Was this a mistake?


I am setting up my room and wanting to keep the smell to a minimum. I have a charcoal filter and inline fan for exhaust. Due to heat issues, I also setup a portable air conditioner, which also requires its own separate exhaust. Now from what I understand the filter should take care of the smell, but I'm just wondering: am I going to have a problem where the air conditioner might suck in some unfiltered smelly air and blow it out? I never thought about this until now, and now I'm feeling pretty dumb... Does anyone have any experience with this?


Well-Known Member
My ac pumps mega smell out.
I hsve heard hear somewhere of an inline filter.
I have a dedicated filter that works perfect until the ac arrived.


Active Member
Stick a ona air freshener in the ac exhaust vent so it blows over it an out. Just did it with their ona block it work miracles and now it's smells like the dryer vent. Before all around and out side my house smelled. Could never figure out why with all my filters never thought of ac vent until recently. And pow pop that in the vent and no smell.

Sent from my SCH-I545
You don't ever want to restrict the ac exhaust with a standard carbon filter, Phreash makes an inline carbon filter for your situation. I been using 1 for about a year & it works fine.


Active Member
do you need the inline / cf exhaust when youre running an AC? just scrub the air in the room w/ the fan and filter and let the AC do the work of regulating the temps. you dont want to be exhausting all of that expensive cool air anyway do you?

Blazin Purps

Well-Known Member
I had this same problem with my setup, I ran the exhaust for my AC unit into the attic and then into an inline Max Fan to boost the exhaust speed, that goes right into a normal large can filter. The Max fan has speed settings and the 2nd one matched the exhaust speed of my AC perfect. I have been running this way for a few years only replacing carbon filters and my attic has 0 smell. I originally purchased a speed controller for the fan but it was not needed as one of the max fan settings was perfect.


Thanks for the info everyone. So it looks like I will need to clean that air after all. I definitely don't want to mess around with piping it into my current system or buying a new filter. alwaysgreen420, that is a really cool trick. I'm gonna go get some Ona and try this out.


do you need the inline / cf exhaust when youre running an AC? just scrub the air in the room w/ the fan and filter and let the AC do the work of regulating the temps. you dont want to be exhausting all of that expensive cool air anyway do you?
The carbon filter and fan are connected to my light, so yeah I have to run it all the time pretty much.