First time grow question.


I see quite a few first time growers with tall lanky plants and understand that this is caused by many factors. I am one day shy of my 3 week mark since sprouting and my plants are still only a couple of inches tall but incredibly bushy. I am probably over analyzing it but I am afraid my plants may be too short and bushy. I have topped three of my four plants and those have started taking off again but the branches are so short the leaves make it impossible to get close to or even see the stem. Should I just back off on some of the lights I have running for a week to make them stretch out a bit? For lights I use a 100W Solar flare with two 105W CFL (5500K) and 4 23W CFL (2x 6500K, 2x 2700K). Is it even worth it or am I just over thinking it. When I did my replant the roots were well developed and had started circling the bottom of the solo cups they were in (two or three times the length of the main stem in length). I am wondering if maybe this has to do with too strong of a fan blowing across the plants, but it is just a 6in oscillating clamp fan. I have a 2-3ft grow tent and a tuned down 440cfm exhaust fan pushing through a carbon filter. This doesn't really stir the air much, I just use it to pull out all the heat and eventually help with the smell.


Well-Known Member
Same thing is happening to me right now haha. I've always kind of taken it in a way that bushier/compact is usually a sign of better genetics.


Same thing is happening to me right now haha. I've always kind of taken it in a way that bushier/compact is usually a sign of better genetics.
i started one plant a week late after one of my others did not want to sprout. Currently my four plants are g13 labs Pineapple Express (love the movie... couldn't resist.) two Kalishnikova (AK47/WW) . They have older genetics now but used to be pretty unstable from what i have read. Mine seem to be doing fine so far. And finally a Super Lemon Haze for some nice aroma.


Well-Known Member
I saw this mentioned in a thread yesterday. Might as well unhook your carbon filter for right now. Your ducting will run a little stronger and you save carbon life for when you'll need it.

"Too bushy" is probably better than the other option, eh?


Well-Known Member
I grew an auto Kalashnikova my first grow, not sure which breeders though. I think they were Russian though lol. Got it from Attitude, too lazy to look. I didn't exactly have a proper setup, but its growth was indeed impressive. Good smell to it too. Not many people have grown that I don't think :3 high five