racism is over


Well-Known Member
Maybe I'm wrong because I don't read Bucky's posts anyway, but Didn't you start this thread, saying racism is over and you just called the dude above me a racist? Wtf. I need to stop drinking.


Well-Known Member
Maybe I'm wrong because I don't read Bucky's posts anyway, but Didn't you start this thread, saying racism is over and you just called the dude above me a racist? Wtf. I need to stop drinking.
Don't stop drinking. Just start reading.


Well-Known Member
Maybe I'm wrong because I don't read Bucky's posts anyway, but Didn't you start this thread, saying racism is over and you just called the dude above me a racist? Wtf. I need to stop drinking.
the title of this thread is mocking certain members like twostrokenut who have proclaimed that racism is over.

and bombur, i gotta spread it.


Well-Known Member
the title of this thread is mocking certain members like twostrokenut who have proclaimed that racism is over.

and bombur, i gotta spread it.
Translation: When I get my ass handed to me in every other thread I create a new one to bitch in otherwise I would have stayed in those other threads and held my ground.


Well-Known Member
At least UB is talking about a topic he is an expert in for once. - Being a drunk...
^ Jealous that he can't even hold down 3 peach Schmirnoff Ice's...."Why can't I drink more than 5 Fruit Punch Four-Loko's without crying about polotics?!" - NLXsGay


Well-Known Member
^ Jealous that he can't even hold down 3 peach Schmirnoff Ice's...."Why can't I drink more than 5 Fruit Punch Four-Loko's without crying about polotics?!" - ANALEXCESSGAY1
ever so mildly edited.

apparently i'm now a major drunk because i once had 7 beers in one night to celebrate my first harvest out of a new grow room. i wanted to have more, but 7 was all i could get down.

the funniest part is that no matter how drunk i have been, i have never asked someone to show me iran's route to the sea if not through a country they don;t even border, i have never linked forest fires to global cooling, i have never deluded myself into believing that polling was a liberal media conspiracy, i have never thought alberta was located domestically...should i even go on?


Well-Known Member
Good old racism will never die, people always have to blame there problems on someone and people who are different are the best targets.

Thats why you guys should buy Uncle fssalaska's Ethnic cleansing Soap
photo+(2).jpg< start with the kids ! got to love humans ;p


Well-Known Member
ever so mildly edited.

apparently i'm now a major drunk because i once had 7 beers in one night to celebrate my first harvest out of a new grow room. i wanted to have more, but 7 was all i could get down.

the funniest part is that no matter how drunk i have been, i have never asked someone to show me iran's route to the sea if not through a country they don;t even border, i have never linked forest fires to global cooling, i have never deluded myself into believing that polling was a liberal media conspiracy, i have never thought alberta was located domestically...should i even go on?
That shit is the funniest part. Some people's kids, bro. Grats on your chop. Hoping it's super fruituitous (is that a word?) If it's as green as your last, it should be tasty and lovely as fuck.

Deluded for pointing out the truth? False. +rep (till I spread that shizz)


Well-Known Member
Boston and Chicago huh......so much for your Southern Talking Points.
Won't even take a few mins to hear out Williams and Sowell but here's a link to 30 pages....riiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Same guy?

Mohammed Abdul Latif Jameel, president of ALJ, said: &#8220;Today&#8217;s announcement demonstrates our commitment to build world-class real estate developments that meet the two key requirements of the Kingdom &#8211; creating more jobs and meeting the demand for homes.&#8221;


Well-Known Member
Boston and Chicago huh......so much for your Southern Talking Points.
Won't even take a few mins to hear out Williams and Sowell but here's a link to 30 pages....riiiiiiiiiiiiight.
you forgot to attack UB's character like the standard 2 year olds.....If UB isn't worried about his obvious 7 beer alcoholism, then why should we take what he has to say into context?


Well-Known Member
Boston and Chicago huh......so much for your Southern Talking Points.
Won't even take a few mins to hear out Williams and Sowell but here's a link to 30 pages....riiiiiiiiiiiiight.
you only have to skim a page or two to get the idea. racism is not dead.

you really think this would go any better in the south? there's that trademark delusion you racist righties are known for.