zimmerman did chase martin down in the dark, he even told dispatch that he did.

so i'll ask you again: if someone followed you in their truck as you walked home from the grocery store, then got out without identifying themselves and chased you down in the dark, would you be afraid for your life? if you had a gun, would you fire on them in self defense?

i never said he did, you lying sack of racist shit. i said he followed him in his truck as he walked home from the store. zimmerman says he did that, fuckface.

go look up the definition of "chase down", and then listen to what zimmerman said happened:

shit, he ran

are you following him?


and zimmerman was out behind the houses with two flashlights and a gun that whole time.

if some unidentified stranger follows you in the dark and then chases you down, are you gonna show him where you live?

you're saying martin should have known his place, eh?

nothing racist about that.

uncleben already told us what thug means, you racist POS. you're not deluding anyone, not even yourself.

if it was martin that circled back to assault zimmerman, why did zimmerman grab two flashlights and a gun and say "and then i walked back towards him"?

these are zimmerman's own words and actions, can you explain why he would do that if he was actually in fear, like he told serino he was?

If your delusional ravings were at all accurate (they are not), why did the jury decide that killing Martin was justifiable homicide and done in self defense?

Oh, and by the way, here is a challenge for you: if you can find any post where I said, "Martin should have known his place", I will make a signature that says "I am a lying sack of shit, and was pwned by Unclebuck!" and keep it for six months. If I can find a post where you quoted me as saying "Martin should have known his place" you must make a signature that says "Desert Dude is my intellectual superior and I am a sorry piece of shit!" Deal?
If your delusional ravings were at all accurate...

zimmerman himself said that he followed martin in his truck, even slowed down to do so. said so himself in the reenactment.

zimmerman never identified himself. said so himself in the interrogations.

zimmerman chased down martin in the dark. said so himself to dispatch.

so i'll repeat the question that you are too much of a pussy to answer again: if someone followed you in their truck as you walked home from the grocery store, then got out without identifying themselves and chased you down in the dark, would you be afraid for your life? if you had a gun, would you fire on them in self defense?

you'll no doubt refuse to answer the question yet again because it will expose your racist double standards, but i'll still enjoy watching you squirm like the little racist pussy that you are.

afraid of a goddamn question. what a goddamn ballerina.
zimmerman himself said that he followed martin in his truck, even slowed down to do so. said so himself in the reenactment.

zimmerman never identified himself. said so himself in the interrogations.

zimmerman chased down martin in the dark. said so himself to dispatch.

so i'll repeat the question that you are too much of a pussy to answer again: if someone followed you in their truck as you walked home from the grocery store, then got out without identifying themselves and chased you down in the dark, would you be afraid for your life? if you had a gun, would you fire on them in self defense?

you'll no doubt refuse to answer the question yet again because it will expose your racist double standards, but i'll still enjoy watching you squirm like the little racist pussy that you are.

afraid of a goddamn question. what a goddamn ballerina.

I answered your leading question in post #9225. Go read it again, though I doubt you will understand it given your demonstrated reading comprehension difficulties.

Are you going to accept my challenge (see post 9227), or are you too much of a pussy to stand behind your racist rants?
you sure are applying that term quite liberally for a kid who never got into a fight in his entire life (save the one time where a creepy stranger followed him and chased him in the dark).

When you try to beat somebody to death, you rightly earn the title "thug", even when awarded posthumously.
if someone followed you in their truck as you walked home from the grocery store, then got out without identifying themselves and chased you down in the dark, would you be afraid for your life? if you had a gun, would you fire on them in self defense?

In what chase does the chaser walk and the chasee not flee?

I always thought a chase involved one guy running away, but that didn't happen. Martin was smart enough to know Zimm would follow him and he hid in the bushes as part of his plan to kill a whitey.

If I seem to be getting carried away, it's because I suffer from Buckyitis.
I answered your leading question in post #9225.

no, you denied reality in that post.

you claimed that my question was false, when everything i listed was shit that zimmerman himself admitted to doing. so i will repeat: if someone followed you in their truck as you walked home from the grocery store, then got out without identifying themselves and chased you down in the dark, would you be afraid for your life? if you had a gun, would you fire on them in self defense?

When you try to beat somebody to death, you rightly earn the title "thug", even when awarded posthumously.

so defending yourself from unidentified strangers that chase you down makes you a thug?
In what chase does the chaser walk and the chasee not flee?

I always thought a chase involved one guy running away, but that didn't happen. Martin was smart enough to know Zimm would follow him and he hid in the bushes as part of his plan to kill a whitey.

If I seem to be getting carried away, it's because I suffer from Buckyitis.

how can you hide in the bushes when the other guy has two flashlights and said himself "and then i walked back towards him"?

are you also afraid of answering a simple question?

i'll answer it since both of you are too much of a pussy to answer it: if some guy tailed he home from the store in the dark and got out of his truck to chase me without identifying himself once i ran away, i would definitely fear for my life and pull a gun at the time if i had one.

i would fear for my life because i am not stupid and possess self-preservation instincts.

how would you react?
Has you reading comprehension failed you, Buck? Did you not understand my challenge?

Oh, and by the way, here is a challenge for you: if you can find any post where I said, "Martin should have known his place", I will make a signature that says "I am a lying sack of shit, and was pwned by Unclebuck!" and keep it for six months. If I can find a post where you quoted me as saying "Martin should have known his place" you must make a signature that says "Desert Dude is my intellectual superior and I am a sorry piece of shit!" Deal?

Maybe you can get your pretty wife to explain it for you.

If you refuse the challenge, just say so. Of course, that will mark you as both a coward and a liar.
Has you reading comprehension failed you, Buck? Did you not understand my challenge?

Oh, and by the way, here is a challenge for you: if you can find any post where I said, "Martin should have known his place", I will make a signature that says "I am a lying sack of shit, and was pwned by Unclebuck!" and keep it for six months. If I can find a post where you quoted me as saying "Martin should have known his place" you must make a signature that says "Desert Dude is my intellectual superior and I am a sorry piece of shit!" Deal?

Maybe you can get your pretty wife to explain it for you.

If you refuse the challenge, just say so. Of course, that will mark you as both a coward and a liar.

there's only one problem, i have never claimed you said those exact words.

but you sure do imply it every time you say martin should have gone home while refusing to even acknowledge that zimmerman didn't even want martin to hear his address, and zimmerman was the one doing the stalking and chasing.

can you tell me more about the wisdom of showing a creepy stranger who is chasing you exactly where you live, especially as a child?

and you still refuse to answer my question, you fucking pussy.
so I now can follow somebody 911 and just say they look suspicious ..then kill them
If they attack you, perhaps. You are seriously lacking in honesty and integrity to try to portray a tragic event falsely in order to further your political agenda. You hope to profit from the death of a young man. This is an indictment of your morals.
If they attack you, perhaps.

what if they get scared because you're tailing them in your truck without identifying yourself, and then you get out and chase them after they run away, and then grab two flashlights and a gun and then "walked back towards him" and they try to defend themselves?
how would you react?

Ok Ill play.

If it were me? I would have just calmly walked up to the man and asked if I could help him. Then when he asked any questions I would just explain to him I was a guest in the area. Then he would go to the grocery store and I could go get my sugar high going.

What do you think I would have done? If I haven't done anything wrong there is no need to run away and put into the minds of people that I may have just committed a crime.

I don't think acting responsibly is too much to ask of a 17 year old.

Oh and again you get facts wrong. Martin was never tailed from the store, he was standing around in the rain and Zimm happened to be going to get some groceries and saw Martin looking suspicious.