Club 600


Active Member
Not weird IMO, they may be on a bigger scale and things get riskier. Plus it would be right to hold the agreement he made with his partners.

Rule for me all along is no one knows, and no one comes over, but I'm also in a not so friendly place... Easy for me as I live in the stix too.

I could see a grower couple arguing over how it should be grown <jk lol, but sharing that passion makes sense to me. Id scoop me up a cool farmer chick for sure.
LOL I agree with and understand all that. I do respect that. he probably stays there for security. we did have friendly arguments about my methods but I listened to him. then still did it my way LOL


Active Member
Q1:he was being true to his friends
Q2:you do not lie.........ever
Q3:stop trying to "find"a guy....and just let it happen
q1 yeah I agree and find no fault in that
q2 I went out with a nice attorney and lied my ass off
q3 I'm not 'trying' they gravitate towards me naturally. I'm just a relationship girl. what can I say?


Active Member
Why can't you fuck at your place? Is the whole house a grow or something? If getting laid without going broke is a priority, spend the money to make your room as sound proof as possible so you can get your freak on.

That or buy a vibrator.
we can fuck at my place but shit should be pretty even I think.
I have a few rooms downstairs converted atm.
I have two can 150s bolted to the cieling/floor. We're gonna experiment with neoprene and other vibration-absorbing mounting materials. but I can hear one of them. up here. it still wafts up here too.
I have tons of toys. I guess I can just sit on the floor over the can fan LOL


Active Member
is damn possible
I think he's just watching his shit just like I am. However I did consider the possibility that if I know where it is and I'm going to the hotel with him then I could technically be in a position to set him up for a robbery I guess. One of my friends just got burglarized and it sucks.

meh. I'll keep fishing.


Active Member
somebody called me to see if I wanted to transfer in 40 skywalker og teenager clones but I gotta take them that weekend. I said I'll have the donation monday. deal. I picked them up and their in week 5 now. I asked the guy why the urgent move and he said his girlfriend was threatening him. he also said that she's gone in there and ripped up his babies before. shakin my head. worked out great for me tho.

Not weird IMO, they may be on a bigger scale and things get riskier. Plus it would be right to hold the agreement he made with his partners.

Rule for me all along is no one knows, and no one comes over, but I'm also in a not so friendly place... Easy for me as I live in the stix too.

I could see a grower couple arguing over how it should be grown <jk lol, but sharing that passion makes sense to me. Id scoop me up a cool farmer chick for sure.


Well-Known Member
somebody called me to see if I wanted to transfer in 40 skywalker og teenager clones but I gotta take them that weekend. I said I'll have the donation monday. deal. I picked them up and their in week 5 now. I asked the guy why the urgent move and he said his girlfriend was threatening him. he also said that she's gone in there and ripped up his babies before. shakin my head. worked out great for me tho.
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OHHhhhh jonny wants your space :) I wish I had that kind of room to work with...epic shit right there man!


Well-Known Member
@Mensabarbie, Just go to their house, this will help on if they're real or not. The only woman I'd ever take to my house are the ones I wanted to stay around. Any where else was so they couldn't find me if I didn't want them to which was most of the time.
Thats about my only input do to I don't have but 3 people even know where I live and only 1 of them ever comes by. I live so far out when I'm not home there is no hope of anybody hearing anything, so my only defense is I tell nobody where I live. If I was single and really liked the girl I'd bring her home only after my gut O.K.'ed it.


Active Member
@Mensabarbie, Just go to their house, thisl will help on if they're real or not. The only woman I'd ever take to my house are the ones I wanted to stay around. Any where else was so they couldn't find me if I didn't want them to which was most of the time.
Thats about my only input do to I don't have but 3 people even know where I live and only 1 of them ever comes by. I live so far out when I'm not home there is no hope of anybody hearing anything, so my only defense is I tell nobody where I live. If I was single and really liked the girl I'd bring her home only after my gut O.K.'ed it.
like like button please


Well-Known Member
I was out checking on the Mulanje reveg and found a baby!

Never had a seed germ this early in the season before!



Well-Known Member
Mo I'm sure it was a thread you posted in got deleted.

Barbie, that should show you the guy is someone you can trust and count on. Even thinking its not cool of him to do that is odd to me. I wouldn't trust a dude who brought over some chick to our grow spot on their second date. I'd never talk to him again. Can't break peoples trust to prove your dedication to someone else. That's not a team player. That's not a friend. The fact he would get a hotel to keep things rolling smooth to me proves he cares, at least cares for the action. But I think he's someone to keep around.

seems to have a good hobby, and he's serious about something. Hard to find a stoner in so cal who has ambition.

and I lived in LA when I met my wife. I gave up trying to meet people in person and turned to Craigslist. Best thing I ever did.