Hallucinating in cartoons


Well-Known Member
My 7 year old was watching the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles just now while I had breakfast. They were fighting a flying, 4 legged mushroom. The mushroom stopped in front of a turtle and blew spores in his face. For the next 6-8 minutes, he was tripping balls. I don't know what my point is, but it was kinda cool.


Well-Known Member
Dude cartoons are fucking weird as shit. Thats why I love em. Ever seen happy tree friends? Talk about trippex out.


Active Member
I have an eight year old who likes The Amazing World of Gumball, Teen Titan Go, The Regular Show. He'll put it on, then the show ends and I notice I'm the only one watching.
I hate the kid's show Lazy Town that my 5 & 2 year olds are watching. Its like an acid trip right before it goes bad.


Well-Known Member
My 7 year old was watching the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles just now while I had breakfast. They were fighting a flying, 4 legged mushroom. The mushroom stopped in front of a turtle and blew spores in his face. For the next 6-8 minutes, he was tripping balls. I don't know what my point is, but it was kinda cool.
That's what cartoons are all about. Trying to entertain kids, while also entertaining their parents on another level ;)