Club 600


Well-Known Member
@Sculkur: It looks ok, but I think it is starting to stretch a bit. and do not feed it any more of that plant food from the bottle you showed until the tips of the new leaves are not burned. Adding the nutrients has slightly burned the tips of the leaves. Were is it growing? Have you got more lights? Pre flowers will start showing on the plant at some point, it differs from strain to strain on when this happens....

@Mensa: are the plants in soil or hydro? If soil it may be that the root zone hasn't developed well enough, and if so did you repot them yourself as I remember you saying you were gifted plants from someone to grow?


Sry my camera cant take so good HD. but I have the impression that in the branches start to get a kind of bubbles. Male ???


Well-Known Member
Thx damn iso is killing my lunges! Dunno why i keep making it.. (Gets me high) lol
Haha dunno what the fuck is up with this lemon :) It was a flowering cut that just seems to be stuck in re-veg it grows bigger and stronger but no new "real growth" strange.. ven took a clone of the clone and it is growing fine, lol. Just gotta shake my head and wait some more :)


Well-Known Member
Haha, i done the same years back with i think my first DOG clone, ill check if i have the pic.....

Ended up looking like this, but was all funky fo a while! All other's went on in veg. fine.


Well-Known Member
Dunno why but its like i get a little shock every time you post hornedfrog.. :) Hope all is well.. What are you playing with lately+


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure off the top of my head a good few weeks tho, I haven't really done a thread on this grow just been adding it in here